» Fiction » Never Ending Short Stories, Tasha [e reader pdf best TXT] 📗

Book online «Never Ending Short Stories, Tasha [e reader pdf best TXT] 📗». Author Tasha

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Debra was sound asleep in her bed at the darkest hour of the night. A noise woke her up. She peeked outside her window. Nothing. She sighed and laid back down. When she was on the verge of sleep she heard another sound. Suddenly, there was a gloved hand on her mouth and a strange man next to her. He seemed familiar to her, but she didn’t know where she’d met him. She eyeballed the window and saw that it was opened.

The man, known as Dave, taped Debra’s mouth shut and tied her hands to the wooden bedpost. He gazed at her beautiful panic-strickened face and chuckled softly to himself. He lifted his hand to her black sleek hair and looked into her petrified brown eyes. Dave slowly removed the tape from Debra’s mouth and she screamed for help. “If you don’t hush up I’ll kill you,” whispered Dave softly letting the view of a shiny sharp knife flash across Debra’s eyes.

Dave lowered his face to her lips and gave her a delicate kiss. “I love you and I want you to be mine,” he whispered gently in her ear.

In an instant, Debra knew who this was. This was the guy that was in one of her college classes. She sat in the 2nd row and he would often stare at her from the 6th row. He creeped her out, although she enjoyed that kiss he just gave her, even if she didn’t kiss back. “If you loved me,” she whispered back, “you wouldn’t be doing this to me.”

“But sweetie, I can’t bear the fact that you’re not mine. If you won’t be mine, you won’t be anybody’s,” Dave said as he showed her the glint of the blade again. He made sure her hands was still tied to the post and started unbuttoning her pajama top. Before he reached the top, Debra kicked him in his stomach, sending him on the floor with a thud.

Dave was surprised about this sudden attack and he tied her feet to the bottom of the bed rail, leaving her legs wide open. He reached into his pocket, pulled out the knife, and put it to her neck. “Try something now. That’s right, you can’t! What now woman? I win, you lose, now you’re going to get a big fat bruise.” Dave taped her mouth back up and scraped a huge amount of skin across the side of her neck. She screamed in pain and tears came down from her frightened eyes. Blood trickled down and went to the side of her neck to the pillow. “You’re lucky that you’re too beautiful to kill, now let me love you,” he whispered into her ear.

Dave undid the last button to her pajamas revealing a black sports bra. He kissed the area of her neck with the scraped skin. Debra just wished this was over with. She wondered what happened in his past to lead him to do this. Dave tore the pajamas shirt from her body with the knife.

The door clicked open unexpectedly, and Dave whispered, “Tell anyone about this and I’ll kill you,” right before he ran and jumped out of the window.

Debra heard footsteps leading into her bedroom, and she felt her hands and feet being untied. She felt the tape being taken from her mouth and realized how much her arms and legs ached. She glanced up and saw the apartment building manager and the elderly woman that stayed in the apartment next to hers. “I heard the commotion, dear, and called the manager to come and straighten things out,” said Mavis, the aged woman. Debra smiled and was grateful for their sudden coming.

“Everything ok?” the Anthony, the manager, said while looking around. He noticed the open window, the frayed skin on Debra’s neck, and the tattered pajamas shirt hanging loosely from her arms.

“Yeah, sure, everything’s fine. Thanks,” Debra said abruptly and told them to let themselves out. Once they was gone she closed and locked the window wondering how he got it open. She fell back against the bed. “I don’t know how I’m going to face him in class,” she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Debra woke up to the sound of her television. The events of last night were still fresh in her memory. She shuddered and sat up in bed. “Found dead early this morning at Florida’s State College,” Debra heard. She suddenly became alert. That was the college that she attended. She glanced at the screen and, to her horror, she saw none other than Dave. His chest had a hole in it and was surrounded with blood. Debra heard a little scream come up from inside of her and turned the TV. off quickly.

