» Fiction » Luna, Bella Swan [bill gates best books TXT] 📗

Book online «Luna, Bella Swan [bill gates best books TXT] 📗». Author Bella Swan

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help what happened next, the anger in me rose to a level too high to control, my blood boiled at the thought of her, not he particularly but what her and her kind insinuated, I may have been one of them by blood, but I could never be this heartless. I pushed her to her back slamming her wrists against the cold floor, her head bashed against the black tile and for a moment I was in full control. I sliced my old pocket knife from the back pocket of my jeans and pressed the small blade to her long neck before she reopened her eyes. I tied both of her wrists up above her head and yelled at her until she answered, not the best choice, for a girl fighting against an upper level demon with the aura of pure evil.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She said, as if she were actually pondering on the situation. “Reclaiming what’s mine.” I said with a sideways, sarcastic smile. I tilted my head slightly to the right before taking the knife from her, and squinted at the cut on her cheek, the scarlet blood dripped from it slow and thick, it lured me, captivated me. It’s scent, it’s texture everything about it, I wanted nothing more at that moment than to widen the gash, and suck the blood ‘till I was satisfied, and I had reason to believe that wouldn’t happen, I had this fear that Alex called irrational that if I ever gave in to the lure of blood I wouldn’t be able to stop, it would become some sort of a drug for me, a vicious addiction that I wouldn’t be able to control, I couldn’t, and I swore on my undying father that I never would.
“It draws you doesn’t it?” She said with a devious smile. I bashed the knife against her face, and bared my teeth like a lion taking charge, about to attack. My next words came out as atrocious hisses that sounded far from human, beastly in fact. “You do not speak!” I said still staring at the bleeding gash that had now widened as I had before desired, and was now gushing with the tempting sight of blood. I could no longer stand it, the attraction was just too much. I had to, ‘No child, you mustn’t.’, and the words were drowned out by the smell, the sight, I felt as though I could literally hear it rushing down, calling to me. Finally I bent down and hesitantly pressed my tongue to the freshly cut wound. I had been right, the taste only made me want more, only made me desire the pain that seemed to rush out of it, I wanted more and more, and she didn’t seem to want me to stop, she seemed to want it. I licked the blood faster and faster as I went on, it attracted me, and not in a sexual way either, it went deeper than that, it was more than that, the lust it caused me was unbearable, I had to have more with every taste I got.

She moaned softly, and shifted under my grip, she seemed to love it, and hate it all at the same time. ‘Stop child, you must stop now, before you can’t control your urge.’ I tried, it was like a battle against myself, I couldn’t seem to stop, the power it had over me was unbearable, the pain was satisfactory, and the taste of her misery on my tongue was almost overpowering, it sounds awful I know, but what do you expect from a demon, I’m a horrible creature, no matter how much I try to hide that, or how much I try to distance myself from it, I am, I am a beast.

“Luna,” His voice came from behind me in a scared whisper like a dagger to my heart. “What are you doing?” He asked as he rushed to my side. His smell was more than enough to get my attention, I lifted my head to look into his deep blue eyes, and I knew there was something there, more than the monster, more than the regret I knew he must feel. But I couldn’t see it, the sight of any love, of any compassion, any relation I once had to the good side was gone now. I was a monster that’s what I had turned myself into. He looked at me with worry, but I could see past that now, he was angry. The sun rising sky outside set his aura on fire, and I could see it all, I had always been able to, but now there was more, now I could feel everything he felt, I could want the horrible things he desired, I was capable of so many things my soul would never have let me even consider before now. And now I wanted it, I wanted the pain, I could see into his soul if he ever had one. I could remember what he had felt at the sight of other people’s misery, and I wanted it, and all at the taste of blood.
“Make it stop.” I whispered to him as I whipped the mesmerizing blood from my lips with the back of my hand. I looked down on myself and realized my own aura had turned black, It looked as though the shadows had engulfed it in their mitts and twisted it’s once beautiful sapphire color, it’s presence that once gave me courage, and burst with life was now dead in every sense, destroyed and engulfed in the pain I knew could only have come from her.
“You bitch!” I screeched as I slapped her already unconscious face. “You did this to me! You killed it!” I screamed over and over as I hit her again and again before he stopped me. I had gone into some sort of uncontrollable rampage. He pulled me off of her by the shoulders as I kicked and screamed to try and wake her.
“Luna,” He whispered over and over again, to try and soothe my fit. But I wouldn’t listen, my ears had shut out all sound, and all I could hear was the sound of me screeching for her to wake up. Get up! I yelled again and again, as Alex held me down, Fix it! I’d said for the last time before he finally did it. “Luna!” He yelled slapping me. “Get a grip. She’s unconscious.” That made me stop, but somewhere very close to my throat’s vocal ability was the desire for her to be dead instead.

