» Fiction » Tamara's Story, mishadavamp [epub read online books txt] 📗

Book online «Tamara's Story, mishadavamp [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author mishadavamp

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to ask because she was so exited to have another witch around. She decided to ask tomorrow and maybe invite him over, see about doing a couple of spells. When two or more witches do magic together the spells are stronger. Tamara was sort of worried because Todd had hit close to home. She was sort of lying about the fact that they moved just because her dad got transfered, if it werent for the fact that she had exposed theyre secret her dad wouldve probly refused. She also hated the fact that she had to lie to Todd all the time.
With a sigh Todd decided to let it go when he noticed Tamara wasnt going to even respond, and started to talk about other things. In all truth though he was steaming they were friends for five years, she had never told him her secrets, and it already looked like Gabriel knew it and they had only known each other for two hours. Tamara went blathering on about nothing thankfully because Todd had become very good at hiding his feelings over these last five years.
After a few minutes they came to Todds house and Todd gave Tamara a farewell hug and kiss on the cheek. The rest of the short ride home Tamara couldnt help but think about how close she just came to telling Todd the truth. Todd had already acidentally found out once and he was scared half to death. Luckly she had quickly erased his memories so her parents never found out. So far the spell was still holding. Tamara still couldnt believe how easily Todd had snuck up on her when she was doing a simple levitation spell. So far the memory still hadnt resurfaced.
Then she started musing to her self how Gabriel had thought Todd was her boyfriend. Sure Todd was kinda cute most likely the only reason he had no girlfriends was because he believed in UFO's and he hung out with her. His bone structure was strong, he had pretty blue eyes, and disheveled black hair that no matter what he did wouldnt stay in place.
Instantly Tamara's thoughts turned to Gabriel and how his eyes continuesly changed into different shades of green, although the gold flecks in his eyes never changed, but this was common for witches. She also wondered if the kids at school would start to fear and avoid him like they did her.
When her parents got home and asked her the same old questions every parent asks. "How was school? Did you have fun?" normally Tamara would say "Yeah it was all right." but today her parents got a surprise when she burst out enthusiasticly "Guess what! Did you know that some witches moved in just down the road from us." Her parents exchanged a worried look. "Did you meet them yet?" "Just thier son Gabriel. "We have every class together. Before you ask he practiceses white magic, but I have to ask him tomorrow if the rest of his family does." Her father looked at her sharply and asked "Did you sense that he was lying to you?" "No the only time he lied to me was when Todd asked him why he moved here. I only beleive he lied about that because Todd was there." "You sure ?" "Yes, is it allright if I invite him over tomorrow."
Her parents were communicating through witch messages. Thier daughter didnt know it but it was very unusual for a child her age to have so much power, and it was increasing every day that was why the witch community had wanted them to move. She would be able to protect herself from any dangers. So they asked "Whats thier last name." "It's Mason." They were surprised if they were thinking of the correct people the Masons had two sons one was a trouble maker he got kicked out of alot of schools his name was Billy, the other well apparently his name was Gabriel and they had heard that the second kid was basicly an angel." They had come to a decision. "We dont mind if you hang out with Gabriel, but if we have the right family we want you to stay away from his older brother Billy as much as possible. Alright?" "Yes. I'll be in my room if you need me."
Later on Tamara was having a wonderful dream where she and Gabriel were on the beach in the sun talking about magic.
Just down the road Gabriel was having a dream similiar to Tamara's.
Todd was having a very interesting dream about aliens visiting earth and they had killed Gabriel. Then after the aliens left he and Tamara got married.
The next morning Tamara met Todd outside his house then they walked on to see if Gabriel was going to walk with them, although Todd wasnt to happy about this.
Gabriel had woken up early so that he could be out side when Tamara walked by so he could walk with Tamara. When he met them outside his house, Gabriel cursed his own stupidity he had forgotten all about Todd. Looks like hell have to play nice this morning, so he gave Todd a fake smile and said "Good morning. Todd. Tamara." Todd mumbled something resembling a good morninng and Tamara replyed to him with a very eager greeting, at least she was happy to see him.
