» Fiction » The Diary of Elizabeth St. James, Ciara Erenberger [novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Diary of Elizabeth St. James, Ciara Erenberger [novels for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author Ciara Erenberger

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was flung backwards on to ground as ten feet high flames burst out of the kitchen seeking something fresh to burn. I struggled to stand up, but when I did I couldn't move. I was frozen with fear, to scared to even scream. The flames had me mesmerized. I don't know haw long I stood there staring into the flame when a loose ember flew out and hit me in the arm. The pain was excruciating, but it did shake me from my paralyzed state enough to start screaming as bet as I could with all the smoke in my lungs. I bolted up stairs screaming my head of that there was a fire. I made it up to the second floor where I started pounding on my brother's door like my life depended on it.(which if you think about it, it sort of did.)I then shouted "Wake up you guys the house is on fire get everyone and get out of the house!" But no one ever came to the door. I was coughing heavily because of the smoke. After a few seconds I figured that no one was left on the second floor. So I headed towards the third floor stairs. I was almost to the third floor when I tripped on the corner of the stairs. Choosing some of Will's more "colorful" words I continued on to my room. I tore through my bedroom to get my sister Lilly, but she wasn't there. I go into Annie's room but she's not there either. No one was in the house but me. I had to get out of the house! I started towards the door when suddenly the floor beneath me suddenly gave way and I was falling. Falling toward the flames towards my painful death. I started screaming. Then I was being roughly shaken. What was going on? I was fallen down towards the fire when I was suddenly awaken. Someone was shaking me awake. Mary, Will's younger sister, was standing above me trying desperately to wake me up. I got up into a sitting position and looked around, I was in Mary's and Lydia's room.
"Liz are you okay?" Lydia asked worriedly. “You started tossing and turning then just flat out screaming"
"I'm sorry Liddie, Mary It was just a nightmare about the fire. I'm sorry if I scared you" I apologized. "Go back to sleep, I won't start screaming again okay. I promised. They both nodded and went back to their beds. I laid back down in my makeshift bed, but I didn't want to go back to sleep for fear of having that nightmare again. I stared up at the ceiling of the room. I couldn't stay there the room felt suffocating like the smoke during the fire. I quietly crept out of my bed and headed for the door. I snuck down the stairs and avoided the squeaky floor board next to the door. Carefully unlatching the door. I slither out the door and close it silently. I take a breath of the fresh night air. The sweet smell of fresh cut hay and the wild flowers. The peaceful sound of the crickets chirp, the horses neigh, and the tinkling flow of the creek. I gaze up at the sky and look at the stars winking back at me. I let loose a huge sigh. Since all of the horrid things that have happened lately I forgot just how beautiful things here are. I start running towards the cliff where I had so many happy memories. I finally get to the cliff. I walk to the edge and look down at the flowing water so peaceful and quiet. I suddenly have a flashback of a few years back. I'm here with my Ma and It's late July. We stare out at the wave lapping against the rocks. Farther down the cliff is a tree that we tied a rope to. Grabbing the rope we run and jump off the cliff into the freezing water below. After our swim in the ocean we find a trail up to the top of the cliff where we lay down and dry off in the sun and have a small picnic. I'm abruptly jolted into the present, by the sound of breaking twigs. I whirl around to see what's behind me, my heart pounding in my chest. I see yellow eyes peering back at me. My breath catches in my throat. Although wolves are not common here in California there are a few around this area. The yellow eyes started to get closer. I looked around for a stick I could use to defend myself when the moon came out from behind the clouds and I saw what the yellow eyes belonged to.
"FANG!"I shout. He runs to me and jumps up, knocking me down to the ground and starts licking my face. I start crying. Oh how I missed Fang this last week when I thought he was dead. Once I got myself under control I stood up and started back to Will's house. I glanced at Fang who was trotting next to me and notice that he looked thinner. His coat wasn't as shiny and full as it used to be. Fang is a two year old Siberian Husky that I found in a creek abandoned when I was visiting Will. We have bee inseparable ever since. Seeing him here now lifts my spirits about the journey to Iowa. Maybe it won't be so bad leaving my home. As we got to the door of the house I gave it a gentle tug, but it didn't come open. I tugged a little harder, it still wouldn’t open. That's when I remembered the bolt on the door. Mr. Johnson, Will's dad, must have reached it. Oh well, at least it's warm out. I walk to the barn where the Johnsons keep their animals and where our horses and oxen were living for now. Grabbing two old saddle blankets I climbed up to the hay loft. Fang followed me up the ladder, one of the first thing I taught him, I laid one blanket on the hay and sat down on it and folded the other blanket around me. I leaned back down and closed my eyes. I felt Fang lay down beside me. His warmth was comforting against my side. As I stared up at the barn roof I thought about all of the good and bad things that have happened to me . Then I got to thinking some more and I realized that I should remember the bad things that have happened, but not also not forget the good things as well, and for the first time since my Ma died I slept peacefully.

