» Fiction » Cathie Sanders, Alecia Hunter [best english novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Cathie Sanders, Alecia Hunter [best english novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Alecia Hunter

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keep a close eye on her to make sure she isn’t in public next time.” James nodded then stood up and offered me a hand. I took it and Derrik stood. As soon as James let go of my hand I started to fall back, my vision momentarily blacking out. Derrik caught me and held me up.
“You don’t seem as ok as the two of you claimed.” James noted, seeming mad.
“I thought… I’m sorry. I thought I was ok before.”
“Maybe you should go home to lie down.” Layla said, obviously wanting me to leave. Derrik and James glared at her to which she shrugged and looked away. Derrik was still holding me, his hands gentle on my waist. I looked back at him. There weren’t any of the unusual sparks like I felt the last time and I had a feeling it wouldn’t happen again. He let go of me, looking down and muttering an apology.
“You look hungry. Why don’t we go to that diner to eat?” James asked taking my hand and leading me carefully out of the woods before releasing me. The four of us walked together, me taking the lead because I was the only one that really knew where I was going. When we walked into the Flo’s, which had been set up to look like it was from the 1950’s, everyone stared. Almost all 50 kids from my grade were there, some on dates and some there in big groups. I knew they wouldn’t have given us a second glance if the other three weren’t new in town. A few girls that I talked to at school came up to us.
“Hey, Cat. Who are your new friends?” Phoebe Smith asked, a couple of her friends coming up behind her. I noticed how they all edged toward James, avoiding Derrik, probably because of his size. Layla quickly put her arm around James and glared at them, baring her teeth. I imagine the only reason she did it was because she didn’t like my friends. Phoebe cleared her throat and I snapped out of my thoughts.
“Oh, uh, these are Blithe’s grandsons, Derrik and James, and this is their friend, Layla. Guys this is Phoebe, Amy, and Margret.” I gestured to each of them in turn. The guys waved, the girls waved back and Layla stared at them. The three girls averted their gazes from Layla focusing on me instead.
“How long are your friends staying, Cat?” Amy asked shifting her eyes towards Derrik and looking him up and down. Margaret winked at him and Phoebe inched closer. I growled under my breath, shocking myself at the jealous feelings coursing through me.
“We’re staying until Sunday. Then all four of us are going on a road trip. It will be Cat’s first time out of town. Right, sweetie?” He asked me, smiling at me. I knew what he was doing. If the girls thought we were dating it would make him off limits and there wouldn’t be as much attention directed at him. At the same time though I felt a huge smile spread across my face when he called me sweetie. I just stood there looking at him, knowing I probably looked like a fool but I couldn’t stop smiling. A thought in the back of my head was telling me to get over my crush and say something but I ignored it.
“Anyway, if we’re done here, I want to eat before I starve to death.” Layla said breaking the silence. I flushed, knowing my pale face was turning a very unattractive bright red. Layla stepped around the girls and started moving to the back corner booth pulling James by his shirt sleeve. Derrik and I followed, sliding into the booth with Layla and James on one side and Derrik and I on the other. “Cathie, you need to learn how to act.” Layla obviously didn’t care who she offended anymore. I could tell she was one that always spoke her mind no matter what. I blushed again.
“Yeah…” was the only response I could think of. James leaned back, slipping an arm around Layla’s shoulders. She crossed her arms.
“For show,” he said grinning when she glared at him. James looked at me and Derrik. “Maybe you two should kiss,” he laughed at our shocked expressions before continuing, “or something else couple-ish so that everyone staring will believe you’re together.” Derrik didn’t seem happy about what his cousin said but he put his arm around my waist. I automatically moved closer, resting my head on his shoulder.
“Well don’t you two look adorable? Cat, why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?” Mary, the waitress, asked. She was the owner of the diner and Flo’s oldest working descendent at 60. It wasn’t surprising that this place had stayed in the same family for 8 generations, that’s just what happens in a small town. Everything was family owned, from the tavern to the book store.
“I uh…” I couldn’t think of a reason why I- or anyone else for that matter- would keep a boyfriend a secret in this town.
“She didn’t tell you about him because he’s really a shape-shifter on the run.” Layla said, serious. James laughed at her.
“You can’t believe a word this girl says; she can’t ever be serious about anything.” He said still chuckling quietly. Mary laughed but eyed Layla probably trying to figure out if she was really kidding.
“Ok then. That seems like a good enough reason to me.” She laughed. “You kids ready to order?”
We all got burgers, fries, and cokes- Layla made sure hers was a diet. After Mary walked away James leaned over and whispered something to Layla, his mouth in her hair, making it impossible to read his lips. Derrik tilted his head and gave James a questioning look. Layla snickered.
“What?” I asked feeling left out.
