» Fiction » Quiet, Jess Caylen [any book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Quiet, Jess Caylen [any book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Jess Caylen

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out nicknames, which by the choices he made, made me giggle.

“It’s Jess” I say quietly and look to the ground.

“Jessica, pretty name, but… I’m gonna call you Fraizer,” He smiles really wide. “Boom new nickname”

I roll my eyes and chuckle slightly.

“Well new neighbor and friend, it’s getting late, you should head home”  

I shrug and we both get up from where we were sitting by the water.

With that we both go our separate ways, but before I lost sight of him, he yells out, “See you tomorrow!!”



I had somehow made my way back to my house in one piece. I was a bit jumpy and when ever a leaf hit my arm I would jump and think it was a spider or snake of some sort. 

When I got home my father was still at work, and of course like I had predicted earlier, Sandra bombarded me with questions like, where were you, did you meet the neighbors, etc.

I muttered a few no’s and a few yes’s, and I mentioned Kian before I knew what my mind and mouth was doing. She smiled and told me that she was glad I was trying to make friends.

I give her a weak smile and tell her that I was gonna head to bed.

What surprised me next was that she gave me a hug. It was short but sweet.

She ushered me off towards the stairs and had a warm smile plastered on her face.

See Sandra isn’t all that bad. I think to myself as I near the top of the stairs.

The rest was a blur until about four am. I didn’t even sleep for most of the time, I was just up thinking; like most nights I would not be able to go to sleep while these thoughts were running through my mind.

I thought about what would happen when school starts. Would Kian be there? It would be nice if I had at least one friend there, if you want to call him that.

My mind became fuzzy after that, and before I knew it the sun rose, and was shining into my window.

I hear shuffling below me and figure it was my father getting ready for work, and just like I had said, I heard his car pull out of the driveway.

With a sigh I sit up. I wasn’t even tired for some reason, even though I didn’t sleep. I felt refreshed, like I usually do in the mornings.

I pop up from where I was currently sitting and shuffle over to my closet. I was thinking about going back down to the meadow today, seeing how it would most likely be more pretty during the day where I can see the flowers. Oh I can bring my sketch book, maybe sit and draw a few of them or something. That was also another thing that made me moderately happy.

I open up the sliding door. I see that Sandra had put away my things.

Note to self, thank her later.

I quickly pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, along with one of my hoodies.

I throw them down on to the bed, and walked towards my bathroom.

I see once in there that Sandra also put my shampoo and stuff in here. I smile to myself and quickly close the door. I start the shower and wait for it to get warm and then soon after I striped and got in.

The bathroom was soon filled with the smell of raspberries from my body wash.

Showers aren’t that interesting so I soon got out after washing my hair.

I pulled a towel and wrapped it around my body, and then soon after I grabbed another to wrap my hair in.

Shortly after I had managed to get dressed without taking my hair down from the towel it as currently folded in.

I flipped my head down and pulled the towel off just enough to let the ring curls fall. I started to dry the messy curls with the towel and when I felt as if they were dry enough I flipped back up.

I went into my bathroom once again and threw the towels and clothes in the hamper before leaving it and shutting the door.

I searched around my room for a while until I finally came across my familiar satchel bag which contained my notebooks and my sketch book, along with a variety of different pencils and pens.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed out of my room and down the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs there was this bit of railing, so I slid on it until I popped down at the end.

I was in a really good mood for some odd reason and I had no idea why.

Sandra was in the family room watching one of her shows when I walked past t the back door.

I told her I would be out and she said not to stay out too late.

With a happy smile on my face I nodded and walked to the back door, opening it and stepping outside.

The air was much cooler today than it was yesterday. You could tell it was getting to be around fall time, which also meant school would be starting sooner than expected.

I sigh sadly, but then pushed the thoughts away before heading down the small trail you had taken the night before. It didn’t seem as scary as it did last night, and so I was at ease for most of my way through the small wood.

I was the familiar glisten of light through the trees, and soon made your way to the clearing.

