» Fiction » Platinum Dust (Urban Fiction), K.C Blaze [free romance novels TXT] 📗

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both laughing and sharing stuff about our lives. I didn’t realize that all of that sharing was to get information on Raheim. We were inseparable for two weeks calling each other every day and night and seeing each other before, during and after the prayer meetings, bible studies and Sunday church services. My weakest moment came when I kissed her out of nowhere after walking her to her car and I swear that was the best kiss I ever had.

            I couldn’t stop thinking about her and gladly accepted her offer to come to a ‘bible study’ at her house. She told me to meet her on 69th street by the tower theatre at 8:30pm. When I got there a black ford explorer with tinted windows pulled up in front of me. The window rolled down just enough for me to see her and then the doors opened up with two big dudes jumping out to hustle me into the car. One held my arms while the other put a cloth up to my nose. I can’t remember much after that except waking up in this ridiculous room in my boxers and handcuffed. I was still confused until a short brown skinned chic came in talking at me before hitting me over the head with a hard metal object. Screaming about it being Raheim’s fault. Right when the crazy broad was about to hit me in the head again Pam came outta nowhere screaming for her not to hurt my face. She wouldn’t look me in the eyes for the first few days.

            However, her guilt didn’t keep her away for too long cause a few days later she came in apologizing for everything and that she was forced to do it while she rode me into repentance. Periodically the other chick would come in saying it was a shame I was so fine but she had to do what she had to do. Which also meant she had to beat me for the sins of my brother. I refused to cry out when she hit me and that made her angrier. A few times I told her I would pray for her and I hoped God could forgive her in spite of her sins. That usually got her to stop and to walk out of the room.

            I could hear footsteps getting closer to my holding room. I knew they were Pam’s being here left me with nothing better to do but memorize sounds. The door cracked open and she slipped inside of the room. Even in the dim light I could tell she was worried about something.

“Listen, this is starting to get outta hand. I know you probably hate me but I swear I didn’t want things to go this far”

“What are you talking about? What’s happening?”

“Be quiet, I’m not supposed to say anything. I will come back later but I swear I’m sorry” she walked up to my chair and kissed me on my lips like she didn’t expect to see me later. That scared me and caused my heart to start beating outta my chest. What was about to happen?

“Pam, please tell me, is something wrong with my brother?” tears welled up in my eyes. I needed to get out of here and the only way I knew how was to fight my way out but my hands were tied.

“Your bro is coming at 8, he’s gonna trade places with you. I promise I will come back in an hour, just give me some time.”

            After what felt like hours in silence I could hear voices bouncing all over the walls. Some of the voices were deeper than what I was used to. They were men, some laughing while others shouted orders. I strained to hear what they were talking about, though my arms were tied I could still stand and walk closer to the door. One of the deeper male voices was saying that he won’t know what hit him, and let’s see how pretty his ass is when I finish with him. I assumed the “he” they were talking about was Raheim but I couldn’t understand why he was in so much trouble. I knew one day his weakness for multiple women would eventually catch up with him but this was a bit more dramatic even for him. I walked quickly over to my chair when I heard Pam’s footsteps coming closer to the door again.

“I’m gonna loosen your handcuffs but please don’t try to get out until I give you a signal.” She walked behind me and loosened the grip on the handcuffs. My skin was raw and irritated but felt instant relief from the metal baring into my skin.

“In another life we coulda been together.”

“We can still be together. I know this isn’t you. I’ve seen the real you Pam and I swear I won’t be mad if you help me get outta this situation. I’m not sure what my brother did but if I can just talk to him we can probably find a solution.” I tried to reason with her.

“Amir, they not tryna hear your gospel, bible toting solutions. You brotha broke Showboat’s jaw in three different places and he crushed his windpipe. What makes it worse is that his boy Dre is Showboats enemy. They out to get revenge and it ain’t nothing nobody can do about it.” She shook her head like she thought I was crazy or naïve I couldn’t tell.

“God can do something about it” I tried to convince myself of that.

“Then you betta start praying now then.” She kissed me again and walked out of the room. Sweat beads started forming around my eyebrows. I was getting more nervous and more agitated. I figured out that my hands could actually squeeze out of the handcuffs with a little prying. I was determined not to die like this. I refused to let my brother die like my father, over a woman. A calmness washed over me and for the first time since I arrived here I felt at peace. However, a sinking feeling let me know that I would need more than just prayer if I wanted to make it out of here alive. When Pam left I could hear a dude shout.

