» Fiction » Crimson Tear, Kimberlyn Boster [ebook audio reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Crimson Tear, Kimberlyn Boster [ebook audio reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kimberlyn Boster

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out when she came to. And her eyes stared to slow down she stared to blink and come to “Stor- I mean Echo where did you learn that song?” Roxial asked. “from my parents supposedly…wait you heard me??” I asked. She nodded as Mrs. Trone, the gealicteacher came over finally to see what the problem was, she looked like she could could careless but she faked sympathy, “Roxy, are you alright do you need to go to the nurses office????” Roxial shook her off and mumbled that she was fine and took my hand as she pulled me up. Might I say she is strong for how short and petite she looked. “Echo it’s time to go to lunch” her face looked like she was about to hit someone or something.
We walked through the maze of halls toward lunch and everyone was excited and hyper all except Vincent who stayed behind everyone and I looked at him puzzled, “Hey your Vincent…Right?” he only nodded and looked at me with longing crimson eyes. ‘that is odd it’s like that look was so familiar’ I thought to my self.
“Don’t worry about it he’s like that with everyone lately. You should come and really talk to me” a guy in our group winked. ‘he looks like the guy that is in my group in English but slightly different.’ “Demietri leave Echo alone or I will personally have your head mounted on my wall.” Vincent growled in a low monotone voice that made me wasn’t to go hide in a corner far from him. Demietri and Vincent looked as if they were going to kill eachother. Goderic got inbetween the two and said something in the weird language that Roxial was speaking before her episode and the guys straighten up and started walking off. Vincent grabbed my hand lightly and guided me to the lunchroom. We were just about to go in when Vincent pulled me off to the side and told everyone else to go and we would catch up.
“Vincent were are we going????” I asked as we cut through the courtyard. He said nothing, after a while of walking he stopped resulting me to run smack dab into him.
“I’m sorry about earlier, Echo” he said grimly. “it’s ok just why did we have to go all the way out here for you to tell me your sorry?” I cocked me head to one side. “because I wanted to know if you remembered us?” he said glumly looking at me again with that hurt look he gave me earlier before Demetri and Vincent started the ultimate stare down. “what are you talking about.” I asked confused with this entirely. “you don’t remember” a voice came from behind us and I turned to see the guys from our group semi circled around us. “remember what?” I asked hysterically. Roxial said something in that weird language again and everyone said the same word back as if an agreement.”We can’t tell you until you remember.” Goderic advised looking pointedly at Vincent. I nodded and was freaking out on the inside but, I tried to atleast look calm on the outside. “whose hungry?” I emo guy jumps up with dark hair
I ran passed him “I AM!! Come on people its food time!!!” I tried to shale off the akwardness of what happened earlier and made the excuss that it was just a very big joke that all the newbies had to go through. As we all ran/jogged back to the lunchroom Roxial caught up to me and gave mea slip of paper, “If anything freaky happens do be afraid to call me ok?” she smiled I nodded.


