» Fiction » Loss Of Identity: Gus, Nicola Collings [libby ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Loss Of Identity: Gus, Nicola Collings [libby ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Nicola Collings

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and a bottle of red.” Replied Gus.

                The woman nodded and shuffled away.

                “House specials?” Amelia leant forwards in wonder.

                “You’re favourite dish- roast. I would have cooked but you know how it is.” Gus lost his smile momentarily.

                Amelia breathed in, as if about to say something, but then hunched slightly.

                “What’s up?” asked Gus.

                “I...Gus, I want to go back to your after this. I don’t want to go home.”

                He paused. “Is something wrong with your apartment?”

                “No, there’s nothing wrong with it. There couldn’t ever be anything wrong with it. Nothing bought for me by my father ever is. That’s why I want to go to yours!”

                “Of course! You know what’s mine is yours. There’ll always be a place for you there!”  Gus took her fragile, pale hand in his. Now it was his turn to be strong. He knew how much she hated her father.

                Their meal was satisfying and fulfilling and once the two had replenished themselves, they didn’t linger, not even to finish the wine. The floated, once again, in each other’s arms back through the streets, this time, stepping over into The Wynde and through the black streets. Sometimes people smiled and said hello, other’s waved, some just nudged the person next to them and snickered or pretended to vomit. Gus didn’t really know anyone on The Wynde- not like they said they knew everyone. Yes, people would greet him, but that was it. One second of friendship, but then it would fade again. He knew it was dangerous not to have any friends on The Wynde, but he didn't care, he had one now.

                Gus’ flat was modest, small, but quaint. Amelia had insisted she tidy it- she couldn’t have Gus living in squalid conditions, so in she came with mops, brushes and polishes. Gus was thankful. He was barely surviving on his own.

                Amelia dropped herself onto the sofa, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. Gus took the opportunity to show her just why he could barely survive. He’d recently made a big purchase!

                “I...I have something to give you.” He whispered in her ear, before disappearing to the kitchen where he’d hidden it. He took it from the corner of a cupboard, behind a stack of plates- a small silver box. He took the contents of it in his hand and said, “Stand in front of the mirror with your eyes closed.”

                Amelia stood up and stood in front of the mirror that hung over the fire place. Gus stood behind her, breathing in her scent and draped a silver chain around her pearly white neck.

                Amelia opened her eyes and gasped in delight when she saw the silver ‘A’.

                “It’s beautiful! How did you afford this?”

                “I didn’t!”

                “You shouldn’t have, Gus, you need that money.”

                “I don’t care.”

                And with that, Gus planted a long kiss on her lips. When he found Amelia kissing her back, he didn't want to stop. He wanted to be close to her. Not just her...


                Part 2: Becoming


                Gus led Amelia to his bed. They shared it that night, together, committing the glorious acts that nature intended. Together, they dwelled in the moments of pure pleasure, and, like the motion of the sea, poured into each other what love and passion they had accumulated. Between the sweat, the grease, the waves of heated passion, Gus knew that they would never truly be apart.

                Gus lay next to a sleeping Amelia, listening to her breath. He didn't quite have the heart to untangle himself from her peaceful form, but his night shift of a local pub beckoned to him. Glancing at his clock, he had half an hour before his shift. Trying not to stir Amelia, he reached for some clothes- jeans, a black vest and a denim, sleeveless jacket with a black hood- and started to dress.

                “Gus...” Amelia murmured, shifted position in Gus’ bed.

                “Sshh, sleep. I’ll be back in time for breakfast.” He whispered, leaning on the bed and kissing he lips softly.

                Gus was very much a night person, mostly because of his insomnia, but having a 1:00 a.m. shift at The Steamwork Clock was a good enough job for Gus. It was a source of income to go with his other day job as a mechanic, and although it didn’t pay as well as his main job, it was still money.

                Amelia murmured and relaxed back into the pillows, curling up in a Gus shaped crevice in the mattress.

                Before Gus could turn to reach for his work attire, there was a crash from his front door!  Amelia was wide awake before Gus could turn to see what the commotion was, and all he saw was her terrified face, staring wide eyed at whatever was behind Gus!

                There was a muffled thump, and whoever it was had hit Gus over the head with something heavy. Amelia screamed and Gus was behind carried from his flat. Strong, iron-like hands gripped his arms, shoulders and legs, carrying him face down. He tried to struggle through his disorientation, but whoever had Gus was too strong!

                There must be loads of them, he thought as he was carried from the building and into the road.

                The last thing he saw was the dark, hole-like shape of a car boot, before he was dropped and thrown into darkness...


                He’s contaminated her! He’s infected her with his vile blood! His very touch is infectious! I’ll never get her back now. Not even with the right education.

                But I can get my revenge. That much is a given. I want him wiped off the face of the earth. But not dead. I want him to experience what it’s like to lose everything. Even yourself...


                Gus heard voices, but grogginess clouded his thoughts.

                “So, we take him there, and then just...leave him?”

                “Yeah. Those are the orders. I don’t even know what this guy did!”