“Yo, why you keep going in that room?”

“Mike go ahead wit all dat” Pam yelled back but the dude kept going. His voice sounded like it was getting closer.

“I’m not fucking joking Pam. Why the fuck you keep going in there? Don’t tell me you caught feelings for that muthafucka” Before I knew it I could hear Pam scream and the room door flew open. Pam looked weak in comparison to the tall muscular dude gripping her by the arm. He had a huge pistol in his hand and he pointed it right at my chest.

“Now tell me again, did you catch feelings for this nigga?” He sounded like the wrong answer would most definitely result in my death. She stared me directly in the eyes and shouted.

“Hell no, now stop tripping and get off my damn arm you’re hurtin me.” She yanked her arm away and turned out of the room. I knew she just saved my life and I knew she was lying but I didn’t have time to think about that right now. Before he turned to leave he walked up to within an inch of my face and punched me in my stomach hard enough to make me hurl yesterday’s lunch. I knew now that they were gonna ambush Raheim. I knew then that I needed to do something but I wasn’t clear yet on what



            The plane couldn’t land fast enough. I walked as fast as I could to the exit sign and looked around out front for Raheim’s aunt. It was already five o’clock and everything in me told me that my time was limited. Finally I saw a light brown lady wearing a black shirt and pair of jeans. She waved me over and we both met somewhere in the middle. For a moment we looked at each other and then she hugged me. I relaxed into her arms and fought back tears.

“You can put that bag in the trunk” she opened the trunk and let me place my carryon bag inside.

“Do you know where he is?” I tried to check my voice cause I swear I wanted to jump out of my skin.

“Honey, things are a bit crazy right now. Amir is missing and Raheim is going to get him at 8 tonight. He looked all crazy when he came to my house but he wanted me to know how he feels about you and he wants you taken care.”

Why did it sound like things were so final. Was she trying to say he thought he might die tonight?

“Ms. Sadie, I need to talk to Raheim today, it’s important did he tell you where he was going?”

“No, he just said he wanted me to pick you up from the airport and to make sure you were taken care of.” Before she could finish her sentence I had my cell up to my ear dialing his number. All I knew is that his ass better pick up or I would be on a one woman mission across Philly trying to find his ass. After the fourth ring his voicemail picked up telling me to kindly leave him a message.

“Raheim, WHERE ARE YOU?” I shouted before ending the call. I couldn’t take this drama, not right now and especially not with a baby hanging over my fate.

“Don’t worry he’ll be ok” I knew she thought she was helping me with that weak ass cliché but it wasn’t alright and it wouldn’t be until I saw my man again. I stared at the fast moving cars whizzing by on the highway and I tried to recall any information that would help me find Raheim.



            I saw Felicia’s number calling into my phone but I was sitting in Dre’s car trying to clear my head. This shit was heavy and I wasn’t really ready for what might happen. Dre sat with me in silence for a few minutes before speaking up.

“You know I love Amir like a brother and I will do whatever it takes to get him back. But I gotta tell you that Showboat is a real ignorant ass muthafucka. He’s gonna come hardcore especially since you already got the best of him. We gotta be smart about this shit so stick to the plan and things will work out for the best.” I took a deep breath and tried not to focus on how dangerous this situation could be.

            The plan was to have me go in alone with my cellphone strapped to my back. We would have Dre on the line waiting for my cue. When they heard the cue Dre and his boys would come in with guns blazing and I would grab Amir and roll out. It seemed to clear cut but I knew how many things could go wrong. I didn’t want to show fear especially in front of my best friend but the heart grows weak under pressure.

“Rah, stay cool man. You know I got her back and stop stressing. We bout to show that sucka who run this city.” He held out his hand for one of our handshakes. I sure as hell hope he was right cause I didn’t feel dying today. We both stepped out of the car at the same time walking into his house in West Philly. The house was filled with a nervous energy and more than twenty dudes willing to die to save my brother. I felt humbled and appreciative cause I can’t say I would be willing to die for another man’s cause.

            Candy was walking around half naked passing out drinks while all eyes were locked on the table covered with every type of semi-automatic weapons imaginable.

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