» Fiction » The Immortals, Timothy Green [inspirational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Immortals, Timothy Green [inspirational books .TXT] 📗». Author Timothy Green

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that is just too much.”

The rest of the ride home was silent and you could feel the tension in the air. I got out of the car and went into the house. I started climbing up the stairs when I heard my father clear his throat. My mother was waiting for me to turn around.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

I didn’t know how to reply. I knew this moment was coming.

“Nothing mom, it’s just uh ....”

I did not want to finish the conversation so I went upstairs and fell on my bed and fell asleep instanlyt. I woke up and heard footsteps around the house. I thought about earlier. How could I be so stupid and let them get away? I should of done something or should I have accepted and went with him or what about my mom, my dad, also my brother? I mean what would they of done without me? Also why did I lie to the cop? I should have told him or something, what should I do?

My door finally opened up, it was my mother who poked her head through and knocked.

“Honey, dinner is done. You want to talk about what happen today?”

I was so angry at that moment I got up and walk to the door. She backed her head away from the door.

“Mom I do not want to talk about it so go away. I’m not hungry. I seen someone die today!” I slammed the door in her face and felt bad after I had done it.

I fell onto my bed and fell asleep as I heard her footsteps walk away. What have I become?

The next morning I woke up feeling kind of different. I thought of course I feel different I saw someone die, yelled at a cop and my mom, and also slammed the door in her face. I went down stairs because I was hungry. It was Sunday so it was a little late when I woke up. I went into the kitchen and seen my father and mother eating breakfast. I had no school today.

“Hey son, you want some breakfast?”

I ignored my father because I didn’t want to pull up last night’s topic. I took my keys off the hook and went out and got into my car. I pulled out the drive way but stopped to look at the house. The house that had all the killing happens.

I was trying to make sense of all the things that had happen last night. I got tired of looking at it after a while so I drove off to a fast food restaurant.

I stayed there for a while trying to eat my food as slow as I could. I finally decided to leave and got into my car after paying the waitress. As I was getting ready to start the car when the phone started to ring. I answered it.


There was a slight heavy breathing.

“Hello John, it’s me Candice. I wanted to know what happen last night; someone said you got into trouble with the police?”

This is what is wrong with girls these day’s they can never get over things they hear also can’t ever get the truth about anything. I didn’t even feel like talking to her so I just hung the phone up instantly. I started the car when the phone rang again.

“What do you want? I hung up on you the first time. Get the hint.”

There was no sound after that but of a small breathing. It didn’t sound like Candice’s.

“Well John, is that how you treat a complete stranger?”

Could this have been him? Was it? What should I say?

“Look John, I know what you told the police and I really do appreciate what you have done.”

This was him. I turned the car off because I wanted every detail in this conversation.

“Look, come by the abandoned house. I want to show you something. I think maybe you will find it a tad bit “Interesting” come quick, goodbye.”

I hung up and turned the engine on and flew down the road. I pulled up beside the house. I walked onto the porch and saw that there was blood leading into the house. I started think of the other day and what I saw. I stayed up all night wondering if I made the right choice.

I backed off the porch not wanting to go in there. I started to leave when a knock above the house caught my attention.

In the window I saw the man. He was staring at me and waving me to come in. I walked in the house and once again the door shut on its own.

I had the thought to wonder how it did that. I walked up the stairs and into the same room I had been in before. When I open the door, I never in a million years would have seen this coming. I looked into the room and took in my surroundings.

I saw the man by the window still looking out it, I saw the once little boy in the middle of the room with a knife to someone.

The little boy laid the girl on the floor revealing her face to be Candice. I watched in amazement at the little boy sitting on the floor now with the knife to her throat. Finally the silence was broken by the man turning and saying,

“John, nice of you to show up, now here is my “proposal” for you, you come with me and be my apprentice and you little girlfriend will live to see the next minute.”

I was in total shock. I figured they wanted me for something. I knew this was going to happen but not like this, not with Candice. I loved her; I did not want to see her put into the middle of this.

“Alright, just don’t hurt her.”

I saw the man nod to the boy and he rose to his feet and retreated back into the shadows that now plagued the wall.

“Welcome John, to the Immortals. May you find your new family, loving and caring?”

I did not want a new family. I didn’t want nothing from this family that I wanted nothing to do with.

“I love the family I got now.”

Once again the man got closer to me. “Come into the shadow, and meet your new family.”

I figured that if I refused he would kill me. I see that happen all the time in the movies, always trying to be the hero. Not me I will just take it. I walked over to the shadow that lurked at the corner. I took a deep breath not know what was there, or would I see this place again.

I walked in it and closed my eyes. Within a mere second I felt me leaving earth. I opened my eyes to see a bunch of people gathered in a circle who wore a robe like clothing with a hood over the top of all of them so you could not see their faces.

“John, this is the Immortals, and may you find “Immortality.”
The Immortals

I have never seen so many people in one place at one time.

“Why does everyone wear hoods?”

The man laughed and I realized I never got his name.

“Well, first let’s get to the introductions. My name is Chief, and this is my son Insane.”

A little boy appeared behind his father, he looked about the same as his father but you know younger.

“Why do you have the name Chief?”

He turned away from me to look at no one in particular.

“I will talk about that another time, for now someone show him his room and tomorrow give him his clothes and equipment for practice.”

I wanted to go home but I knew that even in the movies they always found a way to get out but in the end they would end up dead so I chose to stay because there was no such luck in this place that I would be getting out of here anytime soon. I soon found myself being led to my room by a random person. The door shut behind me when I entered, and the room looked quite cozy. The bed felt soft, the carpet felt clean, and the air felt purified. The walls however looked evil and I knew I would not get much sleep as they were pitch black as the night. I figured I would say something about it tomorrow so I walked to the bed and sat on it, I took my shoes off and lied down and found myself asleep quicker than I intended.

I dreamt of my family, and my girlfriend, not knowing if I would ever see them again. It all made me feel sick to my stomach and soon I woke up with Chief and Insane looking at me.

“Get these on.” Chief said in a quick response to me waking up.

I got up and put the clothes on. I had a robe without a hood on it. I walked out of the house and found that Insane and Chief had already left. All who stood waiting for me is the little boy I had seen at the abandoned house.

“I’m ordered to take you to the Parade ground for our training.”

I wanted to ask the boy a lot of questions. I figured he wouldn’t answer them any ways. We walked around a beaten up path and after what seemed like a 20 minute walk, we finally made it to the place.

A guy nearby was shouting what seemed like news. Like a herald I thought. I started to eavesdrop on what he was saying,

“Everyone be concerned. There is a traitor among us. He is an assassin and anyone who captures him will be given a week of free food. Also the time is 9:25.”

Could I have been here that long? What day was it? Were people looking for me?

“Hey is it p.m. or a.m.?”

Finally the boy stopped. “It’s p.m. Now enter the building.”

After looking at the gates we finally went in. A guy was standing there beside Chief.

“Ah John, nice for you to finally make it, I’d like

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