» Fiction » 14 Bullets, Written By: Tobias Slager [digital book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «14 Bullets, Written By: Tobias Slager [digital book reader .txt] 📗». Author Written By: Tobias Slager

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Friendly Meeting


  So Tina, Bess, and Jack are on their way to the exit when there is a huge pile of snakes in the way of the path. Jack gets in front of them and says stay back I think some of those snakes are poisonous. So then Bess says wait you guys know how I got to you by that secret passageway? Jack and Tina both nod. Well, maybe there is one here just hidden. So if we find it before the snakes see us we can go to a new path or something will happen to the snakes so we can keep going the same path we have been going. So they keep looking for one when Tina says guys I think I found it. Bess and Jack both ran to her. Tina says I think this frame on the wall can help us go through the snakes. Jack says how by beating them with it? Bess and Tina both roll their eyes. Then Bess spots a button and she presses it. It injected a bag of puzzle pieces. So Tina Jack and Bess all tried to solve the puzzle and in 17 minutes they put the last piece in and the snakes all fell in a pit. “What is this puzzle supposed to be?” Bess asked. Then Jack pressed the button above the button that injected the pieces and the wall started to move. It formed into these dragon carvings then they started to move and while Jack and Tina weren’t looking Bess fell through a trapdoor!


  Tyler kept looking for a button or something when this girl fell on him! The girl says who are you? Tyler said I can ask the same question. So the girl says my name is Bess. So what is your name? My name is Tyler. What are you here for? I am here for running away from home and my new friends are here doing the same thing said, Bess. Well, my dad and I moved out of our house and decided to live in the cave since we have no money. We can’t escape because the entrance is blocked by a huge tree. That is the same for me and my friends said, Bess. Well since we are both trying to get out how about I help you on your journey? Sure said Tyler. Then Tyler said what should we do we are at a dead-end. Well, there is a dragon statue here so let's look for clues here. So, like the dragon carvings my dad and I saw? Wait you are telling me you and your dad saw dragon cravings like me and my friends did? Yeah, I guess so said Tyler. Ok, maybe there is another way to get to the next path thanks to this statue of a dragon. Some switch or something? Yeah, the good idea then Tyler sees a claw a little taller than the others and pushed it down and the ceiling somehow opened. The floor suddenly brought them to the next floor of the mountain. When they’re up there Bess spots Tina and Jack and they all run to each other because they too saw her. When they were together Bess introduced Tina and Jack to Tyler and they started all together to the exit where they all still had no clue where it was.

Tyler’s dad woke up from being passed out. When he did, he saw the dragon pacing around the cave waiting for something. Then the dragon saw him standing and went in front of him. Tyler’s dad just stared him in the eyes and said I am not scared of you anymore. The dragon snorted. Then Tyler’s dad asked if the dragon understood him. The dragon nodded his head and pointed at the cell the dragon was given when he first was captured. Like what it said on the dragon carvings. When Tyler’s dad got a chill down his spine. Because he realized this dragon was as strong as the dragon looked. The dragon made it look like he was going to eat Tyler’s dad when Tyler’s dad fainted and the dragon really wasn’t going to eat him.


Weird Dreams, Weird Actions, and Adventure For Breakfast Please!


 After a while, Tyler’s dad woke up from being passed out. When he did, he saw the dragon pacing around the cave waiting for something. Then the dragon saw him standing and went in front of him. Tyler’s dad just stared him in the eyes and said I am not scared of you anymore. The dragon snorted. Then Tyler’s dad asked if the dragon understood him. The dragon nodded his head and pointed at the cell the dragon was given when he first was captured. Like what it said on the dragon carvings. When Tyler’s dad got a chill down his spine. Because he realized this dragon was as strong as the dragon looked. The dragon made it look like he was going to eat Tyler’s dad when Tyler’s dad fainted and the dragon really wasn’t going to eat him. Well not for now at least.

  It was around 9 in the afternoon when Tyler and the others decided to call it a day. While they were sleeping, Jack had a dream about him and Bess kissing and getting married. When he woke up it was 12 in the morning, he was asking himself why Bess and he were kissing. After all, he did like Tina. He started falling asleep when he saw some eyes all around them. In response, He decided to wake everyone. When they all saw the eyes too, Bess pulled out her pistol while Tyler got his torch. They all saw the bodies that went with the eyes it was 5 bears! Bess shot the bears with one bullet each all in the head and all the bears fell to the ground dead! None of them could sleep for the rest of the night. They were all on the edge because nobody knew what else was going to try to eat them in the dark. In the morning they all decided to keep going when they ended up at yet another dead end. All they could see was a wall. Except for the way, they came in. But then a wall started to rise from the way they got in. So they were all stuck in a small space with no doors. Tyler said it was ok. All we have to do is find a switch to get to the next path right? Right said Jack, Tina, and Bess. So they all started looking when Jack found a switch on the wall that cut them off from the exit and pulled it. A chest started rising from the middle of the room. It was a small stone dragon like the ones on the carvings! It must go to the story of the dragon said, Tina. Tyler said I am going to break that thing for what it did to my father! Said Tyler in an angry tone. Jack ran to the chest and got the stone dragon before Tyler did and Tyler said to give it to him at once! No, we might need it Jack said. Jack is right Bess said. Then the chest started going down and one of the walls fell and there it stood a beautiful creature. It was a unicorn with White Wings!


A Calm Ride Down The Rock Slide


Once the wall was all the way on the ground, they all ran to the unicorn. All of them were in awe when Bess said this beautiful creature is making me sick. Tina says, “Oh be quiet you know it is amazing.” Whatever said, Bess. That’s when both Bess and Jack spot a big stone eye on the wall and both say in unison “Guys, look there is an eye on the wall over here.” Once they both realize they said the same thing at the same time they both blushed. Then Jack remembers the dream he had. He asked himself is it really possible to like someone you just met more than someone you have known your whole life? Tina and Tyler walked the unicorn with them to look at the eye. Well, it looks like another dead end and another button or something we have to find. So they all look for a button or something when Tyler finds a frame again. So he looks for a button but no luck. Bess is still at the eye and feels it for a clue or something. She pressed the pupil and a rock with needles coming from the bottom of it came down at them from the ceiling, slowly. So they all keep looking for a clue, but much faster. Tina also found the frame and saw a stone on the floor. She picked it up and there it was another button, she told the others and they all gathered around her. She pressed the button and it made smoke all around them and the frame. When it cleared up there were the same dragon carvings as earlier and a button near it. Tina pressed the button, Tyler tried to stop her but it was too late. It started going and while the others were watching, Tyler and Bess tried to see who was going to fall. To save them right when both Tyler and Bess were looking at Jack, Tina fell and did not get saved!


Tina started sliding down a rockslide, and she then rolled into a rock jail cell! Tyler’s dad woke up when he heard her come down and said “Tyler? Is that you?” Tina said, “no, I am sorry I am Tyler’s friend. My name is Tina.” “Well, nice to meet you,” said Tyler’s dad. “But we are in great danger. We are messing with a dragon. “ The dragon came out of nowhere and scared both Tina and Tyler’s dad and they both screamed. Tina said “Umm Tyler’s Dad I think the dragon wants us to either shut up or be quiet. I can’t tell if the dragon is polite or not.” “Well, I have something to say so he can wait till I am finished. Tina you don’t have to call me Tyler’s

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