» Fiction » You can't always get what you want, Ale [the two towers ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «You can't always get what you want, Ale [the two towers ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Ale

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was the one to help them pick what they want and Liz was the cashier. Just as I got out a family of a mom, dad and a boy around eight came inside. I smiled and asked "Hello, what are you looking for?"

"My little boy here wants a guitar" the mom said and immediately I smiled because that was my specialty.
"Well you've came to the right place, it's his first time playing?"
"Yup" the boy answered.
"Ok, for beginners we have the Fender and Squier guitars, I recommend the Fender guitar, for boy we have black, dark blue, green or red and it also comes into a package of amplifier and cable with soft case"
"It sounds good, Matty which one you want?"
"Gheen" he said smiling widely.
"How much?" the mother asked.
"That'll be two hundred and fifty dollars"

After two long hours of working our shift was over and we headed to dinner at Fridays and Elizabeth told me she wanted to come with me to visit my Nonno. And I told here she could come.

"Only I'm reading another book to him, you don't mind listening right?"
"At all" she said smiling.

We arrived at the hospital and went straight to his room, it was 207, a number I knew by memory. I opened the door and saw he was sleeping. I sighed and told myself to be strong, the fact he was always sleeping it wasn't a good sign, at first he was always awake. Now he is really skinny, even his bones showed and I tried not to wince at that.

"Good night Nonno" I said stirring him "I've brought company" I said smiling.
"Goodnight darling, really? Let me see who it is" he said smiling a bit and I moved to the side so he could see Elizabeth. "This is a surprise, how are you little Lizzie?" he said smiling.
"You'll never change, would you? I'm not little! And I'm fine thank you, how are you feeling?"
"With you two here a lot better"
"Well how about I keep reading the book to you?" I said taking a seat beside his bed.
"It'll be a pleasure"

And with that said I began reading the book that held a lot of adventures.

"I woke up because of the sun streaming directly at my face. I stood up to close the curtains and saw something or must I say someone that caught my eye, William. He was training with dragons, not fighting with them but riding them. My eyes widened at that, the dragons were known to not be a very kind creature and usually if anyone tried getting into their backs they would throw them away. My curiosity got the best of me and I locked my bedroom door before whistling for my unicorn and going to the mountains where this young man was. When I got down I realized I hadn't changed from my sleep gown and it wasn't proper to meet him like this. But it was too late he already saw me and made a curtsy. In cue I made one myself and tried hiding the pink color that came to my cheeks.

"What a grateful surprise to see you here Milady" he said smiling. "What could the motive be to such an honor?"
"I was wondering how a young man like you could do such a dangerous thing" I replied and I was sure my cheeks were red as a cherry.
"Well your Majesty, I don't find riding dragons dangerous at all"
"Please call me Adelaide, and why not?" I asked incredulous.
"Because when you treat them well they're a friendly creature, come here and I shall teach you" he said and I hesitated, what if they burned me down? He must've noticed my hesitation because he added "I promise nothing bad will happen to you"

I couldn't say no so I took one, two, three...ten steps to get closer to him and the dragons. Afterwards he asked which one I liked best and I was mesmerized by a white one, they were rare to find. When I decided on the white one he told me to go and give him food and I did as I was told and she licked my face. Something I find extremely disgusting but what's done is done. William said I did the first stage and now it was time to fly with him. Cautiously I made my way to the dragon's back and William followed suit in one swift movement. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and told me to take hold of the reigns. I did as I was told and took a deep breath before embracing the air draft.

As much as I want to tell you it was an exhilarating experience, it was not. "Skyla" as I named the dragon was very rough at the beginning and I almost fell down, she then took sharp turns as if she wanted me to collide with everything in the way. I tried controlling the reigns but it was a hard task and I was about to give up when I felt William whisper in my ear "Close your eyes" and I laughed humorlessly and yelled to him "Are you crazy? I'm going to die! How can I stop her?" I asked. I felt him shook his head and then he lifted his hands and closed my eyes, sending a tickling sensation throughout my body. "Now relax, and listen, become one with the nature" I was sure we were going to crash but I did it anyway. I could hear the faint sound of the wind, feel my wavy black hair flying crazily and also I heard the breathing of Skyla and my own, trying to synchronize mine with hers. And when I felt connected with her, I managed to guide her more expertly and I started actually enjoining it. I laughed and felt light as a feather. I wish I could feel like this always. Sadly since I hadn't told anyone I was here I should get going, so calmly I led her to the ground and got down with William's help.

