» Fiction » Sensei of Shambala, Anastasia Novykh [love story novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «Sensei of Shambala, Anastasia Novykh [love story novels in english txt] 📗». Author Anastasia Novykh

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“What a pity you didn’t,” the Teacher said jokingly with disappointment. “At least once in your life you would feel good. Sometimes it really helps.”
“Sensei, tell us the recipe for this poison,” Stas jokingly joined the conversation, evidently being the first to recover after that shock.
“Well, the recipe is simple. You need to know where, when and how.”
“It sounds logical, but could you give us more detail?” Volodya made an attempt to clarify.
“In detail? There is a great number of BAPs in the human body.”
“Whatsh?” Eugene didn’t understand.
“BAPs – biologically active points.”
“Thshey are not pointshs, damn itsh! Thshey are balishtic misshiles!” Eugene said it with ironic indignation. “Moreover, witsh auotshopilotsh.”
The guys smiled at his zealous speech.
“Absolutely correct. It proves once again that any knowledge can be turned into a weapon. So, this effect of ballistic auto-piloted missiles is caused by no other reason than an accurate point impact on biologically active points of a human body.”
“And what are these points?” one of the guys asked with interest. “How do they work?”
“Well, it’s a certain area of the skin with common innervation. Located in this zone, receptors send signals through nerves which in turn transfer these signals not only into the spinal cord but also through centripetal and extraspinal tracts up to the cerebrum. There happens to be a certain fusion of seemingly unconditioned reflexes. Moreover, this process is reflected in cortical analyzers as well, with the formation of conditioned-reflex connections. In other words, to put it simply, a certain order for the body is being formed there.”
“If so, will it lead to such an effect?”
“Not just one effect. A man can be frozen for some time or knocked out, or finally programmed to cease existence on the physical level in a definite amount of time.”
“And do you only need to hit this point hard?”
“Not at all. All processes inside of the body take place at very small energy levels. If you affect these points with a threshold stimulus, that is to say, with a weak stimulus, it brings a much bigger influence on the body’s function than a strong stimulus.”
At that time, Eugene stood up and tried to walk around, all the while limping on the right with his right hand shaking. “My dshear mothsher, thshish gripsh, ash if I were laying on thshe right sidshe.”
“This lazy lie-abed,” Sensei joked. “He just wants to sleep and to eat well… You should train more!”
“Well, I kindsh of sweatedsh ash muchsh ash everybodshy.”
“I mean, you should train your mind more so as not to make an ass of yourself.”
“At which point did you ’kick’ him so easily?” Volodya was interested.
“This is a so-called Botkin-Erb point. If I had pressed in a bit another way, the effect would’ve been completely different. If I had affected the plexus of nearby splanchnic nerves with the same impact power, then I could’ve caused a spasm of the thyroid artery, which in turn would cause a disorder in the thyroid gland. This would’ve led to overall weakening of the immune system or its complete cessation. In that case, he would’ve died on his own from any infection.”
Eugene stopped moving after hearing such a speech, “Shanks, you shealy calm me witsh shuch a chsheerful pershpective.”
“You also said,‘Where, when and how,’” one of Volodya’s guys uttered. “What do you mean, where?”
“Well, apart from the fact that you need to know the exact location of the point and the power of applying impact to it, you need also to know the time of the day when this point is most active.”
“Hmm! And that’s all,” Volodya smiled.
Even now Eugene didn’t miss an opportunity to joke, still in his hissing language, “Tshell me, and doesn’t it come witsh the latesht map of the universh?”
Sensei smiled, “It depends for whom. For a dummy, even this won’t be enough.”
“And how can one understand all these points and use them?” Stas asked.
“The simplest way to understand something is, of course, to examine and to feel it in yourselves, especially the impulse of pressing, this is very important.”
“Aha, and if we screw up something in ourselves,” Victor made an assumption half in jest.
“You won’t screw up. There exist points-antagonists on the human body for this purpose, which neutralize the given stimulus or spasm. Everything in nature is maintained in equilibrium.”
“It’s better to try it on others,” Kostya proposed smiling.
“It won’t work,” Sensei said. “No matter how many times you try on the others, you’ll never achieve the right effect until you feel for yourself the power of this impact.”
“May we try it right now, during the fight?” some of Volodya’s guys asked.
“You may.”
“And may we?” someone else in the same company added.
“Yes, please.”
Three volunteers from Volodya’s team and Ruslan came up to Sensei. Stas, who also joined them, offered the same to Volodya who refused, saying, “I’m not your everlasting makiwara, you guys!”
“Well, well.”
Eugene hobbled, sitting next to Volodya on the sport bench, and addressed Stas, “Come on, guys. One shecondh and zhthere is no thongue nor head anymore. Andth itsh will be your own faultsh.”
“So, anybody else?” Sensei asked, looking at Volodya’s guys.
This time I screwed up my courage and put myself forward, evoking a smile on the faces of the surrounding guys.
“And what are you going to do?” Sensei was surprised.
