» Fiction » BROKEN, RENAE NAIK [best books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗

Book online «BROKEN, RENAE NAIK [best books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗». Author RENAE NAIK

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glasses and her hair was a different color at least every second week. She was well to do and had a heart of gold. Even though she had everything, she could not have a child of her own. By Daniel calling for her assistance, he brought some joy to her heart. She would raise Evan as her own and he would be short of nothing. It was a sad day for Nadine as she would miss her brother dearly but she knew that he would be happier and she would get to visit him on weekends.


It didn't take Nadine long to find a part time job at a small wholesaler. It didn't pay much and she didn't expect it to as she was still a child. She was just excited that she was making some money and it was her own and she didn't mind sharing it with Evan.  She would buy him lots of treats and gifts and Evan would always be so grateful. At school Nadine felt happy that she could have tasty and expensive lunches on Fridays just like her other friends. They were not like Nadine though; they were a bit more advanced and mature. Their ways, habits and even conversations were too mature for their age group. One of the girls, Jennifer, Seemed to be the instigator. Most of their talks left Nadine in awe. She didn't know much about crushing, kissing or even having sex. You could call her the nerd of the group. At times she felt like they only hung out with her to make themselves look good because she was average and they were popular.




One Thursday during a test, Jennifer wrote a note and threw it across the classroom at Nadine. It missed her desk and landed on the side of her chair. As she bent down to pick it up, her teacher Mr. Dean was standing in front of her. He asked for the note and saw a question related to the test written on it. He asked Nadine who wrote it. She was afraid to blame Jennifer so she didn't say a word. This frustrated Mr. Dean so he took away her test paper and he issued out a detention slip to her. She was very worried as this test was important for her term marks and Daniel would be very angry if she failed. She was quiet that entire day. The last bell had gone off and all the other students including Jennifer ran out of the school gates to head home. Nadine packed up her books and headed back to Mr. Dean's classroom to serve her detention. When she got there Mr. Dean was seated at his desk with a stern look  on his face. Most students were afraid of him except for Jennifer. Jennifer would pass irrelevant remarks even while he was teaching but for some strange reason he would always overlook it. He wasn't very bad looking, he was tall, fair, had brownish eyes and blonde hair. He probably was around Thirty four or thirty five. No ring on his finger so couldn't really tell if he was married or not or if he had any kids. He was a bit arrogant at times and very strict when it came to his work being done. His dressing was on point; he could easily be mistaken for a lawyer or a bank manager at times.


Nadine handed him the detention slip and sat down. She began the usual task which entailed copying words and their definitions from the dictionary. After a while he spoke and asked again about the note, Again Nadine was silent. He continued by explaining the importance of the test paper that he took away from her. Nadine explained that she knew it was important but she didn't want to get her friend in trouble. Pretending to be understanding, Mr. Dean sympathized with her for a moment about her situation and he walked towards her. He put his arm on her shoulder and said that he will let her complete her test. She was happy and smiled until she heard him say “BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING FOR ME IN RETURN". As naive as Nadine was, she could tell by the look on his face what he meant.  She was confused, afraid and disgusted at the same time, he was a grown man and she was only 14. She was still for a moment and thought about what he was asking. If she did it, She wouldn't fail so her father wouldn't be disappointed, she wouldn't have to give Jennifer up and wouldn't have to lose her best friend and no one would find out about it and so…it was something she was willing to do. At that very moment she let herself go and  engaged in sexual activities with her teacher who was At least twenty years older than her. She was too immature to understand that instead of losing her friend she lost her virginity without realizing how special it was.  She was just relieved that her paper could be completed



She went home that day with mixed emotions. She was both disgusted with herself and confused. A few moments ago she knew nothing about kissing never mind going all the way. But it had happened. Not once did she think about the repercussions of her actions if someone found out about it. As soon as she got home she rushed to the bathroom to clean herself up, tidied up the place then grabbed an aspirin and headed to bed. When Daniel got home he found it rather strange that was in bed so early so he went to her room. She was awake reading a book. "What is wrong? How come you in bed so early? “He asked. She stammered a bit but then told her father that she wasn't feeling well.  He chuckled to himself and then asked if she would like some hot chocolate but she refused. She put down her book and she asked her dad to switch her light off. In a few moments she was in a deep sleep. It felt like only 10 min had passed but the sun was up and it was morning. She got out of bed and had a shower. Before she could put her clothes she had the sudden urge to wee. She put down the toilet seat and then all of a sudden she felt an excruciating burning sensation. She had never experienced this before but somehow she knew why. She wiped herself and continued her morning routine. On her way to school she decided that she would speak to Mr. Dean after school about the incident that happened. Five periods had passed but she found herself lost. She couldn't concentrate in class and said to herself that she would go see him during lunch instead.



The clock struck 12:00pm and after a few seconds the lunch bell went off. She stood, up grabbed her bag and rushed towards Mr. Dean’s class. When she got there, she noticed that the door was closed. She knocked on it but got no response so she peeped through the keyhole, the key was still in the door so it was obvious he was still inside. She knocked on the door again but he didn't answer. On the left of the classroom door was a wooden oak bench where some kids would sit like she used to during their break and Have their lunch. She pulled the bench and stood on top of it yet she was still unable to reach. This forced her to stand on the tip of her toes and she was rather shocked at what she was staring at. Mr. Dean was in his chair and her best friend Jennifer was on top of him! She quickly got off the bench and went into the closest toilet. She found an empty cubicle and sat down on the seat. Things were starting to make sense; she now knew why Jennifer got away with her misbehaving antics when it came to Mr. Dean. It was because she had been sleeping with him all along. It also crossed her mind that this was how Jennifer knew many advanced things. These girls were so young yet slowly throwing their lives away. Well that's what she thought to herself before realizing that she was now one of them. Something triggered in her mind that day. Some strange feelings were evoked because all of a sudden she became very jealous just at the thought of Jennifer being near Mr Dean. She couldn't understand why seeing them together had such an effect on her. Things began to change after that. She changed her attire, hairstyle and even her attitude. Some would refer to her sudden behavioral change as that of a whore.  Daniel himself could not believe what was happening to his daughter.





Time went by and day by day she became a stranger to her father and Evan. At school, she could no longer stand the sight of Jennifer. She distanced herself from her completely and tried very hard to get closer to Mr. Dean. No one could understand her. She changed her hair color, her dress code and even her personality. She came up with many devious ways of making him want her and each one of them worked. They would engage in sexual acts two to three times a week. Nadine was so obsessed with him an d became naive to the fact that he was just using her and many other girls for his own pleasure, each one of them unaware of the other.

 It was the mid-term examinations and Nadine finds herself feeling a bit

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