» Fiction » Fight For Your Life, Catherine Holland [best authors to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fight For Your Life, Catherine Holland [best authors to read txt] 📗». Author Catherine Holland

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blue eyes at Sean, she looked in his deep brown eyes and said “You’re enjoying this way too much Sean.” Sean shrugged his shoulders, “You should be as well.” Poppy leaned her head to the right, “How so? I have to sit all damn day in a beauty parlour with my dad’s new wife.”
Sean sighed, “Yes and whilst you get yourself pampered I have to go and keep an eye on your dad, at least you can get some enjoyment out of being pampered for the day.” He then winked at her and Poppy laughed. She took a look at her menu and then said, “Let’s go somewhere else for food, either that or get take-out to the room.” The waitress had been making her way over to their table and scowled at them as she heard the end of their conversation. Sean dropped a few bills on the table and then they left the small café together.
Back at their motel room Poppy was playing with her chicken pasta salad and Sean was playing with his own food, neither was feeling hungry but they knew they had to eat. After a few moments Poppy pushed her salad away and reached for her can of soda, she took a long drink of the cool liquid then moved to get the briefcase from under Sean’s bed.
She sat down on the floor and opened the briefcase, taking out the folder and reading through it once again; she still couldn’t believe that her dad had had her old home built again and that he and his new family were living in it. Her dad had taken down the willow tree that used to stand in the garden and had traded the grass for gravel.
Pictures had been included in the file so Poppy knew what her dad’s new wife looked like; she refrained from using the term ‘step-mother’ as she wanted no part of his new family and knew that she’d never be welcomed; her dad considered her and Sean dead along with the rest of their friends and parents. Her dad’s new wife was a blonde-haired, blue eyed woman of thirty five.
The baby wasn’t Paul’s and as far as Poppy could see his new wife Tracey had refrained from agreeing to Paul adopting her daughter Sonya. Poppy was glad about that on some level but knew that when her dad wanted something he usually got it; it appeared that so far Paul was playing it safe and not wanting to scare his new wife away.
They’d been married roughly eight months after Poppy and Sean’s parents had been buried, that told Poppy that her dad was using some sort of guilt trip on Tracey, either that or Tracey didn’t have a clue as to who or what Paul was capable of which was quite likely. Poppy heard Sean move back from the table and settled on the floor next to her, he then moved the file away from her and said “Poppy, you should eat.”
Poppy nodded but still didn’t move, and she knew that she’d lost a bit of weight since moving back from New Mexico. She saw Sean close the file and hold out a hand, she took it and he helped her up and they moved back to the small table in the motel room; Poppy picked at her food for a while and looked up to see Sean making an effort at eating as well.
After fifteen more minutes it became clear that neither of them would eat anything more, so Poppy took the food cartons outside and put them in the bin, then bought two more cokes and returned to the motel room; after she gave one to Sean she left hers opened on the table and moved to her bed, she grabbed her toiletry bag and pyjamas and then headed into the bathroom.
An hour later Poppy emerged after showering and changing into her pyjamas, she went to her coke and drained it then went over to her bed and pulled the covers back, she got in the bed and turned on the bedside table lights covering herself over as she got herself comfortable. She fell asleep thinking of what would happen tomorrow and whether she’d have the strength to sit and act nice around Paul’s new wife.
Sean emerged from the shower and saw Poppy asleep, he locked the file away and put it under his bed then pulled back the covers and switched off the lights, he got himself comfortable and lay staring at the dark ceiling for a long while before sleep finally claimed him.