Tripas De Pescados

“Mom, can you take me and my friends to that new roller rink downtown? I’m dying to try out my new skates. What better place to do it than a new rink?”
“What’s wrong with the rink closest to us, Mel?” Mel’s mom asked.
“Nothing! I just really want to try out the new one.” Melanie knew what was wrong with it. She didn’t want to encounter Raymond, a senior at her school. All the kids hung out at “Disco Skating”, the name of the rink her mother mentioned.
“Ok, fine, fine,” Mel’s mother sighed.
“Thanks Ms. B!” Mel’s friends called through the window and loaded into the tiny space of Melanie’s mom’s car.
“You girls are something else,” she murmured, opened the door, made sure Melanie came out behind her, locked the door, and got into the car. Melanie entered on the passenger’s side. Besides her and her mom, there was 4 girls in the back, Trish, Sara, Pamilla, and Samantha.

30 minutes later

“I’ll be back at 6:00 to pick you girls up. It’s 2:30 right now. Have fun!”
“Bye mom!” Mel yelled as her mother drove off. She rushed to catch up with her friends.
“Why are we at this rink again?” Pam asked.
“Because she doesn’t want to run into Raymond,” Trish replied.
“That’s not true!” Mel yelled. People walking into the rink stared at her.
“Hate to say this, but yeah, sweetie. It is,” said Sara.
“Let’s just go inside. I’m starved!” said Mel quite loudly.
They all agreed and entered. Mel got instantly blinded when she stepped in. There was bright, colorful, lights lit up everywhere. “Now I know why it’s called ‘Sunshine Skating Rink,’ she muttered. A very good aroma caught her nose. “You guys smell that?” she asked.
“Yes,” replied Sara.
“It smells so good,” Pam said.
“Let’s go find it out,” Mel said. She took the lead and walked where her nose took her. The rest of them followed. They eventually wound up at a small eatery. She didn’t know what to make of the waitresses.
“What will you like to have?” one asked the pack with a Spanish accent.
“I want whatever that interesting smell is,” replied Melanie. The others ordered the same thing. They were all anxious to try it.
“Cinco tripas de pescados, por favor!” she yelled into the kitchen. “It will be ready in a minute,” she told the girls and walked to a different table. Neither of the girls knew Spanish so they didn’t know what the waitress said.
The food was there in no time. The scent was really strong up close. Each of the girls looked at the plates in front of them. They saw something fried. When they touched it, it was mushy. It had bits of shredded cheese in it.
“How about you try it first, Mel?” Sara asked.
“That’s fine by me.” Melanie answered. It was kind of bulky looking. She saw a fork at the corner of her eye and picked it up. She cut into the thing, lifted a piece up slowly, and taste it. “O-M-G!” she yelled.
“How does it taste?” asked Pam nervously.
“It is the most wonderful thing ever laid on my tongue.” Mel replied. She gobbled up the rest and asked for more. In less than 7 minutes all 5 of them had done with theirs and already had their second plates.
“Mind if I ask what’s in this?” asked Melanie.
“Fried fish guts, goat cheese, and a few seasonings,” the waitress said in her Spanish accent.
Sam choked. “Did you just say FISH GUTS?” she questioned.
“Yes,” the server said and walked away.
No one was eating now. They were all staring at their plates like it was poison. “You gotta admit, that was the best thing ever tasted,” Trish said. They all agreed and left a check on the table. They added it with a five dollar bill for the waitress’s tip.
“Let’s go have some fun now girls!” Sara said, looking at her watch. It was 3:30 already. They had two hours and a half to skate before Mel’s mother came. They skated hand in hand. Cupid’s shuffle came on and they did the dance on the rink. When it was couple’s skate they took their rest at the eating booth, and told the waitresses they weren’t eating.
“Time to go. I really had fun tonight,” said Pam.
“Me too,” the other four said at the same time, and they all laughed, while heading out the door. They saw the teeny black car waiting for them. “So, tell me all,” Mel’s mother said as they entered the car.
“We had tripas de pescados,” Melanie said.
“What’s that?” Mel’s mother asked with a weird look on her face. The girls laughed and she just drove off wondering what that was.

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