» Fiction » The Soldiers Creed, Justin Devlin [icecream ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Soldiers Creed, Justin Devlin [icecream ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Justin Devlin

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the death around me it just all seemed natural to me.

I froze staring out over the field I canceled out all soldiers around me. A man Pvt Truck was the one who pulled me off the field and on the chopper. The ride back all you could hear was screaming and crying I stayed quiet. The floor was covered in blood from the injured a man next to me was missing a leg they patchedhim up but he was pale to pale his life was done for he would be dead with in the next hour. We had arived at base camp but half the injured had died and they were being packed in body bags the ones alive were being taken to medical tents.

Chapter Seven: Blood And Honor


I seen people Ive trained with die today people I knew people that were my friends that id never see again. My heart stayed solid on the outside but inside I was breaking I watched as they put my friend Kyle in a body bag and caried him away he was a good man strong and reliable. He was twenty six he had two daghters one was two and the other one was three he also had a wife Kelly. They would never see him again his kids would have to spend the rest of their lives without him always asking their mother where their dad was. I had survived and held the evac position but I felt like I had done nothing all I did was fire into the groups of enemys but I received honor those had fallen got nothing they were lost blood not needed any more.

 Even though the Germans bomed themselves they won the battle we were crippled and forced to retreat they took the field. Our commanders werent going to let this happen we met up with two strong forces of regular infantry all together there were about six thousand of us just the amount to take the field back and reclaim what we lost. We would be deployed tommorow at noon. While we were still alive I got to know Truck and Dent two Pvt that had become my best friends before the sun rose.

Chapter Eight: Brothers In Arms

Both Truck and Dent were part of my squad and had watched friends die they had also spilled the blood of German soldiers advancing. We all had quickly become friends fast Truck was actully from my town and his real name is Travis Macaby he played Football his high school years and Base Ball during college but was drafted before he could make it any higher. Dent came from a few towns over his real name was Derek he had a wife and son Lily and Brent he had just got married last year a month before his son was born. And then there was me a 18 year old soldier I had no life no girl my friends were more like strangers. I was an avrege student no grade lower than a D truly a boring life but now I stand fighting in a war.

April Fith Two Years later. We had become friends fast we trusted each other like brothers. This would help us survive we had each others backs. We were deployed early the next morning w were going to some place called the bone yard at first I didnt understand but when I saw it it made since there were rotted bodies everywhere you could see the bones and torn flesh it stunk bad. I stood in shock even though this was a battle field and I needed to get moving as soon as possible. I couldnt help but notice most of the bodies were American about a fith were Germans. A bullet was what snapped me out of the trance like state I dropped fast and took cover behind a sandbag wall. At first I thought I had been hit I was screaming and kicking Truck ran over doging holes and rubble and dragged me to a safer area to check out what was happening.

He skimmed over me not finding anything behind him was Dent laying down cover for us. Truck shook me and yelled that I was fine it was nothing this brought me resurance I smiled and said really. He looked at me with this look like I was an idot and told me ya your fine. We were pinned down and seperated from the rest of the soldiers we moved around the back dissapering from sight and moving towards the side of the Germans. We wernt carrying support wepons but if we could distract them for even just a second our forces could move foward and lay down Sixty fire. The force of Germans would be crushed immeditly after that at least in the bone yard. We pushed forward out of the bodies undetected and came on to a hill we took cover and began firing into the Germans they stopped scatered then returned fire the Americans moved up and began laying down Sixty fire. Germans began dropping like flies stuck in between two guns.


Chapter Nine: May The Fallen Rest While We Burn

We kept firing into them blood covered the ground men still alive laying in pools of it. We emptied our weapons then moved back down and towards the soldiers by the time we reached them the Germans had begun to retreat. As we were coming around the corner a American mistaked us for Germans he fired once it all went in slow motion I could hear the whine of the bullet as it flew right next to my ear I thought it had missed us all I tripped and fell into a pool of blood I roled and looked back the bullet had hit Dent an inch from his heart it exitd through his shoulder blade sending bone fragments out his back Truck was standing with a look in his eyes that told you something was wrong I began to scream over and over medic medic.

 Blood was gushing out I tried toput pressure but it just kept going and going. By the time the medic had reached Dent hed lost half his blood he had finally stopped bleeding and I feared he was dead the medic confirmed he was close to dieing but saveable he patched Dent up and called in a medievac. Me and Truck loaded Dent on and watched as he was carried away. There was a chance we would never see him alive again. Our enmies the ones that we fired at the ones that fired back werent the ones to take him down it was a kid one that didnt belong here he feared for his life and that is the reason Dent is losing his. One kid not sure what was going on around him one that should have never been drafted one that would surly die.

Chapter Ten: True Blood And Fake Promises

Dent was in critical condition he had lost a lot of blood he was dying and all he asked for was to see us. When me and Truck were informed of this we left the base camp to meet him. His condition was getting worse and we all feared he would die. He had me write a letter to his wife and kids because of how bad he was. Before we left he had made us promis that we would make it out alive and live for him. We countered his promis by making him promis to live through this. He did he promised he would be fine but these were just words, words that were empty and full of lie he knew what was happening. Later that night he died and with his last breath he was able to write on a sheet of paper that he was sorry that he broke his promis and he loved his family back home.

The day was rainy I was angry, angry at my self for not being able to save Dent angry at the kid that shot him angry at the Military for drafting a man with a family. My anger built with each second that passed I was becoming filled with rage and hate for everything. Now that Dent was gone it was just me and Truckin this war alone two soliders that had limitations on what we could do. Two soliders unfit for war and battle. We would be deployed the next day before noon into a place they called the field of no return this was for a good reason the German's have it locked down tight with sixtys on each bunker allowing them to rip anything to shreds if it tryed to move up on them.

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