» Fiction » Mostly Depressing, Rebecca Laurie [best free ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «Mostly Depressing, Rebecca Laurie [best free ereader TXT] 📗». Author Rebecca Laurie

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himself off the couch, he stood up, proclaimed he had an idea, grabbed the keys, and disappeared for an hour and came back with as much wood as his tiny car would carry.
When he started to put food in the garage, I began to wonder when the animals would start coming in two by two.

~I don’t even know what this is, and the really weird thing is, we were told to write it in science. Why it’s here, I have no idea.~

It looked like the Earth was bleeding.
I don’t say this because someone was bleeding so much that it looked like it must be the ground bleeding, that no one could possibly bleed so much…
Either way, though I’m not sure what the options are, that’s not the case.
The ground does appear to be literally bleeding.

~And that’s really all there is for that. I did not think that one through.~

Ah, here come the humans. Some poor cat’s going to get dragged away. I almost feel sorry for it.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY! What do you think you’re doing! Picking me up like that! Do you know who I am? I am Zebobulon III, granddaughter of the great Zebobulon I!
-Zebobulon I was famous for sitting in a high backed leather chair with a white hairy human in his lap, saying ‘ah, Mr Bond’.-
Peanut. That is no name for a respectable cat.
Stupid humans…

~I actually know why I wrote that.~

Next are the poems that cause people to believe that under no circumstances could I ever be an optimist. Previously were the stories that cause people to believe I can never be an

Does a life for a life,
Truly make it right?

Must I give a hand for your bread,
That for a week might have kept me fed?

Simply because I am poor,
Does that mean I must lie still in a moor?

I knocked over your drink,
So to the bottom of the lake must I sink?

So I looked at your girlfriend,
Must that really spell my end?

So my hair is not blond, my eyes not blue,
I thought it was Hitler who did this, not you?

A uniform I would not wear,
Why must I pay so high a fare?

Your brothers death was an accident,
So must I to my death be sent?

Why is the world like this?
Where did all our morals go amiss?

Where did we go wrong?
Can we fix it, and will it take long?

~OK, I think I get why now…~

WE'RE DOOMED! Had too...

A black and white streak,
A black and white pinball,
Her circuits need a tweak,
Does my black and white furball.

Racing through the house,
Bouncing off the walls,
After an unseen mouse,
Being chased through the halls.

So loud is she,
As if she were an ox,
I should charge her a fee,
For sleeping in that box.

Soon there will be races,
Races up the curtains,
Between three firry faces,
Full of tiny sins.

~About my cat, and all true. Cat's are evil. Just the way they look at you, and especially tabby cats. Tabby cat's are cat's that can grin at you as if to say, 'What torture pain and suffering can I put you through today?'~

How did I get here?
Hiding with my fear?
Why am I falling?
Into the midnight, it’s calling.

It darts through the night,
And runs from the light.
It hides in the dark,
Hiding, listen to the lark.
I am safe in the light,
Safe, hiding with my fright.
What it might do,
I may once have knew,
But now I know not,
Hiding from the red laser dot.

The light,
It began to shine bright.
I took my chance,
And ran, abandoning the dance,
But then I saw red.
And I fear I'm now dead.

~I figured it out whilst writing it for my friend to use as his homework, it's a sniper! It all makes sense now...Well, apart from the guy going crazy. I mean, why hide in the light, how does that make sense? But, I had to write it in five minutes because afore mentioned friend is a far worse poet than I am, and that, in my personal low opinion of myself, is saying something.~

Run and dart,
Listen to the lark.

Stay in the dark,
Hear the lark.

Drown out the gong,
Listen to the larks song.

Watch it die,
And listen to it’s cry.

~Poor Lark~

Bitter sweet,
And running in the deep.

Burning cold,
While it’s plan unfolds.

Through night and day,
Always finding itself in the middle of the fray.

~Now I think about it, it makes me think of Mal, from Firefly and Serenity. A shame they stopped Firefly, it was good~

Unholiest of nights,
Most ungodly these sights.

