» Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Three, Heather Ray [life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Three, Heather Ray [life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

"I don't know, Ray," Tamara sighed, her dark eyes following the Purple Enforcer as she hovered near the ceiling, "Do you really think there'll be a secret door somewhere?"

The leader of the Spectrum Force shrugged. "Why not? There was a secret door to get in, right?"

"Yeah, but that's to stop uninvited guests from finding the place. The only way anyone could find the door is to see the light, so only good guys can get in, right?"

"Maybe this Gaius guy is paranoid?" Keith offered, discreetly digging into his pocket. He slowly drew his hand out, his fist clenched tightly.

"My God, Keith, I can't believe you!" Tamara fumed, grabbing his wrist and shaking it wildly. To Keith's dismay, his grip gave way, letting two dozen small green spheres roll along the granite floor.

Rachel floated lower, her arms folded. "Do you have a death wish?"

He frowned. "They're peas

! They look like peas, they smell like peas… they even grow in those little pods! What are the chances they're poisonous?"

"Whatever they are, they're not worth taking

!!" Tamara shouted.

"Come on!" Keith retorted petulantly, "At worst case, maybe I'll get a little queasy… but it's better than starving!"

A smirk touched Rachel's lip. "Maybe he's right," she contributed, her boots touching the ground.

Tamara stared at her roommate, aghast. "What?"

"What's the big deal about a little nausea?" She picked up one of the "peas" with two fingers. "Sure, it'll be uncomfortable, but when we get back, Spectra can probably cure him."

Keith grinned. "Yeah!"

The Purple Enforcer then walked to Keith, and dropped the "pea" in his hand. "Of course, before Spectra can do anything, we'd have to get back home… through the Hyperspace Portal. Spinning and rolling through Hyperspace, a thousand times faster than light speed…"

Both girls watched as Keith's triumphant grin gradually collapsed into a grimace. His blue eyes slid toward the tiny green sphere in his palm; tempting just a moment ago.

"I think I lost my appetite."

Tamara snatched the "pea" before her boyfriend could change his mind.


Rachel winced, hands instinctively flying to her temples as Matthew's urgent cry rang between her ears.

Keith and Tamara stared at their friend in concern. "What?" they both demanded in unison.

"It's Matt. Something's wrong with Jocelyn."

She lifted off the ground, her aura burning an angry purple instantly. "Sync and follow me downstairs," she ordered, before vanishing in a flash of light.

Tamara and Keith traded urgent looks, before holding their rings to the sky. "Spectrum Sync!"

In less than a second, the Purple, Yellow, and Red Enforcers streaked down the stairs, and came to a sudden halt right outside the medical ward.

All stared in astonishment as Green crashed through the wall, filling the room with dust and small chunks of rock.

They were even more shocked to see the Orange Enforcer step through the hole after him, calmly brushing the gray dust from her sleeves.

"Jocelyn! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Red demanded. He landed about a foot in front of her, his hands falling to her shoulders.

Her head inclined, apparently gazing at him for a moment. She then cocked her head, and watched as Yellow rushed to aid Green.

"I was wondering how long it would take him to call for reinforcements," she admitted. The voice was Jocelyn's… but there was a tone of vicious scorn Keith had never heard in his friend's speech.

She then turned back to Keith, her body going rigid. "Let go."

Keith grunted as a wave of orange energy leapt from her chest; throwing him into the far wall with such overwhelming force, he crashed right through the meter thick granite.

He collapsed into a boneless heap amidst the heavy debris and the green grass of the surrounding forest.

Orange moved to follow, until a wall of vibrant purple blocked her way.

She sneered beneath her mask, pivoting to see the Purple Enforcer hovering behind her, silently manipulating energy into a spherical shell to encase her.

Purple hung stiffly in the air. "Who are you?"

Rather than answer, Orange flexed her arms. The faint orange aura around her body began flashing with increased energy, and then flowed from her, clinging to the inner wall of the purple sphere.

The energy then focused directly above Orange's head, and forced a hole in the top of the bubble. "Someone who obviously has far more experience with the power of Light, Human."

Rachel quickly leapt backwards, barely dodging a cannonball of energy. Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could I forget our shields merge when they touch? But… how did she know that?

It was clear it wasn't Jocelyn they were fighting. True, it was Jocelyn's body, and even her powers; but it definitely wasn't her mind that decided to pulverize her friends. Somebody else was in there…

*We've gotta get her out of here, Ray!* Matthew's mind-voice shouted urgently. *Its way too tight, and we're doing some major damage to Gaius' equipment!*

*I'll distract her, you grab her!* Rachel commanded. She threw her body backward to avoid another sphere of powerful energy, and planted her feet against the wall. Pushing with all her might, she leapt forward like a spring, folding her arms over her head. Her forearms became a battering ram that connected solidly with Orange's stomach, sending the younger girl crashing to the floor.

