» Fiction » The heroes of Vertlock, Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W [inspirational books for students .TXT] 📗

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Explaining it all

 Shade's P.O.V

How am I going to explain all of this to her? I mean she probably doesn't even remember me. When I walked into her room after Brodey showed it to her, She wasn't even paying attention. She had her music up all the way and was dancing to the end of honey I'm good. I looked at her playlist in my mind. No it's not creepy. I'm interested in what she listens to. The order after this was Shut up and Dance, Daddy Dance with me (I wonder why she has that since she like hates her father), I don't Dance, Chasing the Sun by Sara Barellies, and some others but i couldn't finish because she caught me.

"Is there something I can help you with? Or are you going to knock me out again?" She asked. Wow fiesty. "I came here to explain to you why I caught you and only you." wow is it me or was it hot in here? "Ok sit and explain." She pointed to a chair across from her bed. She paused her music on Brave by Sara Barellies. "No keep it on that song."

When she reached over, I saw an infinity sign on her back. "What's that for?" I asked her "What? The tattoo? Oh it's just a little sign that me and my best friend got." She replied "to remind us that we'll always be there for eachother." She explained seeing the confusion in my eyes. "Wow that's intense. Sweet. But intense." "Your were going to explain something or other." She reminded me "That's right. The reason why I may look a tiny bit familiar is because we used to be friends." I told her.

"What? That makes-" "I know but I can tell you that you have a birth mark that looks like a heart behind your left ear. And you don't like to but your hair up in a high pony tail because your hair stops growing behind your ears. You keep at least on of your ears hidden and it's normally your right ear. Even though your left handed. In fact you do like everything right handed you can because both of your parents are right handed and you've never wanted them to feel ashamed because you feel like they are all the time. And-" "Just shut up and kiss me." She replied. 

What just happened?

Elena's pov



His lips were soft on mine and he tasted like Andes Mints, the kind that he always use to eat when we were littler. His rough, callaced hands were warm on the lace of my tank top, then he pulled away, leaving me breathless and my heart racing. I saw compassion and warmth in his dark, forest green eyes that reminded me of the Christmas evergreens and wreaths. 

His lips were suddenly on mine again and a certain feeling of breathtaking feeling of pleausre coursed from my fingertips to my toes. The sound of glass shattering forced us apart, Christianna was standing there with a look of shock written across her face. "Um, I think I have the wrong room, so I'm just gonna go." At that moment, as she was starting to jog out of the room, Shade pulled out a small knife from his back pocket, "Who is this?" He had been talking to me. 

Christianna stopped moving and faced us, "Who is this?" At that moment, I leaped across the bed to save Chris form Shade. As he launched himself forward, Brodey slid in front of me. Shade's knife went through his stomach and he collapsed on the ground, Shade backed away in surprise at the sight of his closest friend in a heap on the ground. Christianna was right behind me, "NOOOOO! I don't know the guy, but nooooooooo!" 

I turned to her sharply, "This is not a laughing matter!" She was quick to retort, "Neither is you making out with some souless asshole that stole you from Vertlock!" "Not making out!" "Then what was that?! Ley! This is important! I am missing a date to save your sorry ass!" "Save me? I'm fine on my own! I don't need a babysitter!" "How could I babysit you? Nigga, you're older than I am!" "That's not important here!" As this went on, out of nowhere, Titanium started to play. 

Shade pulled his knife out again, "What is that?" Chris reached for her phone, "I have to take this." I grabbed her phone before she could answer it, "Leave her alone, Adam, you broke up with her. That's not her fault, stop calling." She grabbed the phone out of my hand, "I'm fine on my own, I don't need a babysitter.  Take your own advice, I can handle my own love-life!" 

"You can barely handle Marc as it is, you don't need more stress." "Says you, I'm fine." "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!! I'M FUCKING DYING HERE AND YOU GUYS ARE FIGHTING!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!" Christianna turned to me and then to him, "That is her fault, she can't handle her own self for 5 minutes. What the hell happened to 'I hate Shade, he's such an asshole?' I cancelled on a date with Marc for you! And what do I get? Yelled at. What the hell is your problem?" 

Shade looked betweeen both of us, "What happened to you always being there for each other." Chris turned to him this time, "We are! Why the hell do you think I'm here and not on my date with the only guy that I've liked for 3 years now? Who else do you think showed up at my house at 4:32 in the morning with Ben and Jerry's ice cream after my break up?" 

Shade glared at Chris, "I don't believe you." She glared back at him, "I don't trust you ether, bud, you were just making out wiht my best friend in the whole world, Id watch yourself if I were you." "It wasn't him! I kissed him first!" I yelled at Chris. "What!?!?!?!?!" "That's right! I did. And I bet you didn't know that we used to be best friends when we were little too." I replied casually. "I bet he didn't know that you can only eat a sandwich with mustard not mayo on it." "Ha! He was the one who introduced that to me!" 

Chris turned to me, I could see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes, "Then why are we ebst friends if you had him there for you? Why am I even here?" She pulled her phone out, "Hey Marc, yeah, sorry, I had to watch my sister for a little bit, but my parents are back. Do you still want to hang out? Great! That works, I'll meet you at the face in 20. Alright, see you there." 

I can't believe she just did that! She faced me then, "I guess you don't need me anymore since you have him." She ripped the necklace that I had gotten her for her birthday from her neck and threw it to the ground at my feet, "Here,  I don't want it anymore." She looked at me one last time before walking out of the room. "I'm sad for you and all, but I'm kinda dying, so I'd say my problems trump yours, just saying." Brodey panted from the ground.

Wow, Just Wow

 Christianna's pov



I stormed out of the room, I had known that something was up, but I couldn't figure it out. Now I know, that bitch. She had said that I was the only friend that was as close to her as I was, but I guess we all lie sometimes, right? Even if I can tell if people are lying, Ii don't usually do that to my friends. Ii had honestly believed her, I had let my feelings get in the way. 

Wow, I had cancelled on Marc for her and she didn't even want saving. There had been some other person before me and  I've known her since she was 8! Why did I not know about him? Is that really how close we are? I thought we were closer than this...

Wait Up

 Elena's pov



Shade helped Brodey onto the bed and called ofor a doctor, I wasn't any help. All I could do, was stare at that damn necklace. Did she really not trust me? She's my ebst friend in the whole entire world, how could she think like this. "Because you never told ehr about me and Ii had been an important part of your life for at least a little bit." I turned to Shade, anger powered my voice and it came outa lot harsher than it needed to be, "STOP GETTING IN MY HEAD! JUST STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" 

I didn't even look back at him ut I could tell that my words had hurt him. I didnt mean for them to, bit just kinda happened. I kept replaying Chris and Ii's argument in my head, I had been mean, she had meant well and was just trying to help me out and I had cast her aside. Then my phone started to ring, I didn't even look at the screen, "Hello?" 

"Elena, right?" "Yeah, why?" "I just wanted to thank you." "For what?" "For driving Anna right into my arms." ""What do you mean?  Who is this?" "Oh, it's me, Marc. She came down to the 'cafe' and we drank hot

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