Dripping with blood, crying with pain,
Their humanity washed away with the rain.

They see the red tinged sky,
And ask their tormentors ‘why?

Why do this to us,
Why take advantage of our trust?’

They answer ‘why not?’
Their own humanity they have forgot.

~Sometimes, I wonder about myself. Like, why am I not locked up?~

I love the secret groves and hidden lakes,
With a wonder no one can ever take.
I love the valleys and the mountains,
The deserts and the fountains,
I see the birds in the sky,
And wonder ‘why cant I fly?’
I see the dolphins in the sea,
Ad I see something I ca never be.
I watch the cats and their curiosity,
And wonder at their ingenuity.
I watch the sunset,
And I almost want it all to reset.

~This is our splash of cheery. Which probably doesn’t really count, since I was made to write it for RE.~

He left.
Good riddance.
I am not bereft.
Nor tense.
I’m pleased.
He’s gone.
He’d teased.
He’d fawn.
He ran.
I laughed.
Goodbye Dan.
Idiot, daft.

~I, personally, want to know who Dan is. I also want to know who it was that was possessing me when my hand wrote it.~

You liar!
You cheat!
Sitting by the fire,
In your fancy seat!

I cried for you!
I’d have died for you!
I’d have done anything for you!

But you left too.

~I’m running out of comments. Although, I would like to try that fancy seat…~

I shouldn’t have done it,
I should have hid,
I shouldn’t have done it,
But do it I did.

He came to me,
And convinced me to do it.
He came to me,
And ordered me to do it.

I am guilty now,
My hands stained red,
I am fearful now,
Lowered is my head.

Now my hands are stained, red,
With the blood of my friend,
Now I hide my head,
As I look for the man in red.

The Phantom in Red,
Made me murder my friend,
Now it is I,
Who is the Phantom, stained Red.

~I don’t know why, but it makes me think of the Phantom Of The Opera. Maybe it’s the whole ‘Phantom’ thing. OK, it probably is. Mind you, some of my stuff makes me think of Yoda. Why am I not locked up?~

When pigs fly,
And no babies die,
A new age has begun.

When all is right,
Safe is the night,
A new age has begun.

Sweet and sour,
Happy without dour,
A new age has begun.

When war is no more,
Merely myth and lore,
A new age has begun.

When no one is poor,
Green is the moor,
A new age has begun.

A better day,
A better way,
A better age begins.

~I amaze myself with my sappy capabilities. A shame that probably will never happen. Humanity just as a whole doesn’t appear to do well in ‘peace’.~

When cats roam the sky,
And pigs can fly,
If every one is your friend,
And no lives need end,
When nowhere is too far,
And no one needs a car,
When all is well,
And the angels never fell,
Then you must be on a different planet,
Or down the hole with the rabbit.

~Apparently a pessimistic outlook of the world. I don’t know about the Angels falling part, but the rest is all extremely unlikely to happen, so much so as to only be found on another planet, on drugs, or perhaps down a rabbit hole. I probably shouldn’t be endorsing the drugs, so to make up for it of course, DRUGS=BAD!


1, 2, and 3
Were girls,
Pretty, and nice to see.

4, 5, and 6,
Were girls again,
Skinny, thin as sticks.

7, 8, and 9,
Men this time,
Coming home from the mine.

10, 11, and 12,
It is thought,
They killed themselves.

13, 14, and 15,
Have never again,
By living eyes been seen.

And all the rest,
My very best,
Have never been found,
Hidden deep in the ground.

~I have no idea why it’s called Beath By Thought. That would be because it isn’t, it’s Death By Thought. Stupid typos…~

Tall and high,
Reaching for the sky,
Inspiring fright,
Beseeching the Night.

War to follow,
War upon the morrow.

Small but mighty,
Tiny and sprightly,
Happy and gay,
Beseeching the Day.

War to follow,
War upon the morrow.

Swiftly they came,
All without shame,
Giants of fright,
Under cover of Night.

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