» Fiction » Dark Days, Susan Cunningham [best value ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Susan Cunningham [best value ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Susan Cunningham

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was they were definately going
to see her. She didn't want to be found lying down, but she was too afraid to sit up. Maybe they wouldn't come close enough to even see her.
Yeah and maybe they'll leave and you'll still be here, all alone, in the pitch black night. That thought was enough to make her sit up.
Since it was getting dark, Jolene couldn't really see too much past the car. No street lights out in the country, and whoever was out there had not left their headlights on. Then there was a bright light in her face. She let out a startled yelp. Just a flashlight.
"Sorry 'bout that. I didn't mean to scare ya. I actually thought the car was abandoned." A mans voice. Even though he said he was sorry
he did not turn the flashlight off or point it somewhere else.
"I drove past 'bout an hour ago and didn't see anyone in it. I thought it was weird that the windows were down. Heck, that's the only reason I even stopped to check it out." Still he left the light in her face. Something made her think that detour had been a setup.
Why the heck would you think that? She didn't know, but she felt like something was wrong about this whole thing, and she was scared.
"Could you please point that flashlight somewhere else, you're blind-" Then there was a hand over her mouth. Jolene was suddenly over -whelmed by a chemical odor. Flashlight guy had not moved. Someone had opened the passenger side door while he had been distracting her. Too late, Jolene realized what had woken her up in the first place. The door she had heard close right after she woke up- had been the second one.

She is sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean. She looks around and sees that she is the only person on the beach. This does not frighten her although it seems a little strange. Outside of pictures, Jolene has never seen an ocean before. It was gorgeous. She takes a deep
breath and starts gagging. The air is wrong. From the corner of her eye she sees movement. She turns to look. Not far from where she is, she
sees two men. From their body language, they seem to be arguing. She hears bits and pieces, nothing that makes any sense to her, but enough to fill her with dread.
"...her car.."
" that one..."
" choice....bit me."
Then they notice her. One of them comes toward her. She tries to get up to run, but she is stuck somehow. She looks down and sees that her feet are in shackles. The chain to the shackles is connected to the beach somehow. Now the man coming toward her starts smiling. He's also saying something but she can't hear him. Now he's shaking her and the beach, along with the ocean, begins to dematerialize.

The first thing Jolene noticed when she woke up, was that the shackels had not just been a dream. Her hands were also in shackels. She was shackeld to a chair. A metal chair that made Jolene think of electric chairs she had seen in movies. When she tried to get out of it she couldn't move, not even a little. Two leather belts kept her from moving. One around her upper thighs, another around her chest. The one around her chest was above her breasts and under her armpits. The shackels on her ankles and hands allowed no movement either. She was stuck.
"Hey Doc, look who's finally awake." Then to Jolene he says, "Don't even think about fuckin' screamin bitch, 'cause I will make you regret
it. You better not doubt that."
Jolene was fully awake now. This was the man that had walked up to her in the dream. She did not doubt for one second that he meant
what he was saying. Then he told her a little story that could have been straight out of some horror movie. Hostle was the one that came to mind.
"We had this one girl, she was the first one actually, and man was she a fiesty one." He seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment before continuing. "Made it kinda fun though. Anyway, long story short, the bitch bit me. I had to have stitches in three of my fingers. I was pissed. I think I yanked twelve of that bitches' teeth out that night. She kept sayin' she was sorry, she would never do it again, and please stop. But she wasn't sayin' much by the time I pulled the sixth one, and she passed out after about eight. Fuckin' bitch." He was looking at Jolene like he was expecting some kind of a response. Or maybe he was just thinking about what he was going to do to her.
Jolene turned her face away from him. What she saw when she did that gave a new meaning to the word fear. It was a 'wall of terror'. There were at least a dozen knives of various lengths and widths, a power drill, a sickle, a pair of hedge clippers, some rope, two hammers, and of course, some pliers. If she had any doubts before about her situation, they were gone now. Jolene Devlin knew then that she was going to die. The only real question was 'how much torture would she have to live through?
"Hey Dentist I gotta be gettin' home now. You know how Robin worries about me if I'm out too late."
Pure instinct caused Jolene to turn toward the direction that the voice came from. She didn't want to see anymore. The voice had come
from the opposite side of the room, across from the 'wall of terror'. What she saw here, made her faint.
Jolene didn't faint because doc looked like the guy in the dark blue truck, and not even because she saw more instruments of torture. Things like torches, staple guns, and even a power saw. It was because of the pictures. Pictures of men and women being tortured, in this room, and it looked like some of them were in the same chair that she herself was strapped into. These pictures were very vivid and professional looking. Just before Jolene had passed out, she had seen that written above some of the pictures, were the words before and after. Only a few of these after pictures were actually still recognizable as human beings.

Jolene came-to in total darkness. She had been blindfolded while she was passed out. Seeing had been horrible, but not seeing somehow seemed worse. Her mouth had also been taped shut. Jolene held her breath so she could listen for sounds of her captors. The only noises she could hear were crickets and frogs. She sensed that she had been left here alone. Why not? There was no chance of her escaping.
She guessed by the sounds outside that it was still night. She had to pee and she had no idea how long it would be before her captors returned or if they would even let her use a restroom.
They'll probably just let you piss yourself you know, which is nothing when you think of your situation. You worried that if somebody comes to your rescue that you'll smell like piss? You still have some hope of a miracle fuckin' happening? You saw those fuckin' pictures. Don't you
think all of those people had that same hope? Well you saw how that went. You're fucked. Jolene cried herself to sleep.
She awoke to the sound of rattling keys followed by the sound of a door closing. A sudden overwhelming fear came over her and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She didn't even notice when she pissed herself. Jolene kept expecting something to happen or for someone to say something. When nothing but continuing silence greeted her, she started to get a little control over herself. Her heartbeat was no longer thudding in her ears. Still she could hear nothing. She started thinking that maybe what she had heard had been someone leaving.
Think about that carefully why don't you? First sound= keys, second sound= door closing. It would be the other way around if someone was leaving. Someone is here. Whoever it is, they're probably standing somewhere close, just watching you. I bet they even saw you freakin' out.
Too late to- Jolene forced herself to stop thinking. Sitting here just waiting for something to happen was bad enough, without all the extra input.
There was a loud thump from above her. The sound of someone dropping something very heavy. A body maybe. A new wave of panic threatened to overtake her and she had to force herself to breath slower. Until now, Jolene had never thought of being blindfolded as a form of torture, but it was actually very effective for keeping a person in a state of panic.
Yeah well, the chances of you dyin' of a heart-attack, are slim to none. Still higher than the chance that these guys will just let you go.
The chances of that happenin' are like, none to none. These men are killers and they're going to- Her thoughts were interrupted by a noise close by. She did not know exactly what the sound was, but she thought it was some kind of power tool. She tried to thrash and shake the chair but it didn't budge even the slightest
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