» Fiction » Untrusted: A Batman and Joker story (fanfiction/fan made), Serena.1 [best books to read in life TXT] 📗

Book online «Untrusted: A Batman and Joker story (fanfiction/fan made), Serena.1 [best books to read in life TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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Chapter 3: The First Task

Izabellea stood in front of the joker. Shaking like a leaf. She didn't want to be here and what did she do to get herself into this position. She was afraid the joker and by what she had seen of the batman now, she wasn't going to like him either. well, not if she good help it.

 "what's your name, Dear." The Joker's smile was permanantly graved into his face and didn't change but his voice grow excited. 

"I don't care if your The joker or the hottest guy on the planet. Let me get something straight the name's is Izabellea and Izabellea is what you are going to call me. NOT Angel, NOT Cupcake, NOT baby or any other cute you can muster up, because I'm not any of that to you two and I never will be. You understand me." Izabellea snapped, anger in her voice. 

 "Well, aren't we a feisty one." The Joker said, "just the way I like them, Feisty." 

 Izabellea put her fist up in the air and shot her middle finger up, flicking off the Joker. The Joker chuckled, but the chuckle sent a shiver down Izabellea spine. She tried to hide the shiver but she couldn't.

 "Well, Izabellea I might has well give you your first task." The Joker said bending down and opening a drawer and grabbing something and sitting back up.  "Tomorrow you are going to get up bright and early, put these on and go with the Batman to do some dirty work you'll find out what."

  "I don't who you think you are but I'm not going to doing anything you ask me to. I'm not your little pet and your not going to treat me like one!" Izabellea snapped at The Joker. 

"You want to make a bet my Darlin'" The Joker hissed as he stood up and walked torward her "well, I can change that real fast. Izabellea, my Darling, unless you want to keep this beautiful face in the condition its in you'll do what I say when I say it. Do you understand me?" He stroke her cheek lightly and then put his other hand on her other cheek so she couldn't move her head, bent over and kissed her out of the blue. She pulled away and The Joker turned, chuckling, and walked back to his deck 

"Don't you ever do that again!" She yelled after him. He chuckled harder and then addressed The Batman "Bruce, Take her back to her room and make sure she doesn't go anywhere." "Yes Joker" He said grabbing Izabellea and left the room.

Izabellea's room looked liked she had entered a world of Fuzzy, loveable, cute creatures. There were Bunnies, Baby Chicks, Kittens, and Puppies plastered every where. Her bed was the traditional queen size been cover with a canopy.  She sighed, what did the think she was, five? but she figured it was better then no room at all and it did have it's perks. With a large flat screen t.v. and A entire wall full of dvds, and a personal bathroom and clothes already in the closet and drawer and in her style and size too.

She got cleaned up and changed into some plain blue pajama's. Glad they weren't covered in fluffy things, but not glad she was there, she climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling until she fell into a dreamless slumber.

The next morning Izabellea was awaken by a knock on the door. She Grumbled and rolled over ignoring the knock. Then the knock game again. So, she reluctantly climbed out of bed, and walked the door, grambling, "Coming!"

When she opened the door. The Batman stood there. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, " oh. morning." She grumbled.

"Well aren't we chipper this morning?" The Batman said Sarcastically.

"I am a Bitch if I get woken up. I am going to back bed. So piss off would you?" She said, turning around.

"Mmhmm. Have you forgotten we have a job to do." The Batman said.

"Why do I have to be apart of this. Whatever this is." Izabellea Spat.

"Because The Joker likes you and if you dont abide him he WILL ruin over life." The Batman said.

"Why do you care. You started it, remembered."

"Let me get something straight. The joker may be the boss, but you're my toy. You hear me, pet." The Batman smiled. "Even though I may have to share." 

Izabellea shut the door in The Batman's face to shut him up, and got dressed *I don't know who they think that are, But I am no one's toy and no one's pet, and I will show them. The Batman is suppose to be the hero isn't He? Mean you just cant trust people can you?* She thought to herself, and exited her room.