Todd on the other hand was the opposite, every time Tamara wasnt looking he would glare at him so in return when she wasnt looking he gave Todd an look equal to the level of his own. Gabriel looked at Tamara and saw that she was ignoring them. To ease some of the tension surrounding the three of them he started to ask questions about the teachers to see how much he would be able to get away with, without the use of magic.
Tamara was sad she didnt know that Todd's feelings for her was this deep. She had known he had a crush on her but when she saw his reaction to Gabriel, that was when she realized that he was in love with her. She felt horrible, sure she loved Todd but as a brother nothing more. Also she was very worried that Gabriel and Todd would get in a fight and she would be stuck in the middle of it.
When they got to school Gabriel was happy because Todd could only stay with them for a few minutes before he had to leave them to go to his own classes, also the only period they all shared was lunch.
While walking to class Tamara asked "Do you have any brothers or sisters and does your whole family practice white magic, or just you?" "My parents and I practice white magic... but my brother practices black. Hes also the real reason why we moved here, hes been kicked out of about ten different schools." "Oh thankfully he goes to a different school I think its called Landerville." "You guys dont get along that well?" "No hes always trying to get me to use dark magic and were always fighting because I refuse to." "Well that must suck luckly for me I'll never have that problem it actually makes me glad that Im an only child,oh and my parents also practice white magic. Would you like to come over to my house after school my parents arent going to be home until around seven thirty. You dont even have to meet them yet if you dont want to."
Gabriel looked thoughtful for a moment then said "No its all right I would like to meet your parents." Smiling at him Tamara said "All right during class I'll send a witch message to tell them your coming over and will be there when they get home." Gabriel was surprised that she was able to send a witch message that far and he barely felt her do it. "They said it was all right and that they cant wait to meet you. Do you have to ask your parents?" "Yeah but I can stop home and meet you a couple houses down from Todds unless he knows about you bieng a witch." "No he doesnt so yeah I'll meet you a couple of houses from Todds, oh and my parents want me to stay away from your brother." "Thats alright I understand."
Tamara looking at him shyly said "Well we can talk more about this later we got to get to class. Um, would you like to sit next to me in our classes it'd be nice to sit next to someone who can really know who I am." "Are you sure it seems that alot of girls will hate your gut if I do?" "Its all right most people already hate me I just ignore them." "In a way I guess Im glad though it makes me wonder why they hate you so much." "Oh its because they on some level know that I'm different. And they hate that fact, either your like them or your not it also didnt help that I didnt care about how popular I could be. Oh theres one problem we have to convince the teachers that we should be allowed to sit together."
"I might be able to arrange that." Tamara was about to ask what he had in mind when the bell rang. Tamara went to her seat while Gabriel went to talk to thier teacher.
A few seconds later Mr. Adams looked up and asked Parkinson to switch seats with Gabriel so that Tamara (since she was the student with the highest grades) to help Gabriel get ajusted to the chapter they were on in social.
Tamara watched as Gabriel walked over and took the seat next to her while the whole entire time he had a huge grin on his face. If he could pull this off in every single class then he would be sitting next to her permanetly for the rest of the year, exept lunch of course since they were assigned to different cafeteria rooms. Tamara was glad to be sitting next to someone she can talk to about magic, it also helped that Gabriel was hot.
Gabriel was very happy and extremly proud of himself. Every class he went to he asked the teacher to sit next to Tamara for help and then switched seats with whoever sat next to her. Then while the teachers werent looking they would pass notes back and forth. Gabriel couldnt understand why he found Tamara so interesting I mean sure she was beautiful,smart, and strong, but there was something about her. It was strange how relaxed he was around her and how they got along so well. Normaly he was rude to everyone exept his family, well exept for his brother, that was a whole other matter and it made everyone hate him. It took a long time for people to like him thats why he had only two girlfriends and very few friends. It was cool that here because he was the new kid in school he was popular. Even though his popularity was fading fast he was happy there was a hot girl who was also smart and a witch. Though Gabriel couldnt help but wonder what Tamara really thought of him and if she would go out on a date with him he'd just have to wait and see what would happen.
During lunch Tamara looked extremley happy. So Todd asked her "Why are you so happy?" Looking a little embaressed she said "I'm happy because I now sit next to Gabriel in every class its nice to have someone to talk to while the teachers are droning on, it sure makes time fly by." Todd was jealous Gabriel got to spend all day
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