“What the hell happened?” He asked as I slid down the wooden wall behind me on my back, ‘till I hit the floor. I brought my knees up and buried my face in them, wrapping my arms around them wishing I never had to let go. I started to cry softly, making no sound, but the almost impossible to hear sounds of the tears smashing against my shirt. “Luna,” He whispered engulfing me in a cold hug, wrapping his rough hands around me. “What happened?”
As the last of the tears hit my shirt I said my next words softly, and raspy, choosing them as carefully as I possibly could, this was something that needed to be explained gradually. “I don’t know.” I said rocking back and forth in his arms with mine still wrapped around myself, wishing that were enough to keep me safe.
‘Finally, I had begun to believe you would never conceive your true form.’
It said at the back of my mind. Though it wasn’t the same as before. The voice before was more peaceful and full of guidance an love, all I could feel now was hatred and sorrow form it. Just as I was about to break down again I stopped. Suddenly I couldn’t, suddenly I felt no need to feel bad for what I had done, In fact it felt almost, right. “No, no!” I yelled frantically holding my head in my hands.
“What? What is it?” He said calmer than he should have. “Luna, what’s the matter?” He said shaking me, his harsh hands wrapping my shoulders in them, and his eyes trying to fixate on mine, to look straight into me, straight into my soul, the problem was I was afraid I no longer owned one of those, I felt empty inside, as if something so valuable it might as well have been my aura its’ self had left me.
“It’s not fair, it’s not fair!” I yelled repeatedly, now actually staring into those deep blue eyes and wondering if he felt anything, if he ever regretted his decisions, and if I ever would. I grabbed his face in my hands, and noticed I hadn’t realized until then my hands had become as cold and bloodless as I’d noticed his were. Of course I knew the blood still rushed through my veins and to my heart letting it beat hard and fast; that’s not what I meant, humans use the heart as an organ for love, a supposed storage space for emotions when really it was all your brain’s work. But I had never actually realized the reason why; How important the feel of a warm heart beating in our chest could be to a person, and how incredibly harsh and cruel the feeling was when you knew the heart that beat against your chest no longer contained that power. I felt harsh, cold and criminal, of course the cruelty of the feel of a heart in your chest could be so devastating when you knew there was no love, and the warmth you had once felt had gone away, all feeling was lost.

I kissed him hard, and slow trying to preserve as much of that feeling as I could, but it wouldn’t come. The feel of his lips against mine, the taste of his tongue with mine, dancing around each other like passionate lovers doing the tango; yet nothing. There was no feeling, no love, no passion. Only hate. Only disgust. He pulled away from me looking into my eyes again. “Luna. What’s going on?” He whispered.
“I’m scared.” I said averting my eyes to the right, were the shadows grew larger, and more obscure with every blink. “Scared of what?” He asked. He slowly slid his fingers under my chin, sending a chill trough me. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. ‘Tell him,’ It whispered to me, ‘as a matter of fact, show him. Do it, bite him, take him for your own. It’ll be easy, he’s no match for you.’
“No!” I yelled at the wind. I sprung up from the ground easier than I thought possible. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” I yelled again as he followed and stepped next to me, as if to make sure I wouldn’t fall back down.
“No what Luna? What do you mean.” He said reaching out to touch my arm.
“You have to get away from me. Go! Leave or else I’ll just end up hurting you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m a monster, I’ve become some sort of horrible creature!” He backed away from me. He looked hurt. For a second I thought I could see a lingering tear in his gleaming blue eye. But it was gone before the fall.
“Is that what you think of me?” He said with forced confidence.
“What? No, o-of course—he cut me off before I had a chance to finish.
“Than why did you say it?!” He yelled this time putting all of his rage into his words.
“I-I didn’t mean you.” I said confused. Looking anywhere but at him.
“You are what I am, you think, feel, and express yourself in
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