» Fiction » 8 people of one mind, Brandi B. [free novel 24 .TXT] 📗

Book online «8 people of one mind, Brandi B. [free novel 24 .TXT] 📗». Author Brandi B.

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I said this as I flicked him. "Ow!." Yet he still laughed. I slowly got out of the car. The fed was right there and Alex slowly shrank behind me. This time it was my turn to laugh. See the thing is I don't like hospitals or doctors or any of that shit because I don't want to become a lab rat. We then entered a large lab with a giant metal machine. Then a man walked out with a lab coat. He seemed nice and almost had a relaxing wave coming off him. Then I realized it. "Your one of us, you do something with our emotions." "Very good rainbow." "I got a name." "And that is..." "Jade,Monster,Alone,Alice,Hatter,Deamon,Angel and Raven." Everyone (There were other kids there) but Alex looked at me. He chuckled silently. "What do you mean?" "I have 8 personalities, Jade, a.k.a. me being the most prominent. So call me Jade" I shrugged, then rolled my neck. "Lets get this party started eh Doc?" "Sure. Please step into the metal machine." "Sure thing. Alex stay or else I'll whoop your ass so hard when I get out you wont be able to walk." "Yes mam." He said this with a joking voice. I knew he would be there. He always was, and always is. I stepped into the machine and a bright light flashed around me. I knew it all. No literally, whatever they had done, I knew everything. I knew that I now had unlimited power. I felt amazing. I knew in detail every single one of this powers and could block them too. "Yup definitely a rainbow. First one we've seen." I looked at my shoulder and saw it glowing. I pulled down the side and the was a real rainbow. "Holy crap!" "Looks like she found the tattoo." I stepped out of the machine. I felt amazing, except my back itched. "Alex!" "Yup?" He'd been standing next to the machine the entire time. "!. You da best and 2. Can you scratch my back I can't reach." "Sure thing." With that he scratched my back but then I stepped back. "What's up?" He seemed confused. "Hold on, cover me." So he stood in front of me, and because of his huge cloths which for once I was thankful for, ripped off my shirt and tore holes in before putting it back on. "'kay! I'm good now. thanks Alex." "Sure thing." My smile slowly faded as pain filled my back. "Ms.Angel are you alright." "Relax Clyde, the Rainbows growing wings." The Doc had said this. Wings?! What the fuck was he talking about?! I fell to the ground on fours and a scream was building in my throat but I didn't let it out. A little vow I had made a while back with a friend of mine. It's not like I could cry because my tear ducts were broke from since I was little. I could hear Alex beside me. Then the pain stopped. I felt relaxed as I fell to the ground. "Holy crap!!!!" That was Clyde. I slowly stood up, staggering. Alex grabbed my shoulders to steady me as everyone but the Doc, Alex, and a strange emo kid, (who looked...bored) stared dumbfounded. I took my time to look at them. The emo boy was extremely cute. He had ice blue eyes, that somehow seemed warm and comforting. Well you could only see one, the other was covered by dark black hair. He was pale and beautiful. He was tall, probably a little taller than Alex, was skinny, but you could tell he had muscles and looked extremely cute when he blushed because he noticed I saw him looking at me. Not bored anymore are you? The next boy looked exactly like Alex only a pale white with freckles. The girl and Clyde, the one who picked us up looked identical except for age and gender. Long blond hair (Clyde to his shoulders, her to her waist), bright blue eyes, muscled and the girl probably had a C cup. I envy her smaller boobs. The Doc had silver hair, not like the kind you get when your old or stressed but it looked like he was born with it. All the guys in her were probably either '6"0 or '6"3. I then decided to turn around and look at the reflection in the medal. There in the metal were large black wings. They looked like mix of raven and angel wings. They were blacker than night. They were huge too. I think they would be two Alex's long or 12 foot each. Maybe bigger. I thought about flapping them. They did. "Damn They look good!" Everyone came out of their daze, and i pet the soft, silky wings. They were softer than anything I'd ever felt, yet were still smooth like silk. The strings