The batman stood in the hall waiting. "Great you are ready. Let's get moving." 

Izabellea following him unwillingly. "So what is this task of mine."

"You gotta rob a jewlery story on the edge of town." The Batman said

Izabellea sighed, what did she do to get wrapped up in this. One moment she is at work the next she is under The Batman and The Joker control and is now having to do The Joker's dirty work.

Chapter 4: Trying to Escape

Izabellea sighed when They pulled up to a small jewlery store on the edge of town. The store was quite the looker. it was old fashioned what ancient cravings engraved into the walls and door. Due to the location of the store and the size it was not very busy. It actually barelly got customer's at all and the owner wasn't up front.

"This task should be simple for you." The Batman smiled. "Now this is what you are to do. Go into the Jewlery store and you will find a large sapphire necklace in the back of the store, which means you will have to keep a eye out for the owner."

Izabellea growled, "I am not doing this." 

"Oh, yes you are." The Batman said grabbing her chin with one hand, forcing her to look at him. "Darling, If you don't want to have your life a living hell you will do this." He kissed her forehead lightly and opened the door behind her and pushed her out of the car, causing her to scrap her arm badly. "Get Moving."

Tear began to roll glently down her cheeks like glittering crystals, but she didn't make a sound and walked into the store. She gave the store a look over and noticed that the jewlery here was absolutely beautiful. She heard car honk and turned around to see The Batman waving at her. He mouth something that looked alot like "Get going. Stop procrasting."

She head into the back and found no one there. *This is going to be to easy* she thought to herself. She searched the room for the necklace. When she found it, it was sitting on top of a wooden crate in a small glass box. It looked the front of a tiara, absolutely beautiful and priceless, She picked up the Necklace case and all. She headed the back door when she heard foot steps heading in her direction. She glinced behind her but didn't see anyone but the foot steps were growing closer. She made a break for the door and got through in just the nick of time.

Izabellea groaned as her arm began to ache. She glinced down at it, it was covered in blood. *That stupid Batman.* She thought ripping the bottom half of her shirt and wrapping it around her arm and headed off through the woods


The Batman sat in the car waiting on Izabellea. Five minute, Ten minutes, after thirty minutes The Batman began to grow angry, It doesn't take a half hour to rob a jewlery store. He growled, "Where can she be?"

The Batman claimed out of the car and headed into the store, and straight into the back of the store where Izabellea is suppose to be, and run into the owner

"How may I help you?" The owner asked.

"My girlfriend come in here about 30 minutes ago to use the restroom and has not returned yet. Have you by any chance seen her.?" He lied

"No sir, no one has been in here all morning."

"Oh! Well thank you, good sir." The Batman smiled *That Bitch, who do she think she is? Trying to excape. I will find you, Love. Whether you like it you not." He thought to Himself and left the store.


Chapter 5: Again!

Izabellea walked into work. Her arm was really killing her now but she did care she had gotten away from The Batman, but she knew he was going to come after her. Her shirt was drenched in blood from the cut on her arm. It was deep and hasn't stopped bleeding. 

She ran into her boss "Oh, hey Izabellea you know you have today off, right?"

"Yes, Mr. White. I kind one a hand." Izabellea held her arm out. "it's really bothering me."

"What happening." He asked worriedly

"It's a long story." She sighed. She couldn't help but the think about what happened. 

"Okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He said, he was really understanding. "Eliza is up stairs. Head up and find her and she will get you taken care of." 

She smiled a thanks at him and left the room. She headed up the staircase into a house. Her boss lived above the bar with his teenage daughter. She helped her father out in the bar during her free time, as a waitress. Exspecially when when it is super busy. Usually Friday nights. after a long week and people want to forget there problems. The weekends usually brought in the most money.

She enter the kitchen with was not to big but not to small either. It was simple. with a counter between the stove and kitchen sink. another counter extended for the side of the sink the

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