Just as I predicted. Beautiful.

A moment of Dejah vu happened as I saw movement at the lake.

I couldn’t help the smile form on my face as you see it was Kian laying on the small dock that I didn’t notice last night. He was throwing pebbles at the water again, but this time he had more of the small rocks.

I slowly made my way through the grass and to the lake. Kian was facing the water, and I don’t think he noticed me. I cautiously walk up behind him and take a seat right next to him on the dock.

He looked over to me with the biggest smile.

“Heyyy Fraizer” He says as he turns his attention back to the water, throwing one more small rock in.

I say nothing like usual and look down at the water. There were small fish that swam by every now and then, and I could see that Kian was trying to avoid the spots with the most guppies.

I look over to Kian and see him looking down at the water with curious eyes. I followed his gaze and see that he was staring at a small turtle swimming around below the dock.

I giggle slightly, he looked like a small child interested in something new.

He looked up. “What you laughing about girly?” He asks with a chuckle. I shrug in response and look back down to the water.

I get an idea from the scene in front of me and pull out my sketch book and one of my thick leaded pencils.

I quickly started to sketch out Kian, the dock and the water below us.

I drew him as a cartoon and made the water look animated, as well as some guppies, and the turtle.

Kian finally noticed me drawing and looked down at what I was doing.

He moved his positon so that he was facing me. He put his hands to his face like a kid would normally do when they were curious.

I finished some small details and then flipped the book over to Kian.

“Oh my gosh this is really cool” He says and reaches for the book.

I pulled it away.

“Nope, mine.” I say playfully.

“Hmm, what do you want for the drawing?” He asks with a serious look on his face, his brown eyes squinted slightly.

“A blue flower with a yellow middle. Find me that flower in the field and you shall receive the picture.” I giggle, but then remember this is serious. I put on a straight face and looked to him.

I hear him chuckle. He leaned back and plucked one from the grass nearby. His sleeve rode up a tad bit in doing so and I saw something that made me want to cry.

The small scars and cuts. Older scars faded in and out to new ones, and I honestly had to look away.

I brought my gaze back to the water, and see the small turtle was at the surface.

It got my mind off of what I just saw, but I still smiled down with a few tears in my eyes.

The beautiful blue flower pope dint my vision as well as the hand that belonged to Kian.

“For you” He says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

I grab the stem between my fingers, and twirled it around.

I smiled and grabbed my book, quickly signing the doodle with my name and then a small heart along with the date.

I always do that with drawings.

I see him smile even more as I hand it to him.

“Yay, I will treasure it forever.”

With that we were left in silence, with only a few sounds of the pebbles hitting the water as Kian threw them.

“So… How about I get to know you” He suggests, trying to break the silence.

“How old are you?” That was the typical first question people usually ask besides your name.

“17, 18 in November” I mutter out.

“I’m 18 in September” He chuckles.

It was now my turn to ask a question.

“Do you have one more year of school? Or are you finished?” I ask nervously. I hope he says one more because I don’t want to be alone at a new school.

He sucked in a breath before answering.

“One more year.” I let out a deep breath causing him to laugh slightly.

“You ok there girly?”

I nod. “I’m just glad I won’t be alone this school year,” I start and take a breath in. “Cause you know, new school, new people who have known each other for years, and I would most likely not make any friends.” I ramble out. That has been the most I’ve talked in the past two months.

“Don’t worry, you got me, I don’t have very many friends either, but no one really bothers me so it’s fine.” He says with a warm, sweet smile.

It goes quiet for a moment until I feel Kian start to mess with my hair.

I giggle and ask what he was doing.

“Playing with your hair, what does it look like I’m doing” He says with a smirk.

“Smart ass, I mean why” I laugh.

“Because I can” He says and continues playing with it.

I chuckle.

The silence this time wasn’t awkward, it was one of those comfortable silences that rarely happen.

We just sat here, him still messing around with my ringlets and me enjoying the company for a newly found friend.

I smiled and let the words slip from my mouth.

“Thank you”

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