» Fiction » Angel Child, David & Stacey Doss [ebook reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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/> The doctors could not figure out what was causing his sickness, and Steve found himself going from doctor to doctor, trying to find a diagnosis. He missed a lot of work, suffering abdominal swelling, vomiting, bleeding, all kinds of nastiness. The grocery store let Steve go because of his attendance issues, and the stress of being unemployed exacerbated the pain and bleeding.
Cindy struggled to keep the bills paid, fearing the sound of heavy vehicles going past the house, worried that one would be a tow truck taking their cars for repossession. She found herself crying more, when she was alone, but still she tried to cling to her faith, believing that all the problems were part of the master plan. When she was at her lowest, she felt that small hand in hers, and she knew that God loved her. She poured herself out before Him, trusting that he would help her through.
After a year of struggling, Steve found himself sick less and less often, and the bouts of pain, swelling, and bleeding were less intense. He decided to try to work again, and called in a favor.
"Scott? Would you have any openings?"
"Why? What's going on?"
"Well, you know I've been pretty sick, but things are getting better, and I thought you might be able to give me a job."
"Well, let me see what I can do." He thought for a few minutes, then responded, "Come see me tomorrow, and we'll get you started."
"Thank you so much, Scott. You're a life saver."
It was a part time job, back in fast food, but it helped. While he worked, Steve thought about the future, and decided he wanted to try for a big dream.
"Hey, Cindy? What do you think about me going to college and getting a degree?"
"In what?"
"Web design."
"Hey, that's pretty cool...and it's a big demand right now, too."
"That's what I thought."
"Well, if that's what you want to do, I'll stand behind you."
Steve worked hard at his job, trying to prove that Scott could count on him, and it seemed that Scott depended more and more on Steve, putting him basically in charge without the “official title.” Suddenly, due to reasons beyond Steve's control, he was let go. He took this in stride, though, seeing it as an opportunity to focus more on his studies. And ever with him was the feeling of that little hand in his.
"Jesus, things are going better for them, right?"
"Yes, child."
"They are learning to trust You more, and not be so worried."
"You are very observant, Khrystina."
"When they get it all right, can I still stay with them?"
"Yes, child, I want you there all their lives. They will never 'get it all right' until the day I call them home, so they will need all the encouragement we can give."
Her wings fluttered in joy.
"Honey, Honey, wake up!" she whispered in his ear.
"What? It's too early..." he moaned with eyes closed tight.
"Hun, you're going to be a daddy!" She shook his shoulder with excitement. His eyes popped open and he rolled to face her.
"What? Are you serious?"
"Yes I am!"
"Oh, thank you, Jesus!" he praised. Then he remembered. “How soon can you get into the doctor to make sure everything’s okay?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll call them when they open. I want to get in as soon as I can…I don’t want to go through what we did last time.”
He hugged her close. “I know; me either. Even though it’s been two years, it seems like it was just yesterday.”
“Yay, Lord! I’m going to have a brother or sister!”
“Yes, child, you are.”
“Are you going to call this one home, too?”
“That is not for you to know, yet, child.”
Cindy figured she was about five or six weeks along, but because of the prior miscarriage, the doctor wanted her in as soon as possible. They were nervous as they waited for the results.
Cindy cringed as he squirted the goop. Two years later and it was still ice cold. She held her breath as he moved the ultrasound around then stopped. “There it is!” he exclaimed. He turned the screen so both could see. “See there? The little blinking light? That’s the heartbeat.”
Tears flooded Cindy’s eyes as she saw the confirmation of her hopes. Steve wiped his eyes, then asked, “How do things look, Doctor?”
“Well, everything looks good right now.”
Relief flooded them.
Cindy struggled to not fear, but the next couple of weeks were hard. They decided to not tell anyone until she was past nine weeks, because neither one wanted to have to go back and give bad news like before. It had been hard, oh so hard, to have to break the news to their friends and family while dealing with the loss, too. They did not want to make it harder on them than it had to be.
She made it nine weeks, and her fear left her. She was past the point when she’d lost the first baby, and she truly believed this one would make it. Cindy and Steve rejoiced, and praised God every chance they got. Cindy had a happy pregnancy, barely nauseous, gaining only the right amount of weight, and studying for that day that the little one would be delivered. On the day their son was born, Cindy and Steve both felt that little hand in theirs, helping them through the pain of labor, the waiting, the anticipation.
“Oh, Lord, he’s so beautiful!”
“Yes, child, he is.”
“I’m so glad you let him stay. They are ready to be parents now.”
“Yes, child. They still have things to learn, and will struggle and make mistakes, but they are leaning on me more. That’s all I wanted.”
“Thank you for letting me help!”
He caressed the hair of the little angel.
Steve has a business struggling to get off the ground, and Cindy still stresses sometimes over finances, but every Wednesday and Sunday you will find them at church praying, praising, and worshiping God, thanking him for blessing them with little Richard. And every time they go through a trial, they can feel that little hand of their angel child, guiding them down the path set in place by the Lord.

Publication Date: 07-22-2011

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