“Nothing.” They said in unison. I looked up at Derrik, he looked back and for fleeting a moment those sparks were back. He quickly looked away though. Layla stared, a look of deep concentration on her face.
“Cat, show me where the bathroom is?” She asked getting up. It seemed innocent enough but being a girl I knew she wanted to talk to me about something. Nervous, I led the way to the door. Once in she looked under all the stalls. Satisfied that they were empty, she locked the bathroom door and turned on me.
“You like Derrik.” It wasn’t a question.
“No. I don’t. I hardly know him.”
“Oh, don’t play games with me, girl. I see the way you look at him. And the way he looks at you.” She didn’t sound happy when she said that part. “You want some advice? Let him come to you. He’s not exactly shy, but he doesn’t like it when a girl comes on hard. He’s also very reluctant to admit that he likes you because he thinks it shows a sign of weakness.” I stared at her in astonishment. I couldn’t believe she was telling me all this.
“Why… why would you tell me this?” I asked.
“I don’t want to fight with you for the rest of our lives. And I guess I’m kissing up because I may want a favor from you later.”
“What kind of favor?” I asked wearily.
“Oh I don’t know now but I like to be prepared.” She smiled then turned, unlocked the door, and walked out. I quickly followed. Our food was at the table when we got back and Layla practically jumped on it.
“She didn’t eat lunch because she doesn’t like my grandmother’s cooking.” James explained to me, popping a fry in his mouth. I nodded. The rest of the meal was spent mostly in silence. James, Layla, and I talked a bit but Derrik didn’t say a word. When we were done eating Layla looked at him slyly and asked,
“What’s the matter, Derrik? Cat”-she emphasized the word and looked at me, obviously meaning my name- “got your tongue?” I flushed, James and Layla burst out laughing, and Derrik growled.
“Oh c’mon, you both know that was funny.” James said.
“And it will be true by the end of the week.” Layla cackled. I knew my face was a very bright red.
“You know, Cat, that color red doesn’t match your green eyes. Although it does remind me of Christmas.” James said smiling. Derrik growled again.
“Leave her alone, James.” He snarled and James widened his eyes looking shocked. Derrik stood. “Let’s go, Cat. I’m walking you home.” he pulled a few bills out of his pocket and threw them on the table. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out. He momentarily paused outside the diner glancing at me. I pointed left towards Blithe’s. He kept walking, holding my hand. I doubt he realized he was though. I looked up at him noticing how good he looked, even when he was mad. He glanced down and saw that I was staring.
“Sorry about what happened back there. I don’t know what came over me. I’m usually not that easy to anger.” He spoke quietly.
“It’s ok. The looks on James and Layla's faces were kind of funny.” I expected him to let go of my hand at any second but to my surprise he didn’t. Instead he chuckled; it was like music to my ears. I smiled as we rounded the corner of the street. In a sudden burst of courage I pulled him to a stop then leaned against the side of the herb shop.
“Yeah?” he asked trying to drop my hand but I wouldn’t let him.
“I just-” my words were cut short as pain shot up my spine. I started falling. Derrik caught me and carried me through the back door of Blithe’s shop. A spasm racked my body and I lashed out clawing Derrik in the face. He put me on the ground and moved back, calling for his grandma.
“Derrik, what is it? Oh my! Cat, you poor dear.” She crouched next to me and rubbed my arm. I couldn’t tell what changed this time but it was over in about five minutes. Once I stopped flailing my arms and legs Derrik came a little closer. Blithe looked at him then me then looked back at him and winked. “I’ll just leave you two alone now.” She said smiling. I turned to face Derrik and the first thing I saw was the long cut going from his temple down to his jaw. I ran my finger over it gently.
“I’m sorry,” I murmured. He took my hand off his face and held it in his, smiling down at me.
“It’s ok. I know it was an accident.” The sparks were back, flying between us and jumpstarting my heart. I was almost certain he would hear it pounding. He kissed the back of my hand; just a brush of his lips against my skin but it was enough. He bent down, his lips just inches from mine, breath hot on my face.
“What’s- Whoa. Sorry we interrupted. You want us to leave?” Layla’s voice was loud and snapped both of us to attention. Derrik sat back. I moved so that I was leaning on my elbows.
“We were just, uh,” Derrik glanced at me and I shut up, knowing there wasn’t any explanation other than the truth.
“What are you doing here?” Derrik asked looking up at them.
“We came to ask Grandma where Cat lived so we could make sure she got home ok. But we found out she almost changed so we came back here.” James explained.
“And we interrupted your little make out session. Sorry about that by the way.” Layla smiled.
“We weren’t making out, Layla.” Derrik growled.
“Let’s go, Jamie. Derrik’s getting mad.” they walked out leaving us alone. I looked up at him expectantly
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