* * * *

The next morning Poppy entered the beauty salon wearing expensive blue jeans and top to go with the outfit, her stiletto sandals were clicking on the linoleum as she walked up to the desk. She saw the shrewd look the receptionist gave her and Poppy knew her clothing screamed “Rich.”
The receptionist gave her a fake smile and said “Do you have an appointment Miss?” Poppy shook her head, “No, I’m sorry but I just flew into town and heard that this was the place to come for a little pick-me-up; I know I should’ve made an appointment but this place seems nicer than the one down the street.” The receptionists smile widened as she said “I’m sorry Miss, but we’re an appointment only salon.”
Poppy took in a deep breath and said “I see, and is there any available spaces for today? I know its short notice but I’ve heard a lot about this place and I’m willing to spend a lot of money here.” The receptionist’s smile grew even wider and Poppy tried hard not to roll her eyes, the receptionist gave Poppy another look and then picked up a diary from the desk.
She flipped a few pages over and after closing the book laid it down on the desk and said “I’m sorry Miss but we’re fully booked for today, if you come back tomorrow then we’ll fit you in.” Poppy looked around her and then said “Very well, I’ll just have to go to another salon; I heard that this was the best place to come but-.” Poppy shrugged sadly. “-I guess I’ll have to go to that place down the road.”
Poppy turned around and went to walk to the door when another woman walked in, Poppy recognised her as her dad’s new wife; she looked slightly flustered and Poppy sighed loudly “But then again as you told me this place was by appointment only when it clearly says ‘no appointment necessary’ on the door, I’ll go and spend a thousand dollars at the place down the street.” The woman stopped her and said “Excuse me, but Donovan’s is nothing compared to this place.”
Poppy smiled and said “Oh, I know that but I don’t like liars and I just flew in from New Mexico and wanted to be pampered a bit; oh well Donovan’s it is.” Tracey smiled and said “You don’t need an appointment here, and I’m sure someone of your stature has been told that?” Poppy shook her head sadly, “No, I was told that I needed an appointment by the receptionist even though it says on the door that I don’t.”
Tracey glared at the receptionist and then smiled down at Poppy, “What’s your name my dear?” Poppy hesitated then said “Poppy, I don’t mean to be rude but what’s your name?” The woman smiled at her and said “Tracey, its Tracey Cosby.” Poppy nodded and then let herself be guided to the receptionist’s desk where the receptionist was scowling at Poppy.
Tracey guided Poppy past the receptionist’s desk and into another room, she called for a beautician to come and attend to them, Poppy was given a place to change and a fluffy white towel to change into; once she was changed Poppy followed the beautician out of the room and was then guided to a chair next to Tracey. It seemed that Tracey was the curious type and wanted to know everything about Poppy, which suited her just fine.

* * * *

Sean had looked over the file again before leaving the motel room and knew that Paul owned a car dealership in town; Sean headed over to the car dealership on the pretence of buying a car as he was looking around the lot he saw Paul talking to another customer and waited patiently whilst he looked around.
When the customers had left the lot, Sean saw Paul run his hands through his black hair and then spotted Sean so he headed over to him and held out his hand and said “Hello there, and welcome to Cosby’s Cars, my name is Paul; you seem like a man who knows what he wants.” Sean shook his hand and silently reminded himself to wash his hands later with bleach.
Sean smiled and replied “Yes I am, I was looking for something fast and compact; I have a hot date tonight and want something that makes me look good, what do you have that fits my needs?” Paul thought for a moment and then said “Hmm, fast and compact? Follow me.” Paul gestured over to the other side of the lot and waited for Sean to follow him.
Sean reluctantly moved away from the Sedan he was looking at and followed Paul over to where he was gesturing at a black Dodge Viper; there were a few subtle scratches in the paintwork barely noticeable, Sean made a show of touching the hood of the car and then ran his hand over the roof and down onto the bumper. Sean went to the drivers’ side door and opened it up.
He took a good look at the inside and then looked at Paul “Hmm, I don’t know; it looks to be in good condition but noise isn’t that appealing to me in a car.” Sean moved away from the Viper and started looking at the other cars. He knew that he wouldn’t buy a car and was studiously ignoring Paul’s mindless chatter, nodding or making non-committal noises every time he paused.
Finally Sean said “The type of car I’m after would have to be quiet, fast and compact; do you have anything like that here?” After watching Paul stand there thinking for a few minutes Sean said “That’s OK, thanks… Paul is it? Ok well I’ll go home and think things over; maybe bring my girlfriend over to have a look and see what she thinks.” He then walked off leaving Paul looking bad tempered and flustered.
Sean now knew Paul’s temperament, he was OK when he thought he was going to get his way, but then acted like a child when denied something. Sean looked over his shoulder and stole a glance at Paul who was viciously kicking at the tyres on the Sedan Sean had looked at.

* * * *

Poppy was getting her toe nails painted and listening to Tracey continuing to shoot questions at her, “So what about your parents?” Poppy sighed sadly and replied “They both died almost three years ago, and I was left with a massive inheritance.” Tracey patted her arm sympathetically, “I’m sorry to hear that, so what brings you to Ohio?”
Poppy sighed again, and wiggled her toe nails as the beautician moved away, “I used to live here with my parents; we had a beautiful house downtown but because of the work my mom did we were moved around a lot and ended up moving to New Mexico.” Tracey nodded, “Yes moving around a lot is hard on the young ones; I’m glad that I’ve finally decided to settle here, my husband was
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