Sorry about that, Joce…

The instant Orange skidded to a halt, her body was locked within the tight grasp of Green. Wasting no time, he zipped through the hole created by Keith, flying over the Red Enforcer as well as Yellow, who was urging him to his feet.

"Jocelyn!" Matthew shouted, his voice rising above the sound of the wind, "Can you hear me? Answer me!"

"She can't," Orange replied, her power igniting around her, "I

speak through her mouth. I

see through her eyes. And I

strike through her hands!"

The energy leapt forward, tearing a tree out from its roots. Matthew gaped in astonishment as the enormous plant sped toward him at breakneck speed.

His distraction was enough for Orange to slip out of his grip. Fortunately, he was able to dodge just as the tree streaked passed him, dissolving into splinters as it smashed into the mountain.

Matthew breathed deeply, recovering his bearings from the near miss. Slowly, he floated backwards, to where Rachel, Tamara, and Keith had gathered.

"So," Keith muttered, absently rubbing his sore head, "what's Plan B?"

Chapter Forty

*Your mind swims in doubts, Warrior.*

Craig quirked an eyebrow. His gaze followed the Midjinari girl, watching as she nimbly slipped between trees, upraised roots, and foliage.

What makes you say that?

he thought. They had long since decided to keep verbal conversation to a minimum, to reduce the likelihood of being spotted by any wandering Shadows during their exhausting hike through the Edenian forest.

*Doubt tenses your muscles. Furrows your brow. And to match these visual cues, there are even more potent mental cues.*

Craig frowned, tapping his sweat-damp temple. You're not poking around up here, are you?

She slowed down, and gazed at him quizzically. Craig found himself uncomfortable under the scrutiny of those wide, cat-like eyes.

*I apologize,* she finally offered. *I did not mean to intrude. Midjinari communicate freely telepathically. We speak when we can, but there is a constant mental connection between us. There are… so few of us left.*

How many of you are there, anyway?

Craig wondered.

*We as a people have been scattered throughout the universe, fulfilling our duty to slow the onslaught of Death. My tribe has watched the Diadem for generations, and you have seen us all.*

The Blue Enforcer blinked. You mean, the four of you??

She nodded solemnly.

I'm… sorry, Mashal.

*It is the sacrifice we make. The Diadem must be protected at all costs. Edenia is ideal, with the vast amount of sunshine brightening the entire sphere… yet the environment is detrimental to us. We remain enclosed as much as possible.*

Craig silently processed that information. An entire species of people, dedicated to protect the Diadem. Who knew how many of Mashal's tribe had died? How much did they sacrifice, for what seemed to be an impossible mission?

His thoughts were an open book to the telepath. *The sacrifice is great, and the road we tread is difficult. All who fight Death travel that same path… including you and your allies.*

Craig winced. Only recently he'd begun to consider the sacrifices he was making… the sacrifices he would have

to make in the future. And whenever he did, his spirits sank.

Can I do this?

He didn't mean to transmit his thoughts, but he did.

*You must have faith in yourself,* Mashal noted, repeating her advice from their first encounter. *You must believe that you are able to complete the mission entrusted to you. You would not have been chosen if you were unworthy.*

He sighed. That wasn't very comforting. Mashal, I wasn't chosen by the Light, the Diadem, or whatever other powers are out there. My friend picked me.

Despite his somber mood, a small smile touched his lip at Rachel's words. "There's no one else I'd rather have serve by my side as the Blue Enforcer…"

She'd really meant it. She didn't just say it, to persuade him to take the ring. And she didn't just pick him because he was her friend.

She picked him because she trusted

him. And Rachel Castaneda wasn't the type of person to depend on others… so her vote of confidence spoke volumes.

*You do not appreciate the depth of being Chosen,* Mashal informed him. *You were chosen by your friend, but from where did she get the power to choose?*

Spectra, a member of the Denebian Remnant, gave her the Spectrum Stones.

*And Spectra must have been given the Spectrum Stones by Luminus, the High Father and founder of the Remnant.*

Craig blinked. He sounds important.

*He is. He was chosen by the Light. He touched the Diadem. His wisdom guides the Warriors of Light. He would not choose Spectra unless she were worthy of choosing proper warriors. Spectra would not have chosen your friend unless she found that one equally worthy. And your friend chose you. So you have been chosen by the Light.*

That's… an interesting point of view,

Craig confessed. It had never occurred to him to give his fate that much thought. Was

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