» Fiction » Magic's Back, Julia K. S. [most motivational books TXT] 📗

Book online «Magic's Back, Julia K. S. [most motivational books TXT] 📗». Author Julia K. S.

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not changing that because.... well just because. My first priority is Peter, saving him at least. Then we will see what happens.
The Elysium

When I reached the castle the summer knights escorted me to the council room, wait let me rephrase that more like pushed and dragged in to the council room where king Oberon and Lady Titana sat. They both sat tall and straight. Even with the sun beaming down it still made me shiver by there sight. Even when I hate bowing or curtsying whatever you want to call it I did not want to get on there bad side especially if there was a lot of writing on this evening if I ever want to see Peter again. As I rose back up I looked into Oberons eyes. A lot of fa’s wouldn't even dare to look up, but if you haven't noticed I' not any ordinary fey. Even if I was a surprise Titana would have a fit and believe me I’ve seen her angry plenty of times since Puck returned back to his court. Which reminds me where is the most annoying prankster. I looked around but only found a mouse in a cage laying right next to Titana I'm guessing Titan caught him faster then he could escape.
“ Juliet Violet Star” a booming voice erupted crashing my train of thoughts. Like I said early any other fey would run and hide but I learned to overcome the “scariness”. But it's never good news if he uses my true name. Especially in that tone. The only way to get out of this situation is to weasel out.
“Yes, Oberon” I said as calmly as I could, I definitely didn't want him to know what happened like any kind of “father” he could see right threw me.
“We just wanted to go over the rules for Elysium” answered Oberon. Phew, I’m saved for now but he will find out soon but at least I have time until then. “Oh yea Elysium I forgot all about it” I lied of course. “I'm pretty excited, you now finally get to meet my kind of sis- I mean Meghan” that was a close one. I looked over to Titana she looked like she was about to explode. She didn't like Meghan or even that I mention her as a sister. She would be just happy if she fell in a hole and died there.
“Well then go back to your room and get ready. I guess it's time for you to meet your..... family” she said the word as if it was a disease.
“Yes mam” I bowed once again and left with few summer knights trailing behind me.
When I opened my massive doors what was on the other side was dreadful. I just wanted to run and hide. If I had the energy to do anything. There were manican's with huge gowns, all girly and fancy. I knew exactly what Peter would've done if he saw them. Probably tried to burn them and make them into animals probably something crazy. Like always I didn't want to know what went on in that head, but in the end I was always involved. I must've drifted off because I felt a sharp pin against my thigh. I looked to see what poked me and was surprised to see the reflection. I had a beautiful gown, it did feel a little heavier then it should be but I wouldn't really now since I don't wear ball gowns or any gowns.
It was puffy which had the colors of autumn gold, orange, and a little brown. I noticed on the side of the dress was the same tree that was carved into mine dagger. The tree was gold orange background and brown shadowing the tree. With brown making it a mix of colors. The dress was beautiful, and in my opinion that's a break threw since all dresses repulse me I’m more into anything comfortable and easy to move around if something ttys to chase me.
I looked back up and my hair was also complete. Blond curls spilling over my bare shoulders since the dress was strap less. With gold highlights and flower blossoms in my hair. I would be caught dead in this dress but today I cared less who could see me in it.
After awhile the feys who were helping me with the dress, wanted to place makeup on my face the conversation seemed like this:
Girl 1(don't know there names)- “Miss are you comfortable in the dress”
Me- “Yes, so if you don''t mind I have to go” I tried waling threw but a wall of feys lined up.
Girl 3- “Not so fast, before you leave princess we have to put some final touches”
Me- “Yea I don't think so, I don't wear makeup”
Girl 2- “We know but it will make your features pop out if we add some color” very squeaky voice and shy
Me- “So your saying I’m ugly and I need makeup”
Girl 3-”Yes” The rest- “No”
you could tell who is the bitch in the group.
To sum things up they started chasing me finally the bitch used her glamour on me, which caught me off guard and I trip. I was surprised that nothing got ruined, probably special made. They finally forced mascara, blush, eyeshadow, and lipstick. It looked nice I guess not something I want to go threw again.
But I didn't let the 3rd girl go so fast. Let's just say she might not want to show herself in public with that face. OINK OINK.
After awhile someone knocked, I was positive it was Peter, but then the truth hit me and almost knocked me down. But instead I found myself face to face with the not so mouse Puck.
“Can I help you?” I asked in the most serious tone before laughing at him. It makes me wonder if I should get a cat. “Well J, I have to escort you to the Elysium your father's wishes” answered Puck. “He's not my “father” he's Oberon” I grumbled but I knew he would continue this is the famous Puck were talking about his specialty is annoyance. He took out his arm and I excepted it. While we walked down the hall, I couldn't resist but asking “so why did Titana turn you into a mouse?”
“Let's just say someone doesn't like things popping out of nowhere especially while eating” he answered I tried hard not to laugh but that is pretty much impossible. “Let me guess dead mouses”.
“Dead mouses” he chuckled and the rest of the way we walked in silence. This seemed so familiar, it happened excaly this morning. Who knew that in a heartbeat everything could change. That definitely brought me down. “Are you okay?” Puck asked, this time he didn't goof around. Before I answered he guessed.
“Is it about Peter?” I couldn't say anything because I would probably burst and that couldn't happen right now. So I just nodded. I guess Puck could tell I wasn't in no mood so he didn't puck any further.
When we walked to the doors the summer knights opened, I tried to gather everything in. The whole place was marvelous. It was to hard to explain.
I noticed the table in the middle both Oberon and Titana sat. I looked around each wall was different for each court. Summer had a field that went into a forest it probably was the Wyldwood. The winter court wasn't so pleasant everything frozen the most dreadful was the corner of the wall was frozen humans. It was hard to see but we all knew Queen Mab likes to collect.
The last wall was the iron court it only showed a iron castle a tree in the middle and pieces of iron so when the sun hits, it glows. After I was done glancing around I went to the table, once again bowed, when Oberon nodded of approval I went to sit in my seat.
After I got seated a little guy was on the balcony in the air. He had a horn which looked like twice his size.
I looked around to witness the most beautiful thing ever. Each wall had a different background. One for each kingdom. The 1st one represented the summer kingdom, flowers covered the ground with trees standing straight and powerful. A clear sunshine day, if you got close enough you could feel the sun's beam warming your skin. I looked over the next wall which must represent the winter court (that was a no brainier). Like the summer kingdom's wall this one radiated coldness, it was white with crystals covering the naked tress from autumn. It could looked beautiful except in the corner you could see human icicles. We all now how Queen Mab is a collector, you don't want to be on her bad side. Kind of like Lady Titana. Then there was the last wall it wasn't as detailed as the other 2. It was simple, a castle large. On it you could see pieces of iron covering it, when the sun reflected from it, it looked like diamonds shining brightly. I could smell the iron, but it wasn’t as bad as before.

I looked up to only see the little man blowing his instrument. Anyone can tell that, that means the other courts have arrived.

Elysium Disaster

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