May 1, 1874

I woke to the sound of a rooster crowing in the distance. Next to my ear I heard a soft gentle purring. Sunlight seeped through the cracks in the barn walls, I was peaceful and comforting. I Slowly sat up and looked for the source of the purring and found it belonged to Faithful and Turbo, twin kittens that Lilly found in our barn three or four months back. I smiled at them intertwined so many different way you couldn't figure out where one kitten started and where one ended. I slowly stood up so I wouldn't wake up fang who was still dead asleep. However it didn't work. I still managed to wake him up. I shouldn’t have worried about it though, he opened one eye and just stared at me, then rolled over as if to say " yeah, yeah, I love you, but not enough to get up this early." I rolled my eyes at him and headed towards the ladder. Reaching the bottom I walked towards the apple barrel. Grabbing two apples, a small dull knife to split them in half with, and a horse brush. Walking over to the stalls that held our four horses. I stuck my head into the first stall and saw my horse Snickers staring back at me. I unlatched the stall door and sidled inside. Slowly walking over to Snickers I notice that she needs a brush down. Handing half a apple to Snickers I started brushing her down admiring how soft and silky her light grey coat was. My favorite part about her coat however was the dark grey, brown, and black dots that were splattered across her body. So entranced with my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I had stopped brushing Snickers, when I felt a gentle nudge against my chest and warm breath being blown in my face. Smiling I resumed my brushing. I had just continued brushing Snickers when someone said behind me "I can't believe you actually like that thing, it's a monster!" Will said glaring suspiciously at snickers. I giggled, " Ah Will," I sighed, "Snickers just likes the way you squeak when you get bitten, you can't blame her. Trying and failing to suppress a smile I continued to brush Snickers. About a minute later Will asks the question I was hoping he wouldn't ask. "Mary says that you weren’t in your bed when she woke up during the night, where were you?" I cringe slightly knowing that he'll be worried about the dream I've been having every night since the fire.
I sighed and even though I knew that I should tell him the truth, I just can't. I don't want him worrying about me once I leave so I say " I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out for some fresh air. Someone must have gotten up during the night while I was out side and they reached the door so that I couldn't get back in." Will gives me a look that says "I don't believe you". I can also se hurt in his eyes. He knows I'm not telling the truth. But I know it's for the better, some secrets we just have to keep to ourselves. I resume my brushing hoping that he will forgive me. A few minutes of uncomfortable silence he finally says, "breakfast is ready were just waiting to find you and for Nathan and I to finish chores."
Nodding I turn and head towards the door. Stopping to set the brush back inside one of out boxes. I go to each of the other three stalls and feed a half of the remaining apples to the rest of our horses. Giving each of the horses a last pat I follow Will out of the barn and into his cozy wood cabin. We head for the kitchen where everyone is waiting for us and Nate. Taking a seat next to Lydia I ignore her questioning looks. Seconds later Nathan comes into the house and sits with the rest of us. After the daily prayer, one in which I don't join in, we start to eat. The food is delicious, we have all kinds of fruit that Mary grows. Bacon and ham, which I stay away from because I am vegetarian. I also see fresh biscuits and bread, scrambled eggs, freshly brewed coffee and ice cold fruit juice. Grabbing as much as I can fit on my plate I start to eat slowly, hoping to delay the inevitable, for we were leaving for Iowa once breakfast was done. Even though I ate as slowly as possible, it seemed only minutes had passed before we were cleaning up the dishes and the men were going to saddle up the horses and hitch up the oxen to the wagon. Finishing up the dishes we my sisters, Will's sisters and mother, and I head outside. The day is beautiful, the sky a light baby blue, white fluffy clouds, and the sun instantly warmed my skin. If I wasn't leaving in
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