» Fiction » Whisper, V & V Gustafson [ebook offline TXT] 📗

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to together Mrs. V plastered the brightest, the most fake smile on her face as she quieted the class yet again and began splitting the kids up into groups.

Adelaide's group consisted of three other kids, one of the smaller groups. "Okay! So what I want you to do is as your classmate a question and in turn tell them something about yourself." As if it were that simple.

A girl with red fiery hair and a personality to match piped up, obviously the only person who was actually excited over the whole make friends activity. "So! My name is Emilia. I like cats. Well... That's an understatement. Totally love. Sorta obsessed. Like a lot. I feel like they just, like, get me. What about you? What is your favorite animal?" One of the most cliche question was directed at a ripped boy with brown shaggy hair. Was everyone this attractive? 

"Uhm. I'm a dog person," he replied annoyed.

"Ooo! What kind of dog? I love pomeranians. They remind me of fluffy cats," Emilia chirped.

The shaggy boy's face turned to disgust at the thought. "Large dogs," he emphasized. "Well, anyways. The name's Oliver. Yes, like the olive." What was with this guy? "Hey," his voice boomed towards Adelaide, "what do you do in your free time? You don't look like the type to do anything exciting. Let me guess, the geeky type. Am I right?"

"Yes," Adelaide hissed. "In fact that's exactly what I do. When I'm not doing homework, I read. Sorry, I don't do people well." Then her eyes landed on the blonde, blue-eyed bombshell which she couldn't help but stare at. She looked so much like the boy in the hall, at least they shared the same eyes. "Do you, um, read?" Suddenly she felt her face heat up as the blue eyes stared at her like she knew something Adelaide didn't.

"Did you kiss my brother?" The blonde's face was hard to read but in her eyes she could see a flash of rage.

Adelaide's jaw must have dropped to the floor because everyone was staring at her oddly. What an odd thing to blurt out. "Uh.. Um... Excuse me?" Adelaide felt like she could crawl into a hole and die.

"You did, didn't you?" The blonde continued to press giving no mercy. Emilia and Oliver looked at her on the edge of their seats trying to tune in the first hot piece of gossip since their freshman lives have begun.

"You kissed Jesse?" Emilia blurted. "I mean, he's totally hot. The hottest, actually."

Adelaide finally replied, "you know her?" 

"Katherine? Of course. She's Jesse's sister. Well, fraternal twin. They're juniors, which I've been wondering why you are even here." Good to know Oliver kept up on his college news of who's who.

Adelaide was saved from answering such a mortifying question when Mrs. V finally chimed in. It's not that the three didn't know, they knew, but admitting it out loud was something completely different that Adelaide just couldn't choke out the words. Katherine and Jesse had such a striking resemblance she wasn't sure how she didn't realize it sooner. Why should she? Adelaide knew nothing of the twins. Actually, she knew nothing about anyone other than their favorite animal.


Wild Things

The rest of the day was exhausting and not because the classes were hard, Adelaide had this whole memory thing down, but it was that whole memory thing that was wearing her out. Between the restless nights, being swallowed in sudden passion, and twins, it was all getting to be too much for this little virgin. Adelaide knew what to do while on the brink of breakdown, to retreat to her haven where no one would disturb the world that her books create. She made way towards the library where Abagale greeted her with a kind smile as always, then taking seat in a far corner desk secluded from the rest. Before she even laid out the homework for the day she opened her warrior princess book. Skipping homework before treating herself was unusual, but this sort of indulgence was well deserved. It was not long before the mundane surroundings came to life once more as she transformed into the exotic looking warrior princess, this time she was travelling through the arctic with her barely clothed accomplice, which Adelaide not dare question why he had not been overcome with hypothermia. Instead, the two made it through the icy spikes with great stealth, but not matter the stealth the enemy was fast approaching. One wrong step causing a spike to come spiraling down towards them in which they dodged, but the crash was so loud the enemy was bound to hear it. Taking off in dead sprint Adelaide could hear the arrows singing through the air as they whizzed past her, one which nicked her arm. This pain was nothing compared to losing her family in a great fire, Adelaide would have her revenge upon the evil King who ordered her tribe to be put down. None survived, but she and her childhood hotty. 

