» Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One, Heather Ray [i love reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One, Heather Ray [i love reading .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Fifteen

"These humans don't put up much of a fight!" Scorpina scoffed, casually stretching upon a low rooftop of a residence. Beside her, hovering by the power of his wings, Goldar continued firing blasts of energy, catching fire to homes and causing structures to explode.

"Patience," he reminded her, glancing at her as she yawned theatrically, "The Rangers won't take long to arrive."

She smirked. "And I'll finally get to see the warriors that constantly put you to shame?"

Goldar's breath rumbled in his throat. "They just got lucky."

"Three years of continuous luck? That's impressive."

Goldar growled once again, launching himself to the ground. He stomped the earth heavily, watching the crowds run for cover.

They didn't panic like they had the first time he invaded Gateway City.

Now, such attacks were almost common.

"They will fear me again," Goldar muttered, "The Rangers won't save you this time! Do you hear me, Humans?!"

"There's no need to shout," a voice snarled, as a sharp pain sent shivers throughout Goldar's entire body, "We can hear you just fine."

The pain was excruciating... unlike anything he felt before. Something collided with his neck, frying his body with electrical waves and causing shimmering green sparks to channel along his armor.

His every sense overwhelmed, Goldar collapsed to the ground like a broken puppet.

The Green Ranger stood over the downed warrior, his fist still smoking from the Dragonheart Pulse he had generated. But something was different this time. The Pulse had irradiated more light and energy than he'd ever managed to muster before.

A cold grin pulled his lips. Perhaps rage was a weapon he should use more often...

"Only one Ranger?" a sultry voice sighed, "How disappointing."

Erol turned as a lithe form flipped toward him. She landed with the grace of a bird, and stood before him holding a curved sword.
She looked remarkably human, but her costume made the Green Ranger cautious. The gold plating was too similar to Goldar's armor to be mere coincidence.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure," Erol spat, crouching.
She smirked. "No you haven't. I am Scorpina, Goldar's partner in conquest!"

And with that introduction, she too lowered into a battle position, her saber held at the ready. "And that is the last pleasure you will ever know."

Chapter Sixteen

It seemed she had no power other than to sob in remorse for all she had lost.

It was truly over now... Erol would never forgive her. How could he?
After the things that she said

to him.

No more casual, sunny afternoons at the creek. No more stargazing in the late hours of the night. No more companionship, in its simplest form.

They could never be that close again. The shadow of the Power Rangers would remain between them, stunting any true joy before it could even grow.

She flipped onto her back, staring up at the black ceiling. Erol's words rang in her mind like a knell.

"Isn't love what separates us from Rita and her henchmen? Why is love selfish

? Or shameful?!"

He was right... it didn't make sense. Love felt so... right. How could it be shameful? Or even selfish? It was so natural.

Could something that wonderful actually harm her, or put the Earth in danger? Isn't love what encouraged her to fight in the first place?

She frowned in confusion, wiping the moisture that soaked her face. "Nothing makes sense any more."

Suddenly, the alarm claxons forced her to rise from her bed. She hastily ran from her room, not caring to fix her appearance.

All the Rangers openly stared as the tear-stained face of the Purple Ranger appeared in the Command Center.

"Kreia?" Linis murmured, his jaw hanging open, "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing," she insisted, turning to meet Zordon's aghast stare.

"What's going on?"

Zordon snapped out of his surprise. "TURN YOUR ATTENTION TO THE VIEWING GLOBE, RANGERS."

The six surrounded the crystal sphere. All eyes widened at the fierce battle that ensued between the Green Ranger and an unknown armored woman.

"What's Erol doing out there?" Zale wondered aloud. Through the corner of his eye, he glanced at Kreia's bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks. He frowned as realization dawned on him.

"Let's go," the Red Ranger decided, "Erol needs our help."

"Be careful," Regita advised, "The opponent Erol is facing isn't one of Rita's usual monsters."

Cherise frowned. "How is she different?"

"She doesn't exude the same magical signature the other creatures always have. Therefore, she isn't a magical creation. She is an alien."

Sener nodded. "So she's alive. Like Goldar."

Regita confirmed the hypothesis.

"If she's anything like Goldar, then she's dangerous," Kazu pointed out,

"and Erol doesn't look like he's in the best emotional state."

The Purple Ranger cast a furious glare at Kazu. His eyebrow rose in response to the overt fury in her eyes.

"Then let's not waste another moment," Zale decided.

Chapter Seventeen

Erol growled under his breath as he leapt to the ground, the buzzing sound of Scorpina's deadly Sting whizzing just over his head. He painfully returned to his feet, careful not to further injure his wounded leg with jarring motion.

The first time Scorpina tossed her sword into the air, creating a disc of radiant energy, Erol simply dodged it. It wasn't that impressive, after all.

But the second time it sliced through the air, it made contact with his thigh, sending rivers of pain throughout his body.

It was more than a mere Sting. It was almost numbing.


The Green Ranger jumped, his attention flying from his crafty opponent. He stared as the remaining six Rangers burst onto the scene, the Purple Ranger continuing to run toward him.

He frowned as he watched Kreia throw caution to the winds. She ignored the rule of revealing their identities by referring to him by name, and her scream was sufficient to distract him from the fight at hand.

But there was so much worry in her voice, he couldn't tune it out... until Scorpina's foot crashed into his thigh, digging into the wound.

Erol screamed in pain, collapsing to the ground. Fresh blood poured from the injury, staining the grass beneath him.

Kreia then lifted into the air, her ankle wings beating desperately as she streaked toward him. But before she could get too close, a wave of gold flames slammed into her body, sending her careening to the ground like a bird with its wings clipped.

Goldar chuckled as the Purple Ranger tried to recover her bearings.

"What? You didn't notice I was here?"

Kreia frowned, rising to her feet with the aid of the Red Ranger. "Keep your head, Kreia," he whispered, "Remember, this new monster isn't one of Finster's creations. This is a true warrior."

Kreia nodded, her glance turning to the new monster for a moment. She was surprisingly beautiful, and human in appearance.

But the bloodlust that gleamed in her black eyes left no doubt in

Kreia's mind... Erol was fighting a terrifying monster. Alone.

"I'll help Erol," she said, once the Rangers regrouped, "The rest of you can fight Goldar."

"We've got people to attend to, Purple," Zale reminded her, "Blue and Pink, help get the people out of here. Black, see if you can calm the fires. Yellow, you help Green." He then gazed at Kreia. "You're with me."

She was about to protest, but the commanding tone in which Zale spoke left no room for argument. And she knew the wisdom of his strategy... she was too distraught to be wary enough to battle this new monster. At least she was familiar with Goldar's abilities. If she dared battle this female monster, she surely wouldn't be prepared to counterattack whatever skills the mysterious opponent had.

Kazu was always excellent at improvising. He would insure Erol's safety.

Chapter Eighteen

"Saber-toothed Tiger Tail Whip!"

A wave of sinuous yellow-gold energy spun around the Yellow Ranger's body, swirling like a spring before it dove into action.

The energy rope sliced through the air, and caught the flying gold disc in motion.

Scorpina growled furiously as she watched her saber float into the newcomer's hands.

"So, the cavalry has come to save your useless life," she commented dryly, watching as the Green Ranger painfully rose to his feet once again, "You certainly are a stubborn species."

Anger boiled in Erol's heart as he stole one quick glance at Kreia.

She distracted him. Thanks to her

, he nearly died at the hands of this slip of a monster.

Regita was right... love was weak.

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