» Fiction » The Parisians — Complete, Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton [christmas read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Parisians — Complete, Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton [christmas read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton

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much to know when you had news from Duplessis. He and your fair fiancee are with your aunt still staying at Rochebriant?”

“Certainly. A pigeon arrived this morning with a few lines. All well there.”

“And Duplessis thinks, despite the war, that he shall be able, when the time comes, to pay Louvier the mortgage-sum?”

“He never doubts that. His credit in London is so good. But of course all works of improvement are stopped.”

“Pray did he mention me?—anything about the messenger who was to pierce the Prussian lines?”

“What! has the man not arrived? It is two weeks since he left.”

“The Uhlans have no doubt shot him—the assassins, and drunk up my 25,000 francs—the thieves.”

“I hope not. But in case of delay, Duplessis tells me I am to remit to you 2,000 francs for your present wants. I will send them to you this evening.”

“How the deuce do you possess such a sum?”

“I came from Brittany with a purse well filled. Of course I could have no scruples in accepting money from my destined father-in-law.”

“And you can spare this sum?”

“Certainly—the State now provides for me; I am in command of a Breton company.”

“True. Come and dine with me and De Breze.”

“Alas! I cannot. I have to see both the Vandemars before I return to the camp for the night. And now-hush—come this way (drawing Frederic further from De Breze), I have famous news for you. A sortie on a grand scale is imminent; in a few days we may hope for it.”

“I have heard that so often that I am incredulous.”

“Take it as a fact now.”

“What! Trochu has at last matured his plan?”

“He has changed its original design, which was to cut through the Prussian lines to Rouen, occupying there the richest country for supplies, guarding the left bank of the Seine and a watercourse to convoy them to Paris. The incidents of war prevented that: he has a better plan now. The victory of the army of the Loire at Orleans opens a new enterprise. We shall cut our way through the Prussians, join that army, and with united forces fall on the enemy at the rear. Keep this a secret as yet, but rejoice with me that we shall prove to the invaders what men who fight for their native soil can do under the protection of Heaven.”

“Fox, Fox, mon cheri,” said Lemercier, as he walked towards the cafe Riche with De Breze; “thou shalt have a festin de Balthazar under the protection of Heaven.”


On leaving Lemercier and De Breze, Savarin regained the Boulevard, and pausing every now and then to exchange a few words with acquaintances—the acquaintances of the genial author were numerous—turned into the quartier Chaussee d’Antin, and gaining a small neat house, with a richly-ornamented facade, mounted very clean, well-kept stairs to a third story. On one of the doors on the landing-place was nailed a card, inscribed, “Gustave Rameau, homme de lettres.” Certainly it is not usual in Paris thus to afficher one’s self as a “man of letters”? But Genius scorns what is usual. Had not Victor Hugo left in the hotel-books on the Rhine his designation “homme de lettres”? Did not the heir to one of the loftiest houses in the peerage of England, and who was also a first-rate amateur in painting, inscribe on his studio when in Italy, “—artiste”? Such examples, no doubt, were familiar to Gustave Rameau, and “homme de lettres” was on the scrap of pasteboard nailed to his door.

Savarin rang; the door opened, and Gustave appeared. The poet was, of course, picturesquely attired. In his day of fashion he had worn within doors a very pretty fanciful costume, designed after portraits of the young Raffaelle; that costume he had preserved—he wore it now. It looked very threadbare, and the pourpoint very soiled. But the beauty of the poet’s face had survived the lustre of the garments. True, thanks to absinthe, the cheeks had become somewhat puffy and bloated. Grey was distinctly visible in the long ebon tresses. But still the beauty of the face was of that rare type which a Thorwaldsen or a Gibson seeking a model for a Narcissus would have longed to fix into marble.

Gustave received his former chief with a certain air of reserved dignity; led him into his chamber, only divided by a curtain from his accommodation for washing and slumber, and placed him in an arm-chair beside a drowsy fire—fuel had already become very dear.

“Gustave,” said Savarin, “are you in a mood favourable to a little serious talk?”

“Serious talk from M. Savarin is a novelty too great not to command my profoundest interest.”

“Thank you,—and to begin: I who know the world and mankind advise you, who do not, never to meet a man who wishes to do you a kindness with an ungracious sarcasm. Irony is a weapon I ought to be skilled in, but weapons are used against enemies, and it is only a tyro who flourishes his rapier in the face of his friends.”

“I was not aware that M. Savarin still permitted me to regard him as a friend.”

“Because I discharged the duties of friend—remonstrated, advised, and warned. However, let bygones be bygones. I entreated you not to quit the safe shelter of the paternal roof. You insisted on doing so. I entreated you not to send to one of the most ferocious of the Red, or rather, the Communistic, journals, articles, very eloquent, no doubt, but which would most seriously injure you in the eyes of quiet, orderly people, and compromise your future literary career for the sake of a temporary flash in the pan during a very evanescent period of revolutionary excitement. You scorned my adjurations, but at all events you had the grace not to append your true name to those truculent effusions. In literature, if literature revive in France, we two are henceforth separated. But I do not forego the friendly interest I took in you in the days when you were so continually in my house. My wife, who liked you so cordially, implored me to look after you during her absence from Paris, and, enfin, mon pauvre garcon, it would grieve me very much if, when she comes back, I had to say to her, ‘Gustave Rameau has thrown away the chance of redemption and of happiness which you deemed was secure to him.’ A l’oeil malade, la lumiere nuit.”

So saying, he held out his hand kindly.

Gustave, who was far from deficient in affectionate or tender impulses, took the hand respectfully, and pressed it warmly.

“Forgive me if I have been ungracious, M. Savarin, and vouchsafe to hear my explanation.”

“Willingly, mon garcon.”


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