 Adelaide sighed as she put down her book and let the space around her consume her. This wasn't about spontaneously kissing some boy or meeting his twin sister who wasn't too happy about the ordeal. This was about this place. About how she was strangely attracted to Abagale even though she had never considered liking girls previously. This was about the people, the teachers and students, of this school. How she felt like something bad was going to happen at any given second and Adelaide, someone who is constantly in control, would have no way of stopping it. She could feel the things around her change and in return, her surroundings were slowly changing her whether she liked to admit it or not. But most of all, Adelaide was homesick. This is an odd thing for her to feel, Adelaide couldn't wait to get out of that place, it was lonely during the days, but at night when her mother came home to cook a late night dinner. Nothing was more warm or fuzzier than that feeling of just them two. Unfortuneatly Mike had to come and ruin it all with his expensive dinner and fancy cars. He stole his wholesome mother away from her, moved them into a huge house-which had more rooms than people and cars put together-and turned her into some kind of Devil.

Wallowing away in her own sadness Adelaide had not noticed the air around her turn into static. It was as if her body and mind were reacting to her before she even noticed her arrival. There she sat across from her at her table, her little sanctuary, and it were those blue eyes that disrupted her peace. Katherine, the spitting image of the feast Adelaide devoured last night. Sparks flew in which Adelaide was sure Katherine was going to lung across the table and rip her throat out at any given moment.

 "Hi, Katherine." Adelaide attempted to sound intimidating, but she sounded like a meek little rabbit instead.

"Adelaide," Katherine acknowledged. Her glare intensified as she examined Adelaide. There Adelaide sat with her over worn sweatshirt and messy black hair. Green eyes hid behind thick-framed black glasses, the freckles on her face were the most noticeable thing about Adelaide. Well that and her dimples. Who had dimples at nineteen? "What are you anyways?" 

Thrown back by the question, Adelaide replied, "pardon?"

"Are you a vampire? Werewolf? Incubus? What is it? You can tell me, I don't judge." This was absurd.

"Are you crazy?" Adelaide blurted, causing the blonde bombshell to flare up with anger.

"This is not a crazy question. Where the HELL do you think you are anyways?!" Katherine raised her voice, which Adelaide was sure her crazy accusations were to arouse some attention.

"Katherine, did you take your meds today?" It was a legitimate question, but it came out sarcastic.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" By this point Katherine was standing up with her chair pushed to the ground. Adelaide could see the steam coming from her ears. Then her face went blank as if she realized something, "come to the Underground, the entrance is in the old cemetery tonight at twelve. I'll stop by your dorm at eleven thirty. Jesse will be there along with a group of kids. You'll see. When you do, you'll have no choice but to choke on your words," she spat.

 Completely and utterly confused, Adelaide attempted to go after Katherine, but by the time Adelaide rounded the corner it was as if Katherine disappeared into thin air. "How do you know where my dorm is?" Adelaide muttered to herself. Maybe that was how Katherine knew about them, maybe she was watching the whole time. At the realization, Adelaide grew mortified. How could she face either of them again? There was no choice, Katherine would be waiting at eleven thirty and Adelaide really didn't want to upset her more than she already had, though she wasn't sure why she was upset at all.

Awkward Encounter

Ever since Adelaide left for college she had ignored her mother's phone calls and emails, it was her way of hurting her mother for what she had done just before she packed up and left. Before she was going to attend an underrated college closer to home to be with her mother, but she decided to think for herself and not others. Their little spat also pushed Adelaide over the edge into becoming her own individual. Halfway across the country, hurt over her mothers harsh words before she left, but it was the loneliness that pained her more.

Adelaide opened her laptop which let out a loud bing! when the emails started to come through. All of them were from her mother, she didn't have any friends back home just like how she didn't have friends here. Adelaide didn't mind the whole 'lone wolf' persona, rather she embraced it. All she needed was her mother, so she decided it was time to find forgiveness in her heart.


Subject: Hey mom

I know its been awhile. I'm sorry. The first week here has been... odd. The students are strange and so are the teachers. A student even asked if I was a vampire. Yeah, the blood sucking tall tale kind. Haha, isn't that the strangest thing? But I'm fine. How are you? Are you and Mike doing okay? Just know I love you. Can't wait for you to visit in the winter. You're coming, right? Please don't bring Mike. I want it to be just us to. Miss you. 

Love, Your little Addi



Eleven twenty-eight. Quickly, Adelaide shut down the laptop and rushed to put

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