"Thanks so much for letting me enjoy this beautiful experience" I said smiling broadly at him.
"My pleasure" he replied bowing and I grabbed his shoulders and brought him up.
"Please, you don't have to bow for me. Let's make a pact ok?"
"About what?"
"When I'm with you you'll treat as a normal people, for you I'm not the princess just a...friend" I said hoping the word "friend" wasn't too much for our acquaintance.
"That, it's perfectly fine with me Adelaide"

With that said I turned around, whistled for Rose, my unicorn, and flied away. I arrived back at my room and patted Rose's head before going inside and choosing the clothes I'll wear today. I decided on a green velvet dress, it went to my knees and was short-sleeved with green sandals. The maids prepared a bath for me and then helped me get ready.

It was already noon by the time I descended the staircase and was greeted by Ethan. Someone I didn't want to see.

"You look stunning Princess" he said taking my hand and kissing it, I gritted my teeth while bowing. He was looking me up and down, with a perverted face.
"Thank you" I replied glaring when I was sure no one saw.
"Oh don't waste your precious time doing such a face, you'll get wrinkles" he smirked waiting for me to snap.
"Really? You say that by experience?" I smiled with fake innocence at him and his face turned hard as he narrowed his eyes so I took the opportunity and said "Maybe you should follow your own advice"

With that said I turned around and bowed to my parents before excusing myself for a walk in the garden. I can't believe they are making me marry him! He's such a jerk! I sighed and wished to be a normal girl. If I weren't the heir to the throne I wouldn't have to marry someone like him, if I were medium class I could marry William, and not him. Wait! Oh God, I can't be falling for him! Me and him can never be together, ever. Even if I didn't have to marry Ethan, we couldn't be together. He's from the low class and I'm the princess, a forbidden love indeed."

I closed the book because I had already finished chapter one. I looked up and saw my grandfather sleeping peacefully and I found myself wondering how long he has left. No! I shook my head, he will heal even if I it's the last thing I do I'll make sure he leaves this hospital and sees daylight for a few years before the inevitable happens. It's a cycle after all, we born, grow up and die. Suddenly two fingers snapped in front of my face and I turned to the person in question to find Elizabeth giving me a disapproving look.

"Audrey! Have you been listening to me?" she asked exasperated and I shook my head as a response "You'll never change, come on friend it's late at night. Visiting hours are already over"

I took her extended hand and got up. After dusting myself we both starting walking out of the room, but I couldn't resist to take a peek back and saw him unharmed, still sleeping. We made our way down the elevator, out of the hospital and into my car. I left her in her house and with a "See you tomorrow" I was off to my house. I got home and ate a cheese sandwich and a glass of Nestea. Afterwards I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. My apartment was small, it had a living room with a couch, table and average TV. Then it had one door that lead to the kitchen and a hallway with two doors. One door for the bathroom and the other was for my bedroom. I walked out of the kitchen and into my room. I took a look around and saw my twin sized bed undone in one side, at the other side was a desk with my computer and papers on it and beside was my closet. I went to the chair in front of the brown wood desk and took out of my backpack my homework. I started with it and three hours later I was done. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1am.

I took a quick hot shower, wrapped myself in a towel and went to my bedroom. After, I put on shorts and tank top with my white silky robe on top. I left my hair wet and got into the comfort of my bed. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes waiting for sleep to take over.

I was awakened from my sleep when I heard a constant beeping noise. I stretched my arm with effort and turned it off. I got up, rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got dressed. At six thirty I was out of my apartment with a cereal bar in my mouth and hurrying to my car. Today I had class in the morning and couldn't visit my Nonno before attending. I was studying to become a civil engineer, that was a career that took five years but I was finishing it in four. Needless to say this was my last year, I plan on studying architecture when I finish. I was walking down the halls when I felt someone beside me and when I turned I saw nonetheless that it was Blake, the man
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