» Fiction » Seeing You!, Micah Fruto [most difficult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Seeing You!, Micah Fruto [most difficult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Micah Fruto

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in my heart. Those melodies you make. With every note in the music sheets. You swept me off my feet. I wish you feel the same way too.

* I'll be captivated

I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heart ache

That hang from above.

I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

And I've dropped out,

I've burned up,

I've fought my way back from the dead.

I've tuned in,

turned on,

remembered the things that you said


I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your...

I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

The greatest fan of your life.

...greatest fan of your life. *

"Wow! You have an angelic voice. I wish i could hear it everyday.",he said


"Well,you will have to visit here everyday for you to hear e sing.", I said.


"Okay. I will.", he said.


Wait? What? Is he really gonna do that?


"Hey!I'm just joking.", I said.


"i really want to hear your voice again. I will still come over here even if you didn't say that.", he said.


"hahaha.... Okay. i won't stop you", i said.


So he really mean it. That would make me happy. I looked at his handsome face and smile to myself. Well, I guess I will be seeing him everyday.

Today, I learned something important. Life itself is not perfect. Even if your the greatest person on earth, not all you wanted will be given.


"I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, young miss. But we need to go.", Mr.Kim said.


"Of course, Mr. Kim.You may. And oh! Goodbye Minhyung.", I said as I wave my farewell.


"Bye.", he replied.


I looked at him one last time before he go. Love at first sight? Maybe that is what I'm feeling. I don't know why, but my heart beats so fast for him.

Chapter 3


Minri's POV

I used to make poems for my mother when I was a little girl. I only write poems when I have inspiration. Back then, my mom serves as an inspiration to me but she left me. But I finally found my new inspiration, and he is the guy who played the piano with me yesterday. This is the first ever poem that I will write for a guy.

"I met him in just a second,
I loved him for no reason"

These are the first sentences that popped into my mind. I continued writing my poem in my diary until I finished it.

"Lady Minri!", Butler Lee called me while knocking at the door.

"Why?", I asked.

"Young master Minhyung is waiting for you downstairs.", he said.

"Tell him I'm coming.", I said.

My Minhyung is here. I quickly get up in my bed and pick an elegant red dress. It' quite funny dressing up when you know that he can't see you. After dressing up I ran downstairs to meet him.

"Hey.", I said as I try to catch his attention.

He smiled brightly when he heard my voice. I sit beside him in the couch.

"I've got something for you. Listen to this.", I said.

"Okay. What is it?", he asked.

I grinned widely because I know that he is interested in what I'm about to say.

"Here it goes", I said.
"I met him in just a second
I loved him for no reason
He is my everything
My new beginning

From the way he is talking
Love strikes me like lightning
His smile makes me feel like smiling
While my heart is rapidly beating
My heart beats like crazy
Every second love struck me
He is my harmony,
And my beautiful melody."

"Wow! That's amazing.", he said.

"Really? It should be. This poem is for the guy I love, so it must be the best poem in the world.", I said.

"Oh, really?", suddenly his voice becomes low.

"Yes.", I said.

"When did you learn to make poems?", he asked me.

"I learned it when I was six. When my mom is still alive.", I said in sad tone.

"I'm sorry.", he said.

"Sorry for what?", I asked.

"I shouldn't have asked.", he said.

"No. Don't mind it. I already accepted the fact that she's gone and she'll never come back.", I said.

"That must be painful for you.", he said.

"*sigh* Yes it is.",I said in a sad tone.

"But losing someone doesn't mean that you'll be alone for the rest of your life. Remember that, when a person important to you leaves. Another person will come to be a part of your life and bring you happiness.", he said.

He's right. Even though mommy left me, someone like Minhyung came to my life and gave me a new found happiness.

"Can I tell you something?",he said.

"Of course. What is it?", - me.

"The truth is .........", - Minhyung.

"The truth is?", I asked.

"I .............", - Minhyung.

What is he going to say? What does he want to say? Could it be?

"I............ I love you.", - Minhyung.

I became speechless because of shock.

"Still there?", - Minhyung.

"Yeah. I'm just shocked.", - me.

"So I guess you don't feel the same way too. But it's okay with me.", - Minhyung said in a sad tone.

"No! Actually, I feel the same way too.", - me.

"Really? So does that mean you love me too?", he asked.

"Yeah.", I said while nodding.

I can see him blush. He's like a kid giving his kindergarten crush a letter. He's so cute. It's clear to me now. I don't have to stay up all night thinking if he likes me too. Right now, I'm the happiest person alive. I love him so much. And because we know what both of us feel, we can get to know more things about each other.


Publication Date: 09-11-2015

All Rights Reserved

This book is Fiction story. I made this Story because i had enjoying making story, even if it's short or Book. Just only for Fun!

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