                Gus tried to shift, but he hit his head on something hard. The sound of a car engine. The gentle vibration of his tiny prison.

                He was in the boot of a car.

                “I think he made out with some girl.”

                “Oh, that blond bimbo- the bosses daughter. Christ! It’s a wonder the boss didn’t slit his throat! This must be one brave dude!”

                “Well, of he was from anywhere else, it would have just been a slit throat. He’s from The Wynde, apparently. And yeah, if he survives, he’ll be admired for his bravery. If anyone hears of him again. You hear...”

                “Yeah. That’s harsh, dude. That’s harsh. Even for the boss...”

                Gus knew for sure that the conversation was about him. If he survived what? Where were they taking him?


                “Yeah, here.”

                The car rolled to a stop and Gus was blinded with the light of day, and the heat of the desert flooded through him.

                The next thing he knew, his face was pressed against the gravelly ground and the sound of a car got further and further into the distance.

                Well shit!

                Gus lay in the heat, trying to break from his disorientation, but only managed to turn himself over and see the pink sky above him. How long was he out? It’s almost morning?

                Well, whatever Amelia’s father had done to him, Gus was sure he was gonna bounce back, ready to fight for his love!

                As the sun rose, and the morning heat started to sink in, Gus finally got up and looked around. The road was pale and dusty, almost hidden beneath the yellow sand! In the distance, he could make out a line of thick black against the jagged horizon.

                He started to walk slowly, back to Tyrell- the City of Stone.


                However hard he tried to mask his feelings of anger, Gus couldn’t get rid of the image of his girlfriend’s Father’s dead body. It haunted his thoughts, and, strangely enough, pleased him.  With her father dead, he’d be free...

                But could he sacrifice that freedom to be with Amelia.

                Of course! He’d sacrifice everything to be with her! Even his life!


                The walk to Tyrell was a slow one, but eventually, Gus stumbled into the shade, collapsing against a wall of a building, exhausted from the heat. Even with his hood up in an effort to protect him from the sun, it still burned.

                It would always burn

                Not stopping for long, the vision of being with Amelia again luring him onwards pulled him from his rest. He wandered through the Outskirts, his steps short and staggered, his breath short. When he got to the City centre, he claimed a bench and took a welcome rest. His flat wasn’t far. He didn't live far into The Wynde- just far enough.

                As Gus approached his flat, he started to look for his key in his pocket, but all his pockets were empty.


                He approached the window and made to break it, when he noticed the inside.

                He stopped.

                Everything had gone. Furniture. TV. Of what little he could see of the kitchen, everything looked empty. He went to the front door and stared in horror at the plastic sign nailed across it.

                FOR SALE.

                What? Did he have the right flat? Yes! This was defiantly his flat!

                He’d not wanted to sell it! He couldn’t afford to sell it! What was this?


                Amelia’s father had control over this kind of thing...

                Damn him! He’d no flat, all his stuff was gone!

                Identity! Phone! Money! Card!

                All his pockets were empty. Gus turned, not sure what to do. The shock was still but a cold sweat on his forehead, not yet sunk in.

                He stepped out onto one of the main roads. People sped by, very few of them in cars. People stood, talking to friends.

                Not one of them knew who Gus was.

                Not one of them could help him.

                There was only one place he could go.

                Gus strode of towards the city centre.


                Part 3: Existing.


                The building wasn’t very busy; in fact, there was only a janitor and the receptionist in the lobby. Gus felt surrounded by a fragile frame of a building, made form nothing but glass that could shatter at any moment.

                “Hi,” Gus said to the receptionist. “Can I see Mr. Princeton? I wish to speak to him.”

                The receptionist looked at him, stunned. “I’m sorry, you may only see him by appointment/

. He’s on a very tight schedule.”

                “I think you miss understand,” Gus replied, an edge of coldness in his tone. Fuck this, he was done being polite to this man. “He has something of mine, and this isn’t a request. I have to speak to him, whether you or your fancy fucking employees like it.”

                “Well...I, err...”

                “Got it?”

                The receptionist didn't answer, but picked up a phone.

                Gus suddenly felt confident.

                “Sir, there’s someone to see you. He seems adamant. I think it’s your daughter’s friend...”

                She put the phone down.

                “He’s coming.” She muttered and went back to her computer, her head down. He could tell she was scared.

                Gus didn’t move. Not until he saw the door of the lift nearby open and Amelia’s father step through.

                “What the fuck did you do? You bastard!” Gus yelled, moving towards him. Suddenly, security guys surrounded him, holding him back with their iron hands.

                “Where is she? Where is she? Where is she!” Gus yelled, struggling against the guards.

                “Now now, little Wynde boy. I’ve dealt with her, as I should have done long ago. You’ve done enough to her as it is.” Mr. Princeton replied, looking at his fingers.

                “What did you do to my flat?”

                “You need punishing. You will now know what it feels like to loose everything.”

                “Where’s Amelia? GIVE HER BACK YOU FUCKING MONSTER!” Gus yelled at the top of his voice, not caring about the scene he was causing, or the iron hands grasping at him, or the fact he

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