“Hey don’t let Vincent and all of us weirdos freak you out.” Roxial said when she caught up with me after the bell rang for school dismissal. “oh its ok, sweet heart, it just caught me by surprise that you guys wanted me to remember something” I chuckled as flashes of Vincent’s grim face and then the whole school started to spin and my knees went weak as I dropped on the floor. “Echo???” I heard Roxial gasp and then out in the distance I heard others shouting a name that I have once heard before when I was younger “STORM!” and then everything blacked out.
~Vincent’s POV~
‘I can’t believe she can’t remember anything even me. I remember her, her blue crystal eyes that change different colors depending on her mood. I remember her black soft hair that went down to her waist that she normally had pinned up. I remember how she looked at me all those years ago with love and that I was her everything and if that doesn’t happen this time I think I would die…but if loving someone else from our group will make her happy then….so be it… as long as it makes her happy’ I thought as I walk down the hall to round up Roxial and everyone like normal, me being the oldest besides Goderic and Demetri I was the one to round everyone up cuz I had the sight to know if they where indanger and if they needed me. I looked up to look for Roxial since I sensed her coming and that’s when I saw her going down like a sack of potatoes. Echo whatever of a name that is, Storm fits her far better. I race to her and couldn’t help let her real name escape my lips as I saw her head was about to smack the floor with a sickening crack. It all seemed to go into slow motion since I couldn’t run my normal speed to her Roxial had fallen to her knees to attempt to catch her but she too was trying to hide her powers and since we both knew that this situation wouldn’t hurt her, she let her hit the floor. ‘hope we have a lot of Tylenol at home right Vin?’ Demetri’s annoying voice rang throught my head and I looked in the directions his thoughts came from which was to my left ‘DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HER LIKE LAST TIME EITHER AND MAYBE WE WONT NEED IT!!!’ I yelled in his head. He shank back alittle as if I burnt him and slowed down to stay behind. ‘you to are for getting I have remedies I didn’t go to that class for nothing you know, she’s still human and can’theal like us you know, atleast not yet’ Goderic thought when he appeared beside me as we were only a few feet away and I noticed the next step was to to close so I slide on my knees and scooped her up in my arms and help her. “st- Echo wake up” I shook her lightly.
“We need to get her home Vincent we can’t be her when she wakes up you know this” Roxial warned as all the surrounding students huddle together around us to see what was all the comotion was about. I nodded once and picked her up, still lighter then a human like always. It just felt better that she is in my arms again full of life unlike me. I walked in front of all the others to my car, it was a light grey nissan 370z nismo with a gargoyle tribal decal on one side. Matt came running to the passenger side and opened the door quickly, I set Echo on the seat and reclined it back. Matt slid into his black and blue lifted Ford F-250, the mutt knew his stuff about trucks and cars. I looked over at Storm and whoever gave her the name Echo was on something at the time, she was paler then this morning when I saw her last. She looked like she was deteariurating, I wish I knew how to tell her for the past five years we’ve been looking for her since she died and wasn’t reborn like she should have. She stirs just a little and I put my hand on her cheek, finger tickling her to get her soothed down as her face crinkled as if she was having a nightmare. ‘When she woke up, should I tell her then’ I thought inn my head as we pulled up into the drive way.

The Dream

Blackness everywhere I don’t know which way is up or down; which way is left or right. All I know is that I’m all alone no one here but me. Suddenly a warm glowing blue orb swirled and bounce gracefully towards me. As it comes closer it starts to look as if it was morphing into a human. The orb formed into a woman with black hair that resembled me, but older. ‘mom?’ I said as my voice sounded like it echoed in the vast darkness, she smiled and nodded as if I was correct.
“ Storm, you have grown so much in the last 11 years that I was unable to find you, and I feared the worst. That Jasoul had finally killed you.” Her lips never moved but I heard her voice. “you should wake up love, now that I have found you I will stop by in your dreams and talk to you.” With that I awoke with a start as bright blue lights fogged my vision. After the flash of light I sat up quickly looking around I found my self face to face with a black misquito net vined with red and white roses. I look down and I’m in huge king sized circular bed with cotton black sheets and a silk worn crimson comforter. As I look around I see mostly gothic victorian and medieval décor around the room and there in the corner a hanging chair that had a drak lump in it. I lay back on the bed trying to think of what had happened.
“Careful don’t think to hard you’ll give me a headache” a deep voice said from the corner I jumped up and looked for the person and the hanging chair started to move along with the dark lump of person that was resting in it.
“How do you know if I’m thinking or if I was still asleep” I screeched.
“Well you think really loud, love” the voice chuckles and I finally recognized his voice
“Vincent??” I whispered into the dark. The matteress dipped down beside me and I jumped as cold hands laced themselves around my upper waist. A soft deep chuckle brushed my ear and lips carrassed my neck as my head found the pillow again and a heavy wait on top of me, Vincent’s lips went up and down my neck. Suddenly light spilled in the room and the wieght on my torso was off and I was in someone else’s arms. I looked up and saw one of the other guys, the one with red hair. I heard a door slam and I looked around to a semi boring musical bedroom. There are band posters scattered on the wall as if they had been wind blown and pasted on there. I looked up at the one who was carrying me and I finally registered that it was Matt one of the guys that was at the table at lunch…the quiet one. He sets me on the bed and checked over to see if there was any damage and I just stare at him, when he looked up at me He grinned and when back to evaluating my body for cuts or bruises.
“what’s wrong” I asked. His brows knitted together and looked back up at me his face looking serious. “….serious???” I giggled and his face relaxed alil.
“nothing is wrong pre se it’s just Vincent is stronger then he looks and thinks and when he gets to excited or angry or something that is on overboard

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