I slowly turned around facing Alex. He had that face on that he was gunna start blabbing about anime. I pointed at him. "Don't and that's your only warning!" "Awww commonnn!!!!!" "No." I looked down. Good shirt and sweatshirt still intact, but I am defiantly no stegosaurus. I walked towards the talking group, Alex behind me then stopped short to scratch my head. I turned to the left and grabbed our bags throwing Alex's at him and got one of my snacks out to munch on. A giant bag of chocolate animal crackers. "Mmm. Nummy." I started munching on them as I continued to walk towards the group. "Crunch, crunch, crunch." They all turned to look at me as I stood there with Alex just eating. "Your hungry?" "Yeah, whenever I use my strength on purpose or not I'm really hungry. I eat a lot." Crunch, munch, crunch. The bag was gone and everyone stared at me. I frowned. "I just took this out. Geesh I would of thought that would last longer. I looked at Alex. "Trade you my cheese it's for your bag of animal crackers." "Deal." We then exchanged the food and I began to munch again. The doc looked at me curiously. "Is that your favorite food?" "Kinda. I like sweets. I like chocolate with peanut butter, ice cream, steak, mac and cheese, potatoes,... and cheese stuff." "So you like starches and calorie rich foods?" "I guess. Whatcha gettin at?" "Well most likely because of the amount of energy your body needs to just keep going with your abilities it needs all those things and that's why you crave them." "Oh. Ok." Crunch munch crunch. Another one bites the dust. "Awwww!" I frowned again. "You look cute when you frown." Everyone but myself and Alex, even the Doc gasped. I looked at the adorable, droolable boy. "Well thank you I could say the same about you when you blush." This just made him blush even more. "Holy crap he spoke!!!" This was the blond girl. "Lizzy!" "What?!" This was Clyde. I went to stand over by the boy. I poked my face under his hair. I could he was taller than me after all. "What's your name? Mine's Jade." "Gabriel." It was a quiet whisper and my closeness made him blush deeply. "I like that name. It's always been a favorite of mine." Then I was ripped from heaven by two hands around my waist and brought back down to earth. I was then placed a couple feet away from Gabriel. "Well introductions are in order I suppose?" I ripped my eyes away from heaven. "Yup. I'm Jade everybody and this here is my childhood friend Alex who is somewhat creepy so lock your doors at night!" "Hey! Don't give me a bad rep!" I laughed. "I'm joking he's cool." "I'm Lizzy." The blond spoke up. "I'm Matt." That was Alex's twin. "And you already know Gabriel's name over there. "That's the first time he spoke in his entire life good job." That was the blond girl. "Of course I'm Clyde and this is the Doc." I walked up to Gabriel again and peeked under his hair. "You have wings like me." It was a statement. "Yea." It was a whisper and I saw wings fly out of his back. Just like mine only a little bigger. "I like your wings Gabriel. They're pretty." "You too." He blushed. "Your wwwing, your , your wings I meant." I stepped out from under his hair and reached up, moving my hand back and forth gently across the top. I saw his wings flutter. His face was red. Again we were ripped apart. I realized the Doc was doing this. "Hey!" "What. Rainbow it's obvious that you two are attracted by 'The Strings' and if we let you two get too close for long who knows what'll happen." "Huh?" " 'The Strings' it's kinda like a soul mate only for Colors." "Oh. Ok. What's so bad about it?" I couldn't rip my eyes off of him. "I don't think anyone wants to see you two all over each other, so until you can control it, you have to stay a safe distance." I could finally look away and I looked at the Doc. "That's not fair!" "Is too." I huffed and my eyes wandered back to him. I got a creamy milk chocolate pair of fingers snapped in my face. "Huh?" I was pulled out of my trance only to see Alex. "Yeah?" "They're talking about school." I looked over. "Yup. Everyone's going to your school guys! With you, same schedules and all!" That was Clyde. "WHAT?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME IT'S HELL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind and a head on my shoulder. My immediate relaxation told me who it was. "Not with me." I might have been as good as a rag doll in Gabriel's arms. "Damned maybe we should keep 'em together. Look at her she's all calm finally!" It was the Doc. "Interesting." He began to type away. I had barely met Gabriel but I felt like I knew him forever and somehow I knew everything about him. I them caught Alex and Lizzy flicking blush filled glances at each other. He He. I leaned into Gabriel and enjoyed every moment of it. "Well it's 10:00 so you guys should get some sleep for school tomorrow." "Yeah sure." I didn't care what he said right now. Gabriel's smell filled my nose. It smelled like candy strawberries. Without knowing it he had picked me up. He had a huge, bright white smile on his face. I looked over and Alex had Lizzy in his arms the same look on his face and mine on hers. The Doc chuckled. "Well Matt looks like your the only single boy left." "Aw well." He shrugged and went upstairs the rest of us followed. I fell asleep in this boys arms I had met that was heaven, and smelled of sweet, sweet, strawberry candy.

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