A cowardly thought flashed in my head, “And really, why did I come up?” But it was too late to retreat:
“May I try?”
“Aren’t you afraid?”
“Only of tickling,” I got confused and blurted out my dad’s favorite joke.
“Alright, if you want to join the ranks of kamikaze, you are welcome.”
Already addressing the other volunteers he added, “Let’s work in full contact. Your task is to win this fight by any means.”
“May we work in a group?” one of Volodya’s guys asked.
“You may. Fight as you like, you have absolute freedom of actions.”
While Sensei turned around, Volodya’s guys came together into a circle, negotiating something in their own military language of gestures. Ruslan and Stas also whispered to one another. I stood among these giant athletic bodies like a mouse, without any idea what I could do, with my power of a small fly against a hurricane wind. Unfortunately nothing special came to my mind. “Alright, whatever will be, will be,” I thought.
The guys took up their fighting positions around Sensei. Only I stood in the same place. When the senior sempai gave the order to attack, Volodya’s guys surrounded Sensei from all sides and started to attack him at the same time on different levels. Surprisingly, Sensei easily avoided their strikes. He launched a counterattack so quickly, that all I saw were chaotically falling bodies. Terrified, I was shaking in my shoes. Then Ruslan and Stas tried to attack the Teacher. In fighting with them, Sensei turned with his back to me, only the distance of an outstretched arm. I made up my mind to do something immediately. Nothing else came into my mind but to catch hold of Sensei’s back, like a flea, so that he wouldn’t touch me. But when I tried to do my best to realize this idea, it turned out that my hands went through the emptiness, and instead of Sensei I caught air. I didn’t believe my eyes, right now he stood in front of me! “It’s easier to catch a ghost than Sensei,” I thought.
But then all my thoughts about the soul left suddenly when I realized Sensei had already completely bewildered the next unfortunate fighters. I turned around and ran away with all my might in the opposite direction. But having hardly made two steps, I got a light painful push somewhere in the vicinity of my first and second vertebrae. A bright, blinding light momentarily flashed before my eyes, as if I were illuminated by a bright powerful projector of some yellowy-pink color. All my body stood motionless in a rather unusual position with arms frozen wide, torso bent forward, and right leg half lifted. How I was balancing, I didn’t understand. But that time it worried me least of all.
I observed terrified what was happening to my muscles. They all as a single mechanism started to spasm despite my will and desire. And this overall spasm crept over all of my body. It seemed that the strain intensified with every second, and nothing was able to stop it. My body was being squeezed with such a strength that it seemed I heard my spine crackle. The most extraordinary thing was to feel the tension of my internal organs. It had never happened to me before. Even my strongest former headaches were trifles in comparison with this unbearable pain. The muscles of my face got so strained that it was distorted into a dreadful grimace.
Amazing, but despite all these transformations in my strained body, I kept a clear mind. I continued to clearly see and hear everything. I saw how guys from our group, observing all of that, changed their expressions, looking with fright at our frozen figures. I could clearly hear the words of Kostya addressed to me, “Oho! What a beauty you became, I can’t take my eyes off you.”
I wanted to reply to him sarcastically, but I couldn’t say a word, couldn’t even move my tongue. It seemed to me that an eternity passed while Sensei was bringing us back to life. But in reality, I hadn’t even stood one minute in this position. My whole body felt like pins and needles in all directions, as if I had simultaneously crushed all my extremities. My accomplices were actively rubbing their bodies. I hastily followed their example, though not so emotionally. My body was aching and hurting.
“Don’t worry,” Sensei reassured us. “In a couple of days, a maximum of three days, this pain will be over.”
Until the end of the additional training, all six of us were doing nothing but rubbing our extremities while suffering the tireless jokes of the other guys. When our company of cripples came outside, Volodya, who stood close to Sensei, said with admiration, “Splendid! It was a great training today. I warmed up my muscles well.”
“Oho, he warmed up his muscles!” I thought, hardly moving my legs. “If it continues like that, next time I will arrive in a wheelchair.” Our group of unfortunate fighters slowly toddled down the road, accompanied by funny jokes of our company.
“You don’t look bad, guys, just like in that joke,” Victor commented ironically.
“Which joke?”
“Well… two guys meet each other in the ER, bandaged from head to toe. One asks the other, ’Where did you manage to get hurt like that?’ ’I crashed into the garage.’ ‘Your car is probably smashed,’ the first one felt for him. ‘No, I was walking!’”
“But it’s not a joke, my body hurts,” I complained to the Teacher.
“Just don’t think about the pain. Because any pain is an illusion.”
“How can it be an illusion if I really feel it?”
“It just seems to you that you feel it. It’s possible to stop feeling any pain at all, if you wish strongly enough.”
“Really,” Slava asked with distrust, “even if they cut you up?”
“Even if they fry you,” Sensei answered with smile and added more seriously, “Because pain is a reaction of certain nerve endings to irritation, delivering a signal into the brain. If a man controls his body and mind perfectly, he can regulate his pain barrier. By the way, there is a ’katedo’ school in martial arts in which masters specially teach their followers
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