» Fiction » Pedals of the Lily, Daisy Shum [best fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Pedals of the Lily, Daisy Shum [best fiction books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Daisy Shum

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shut up alarm clock.” Tara said to herself. Tara kick the alarm clock to the floor. “Yes it shut up. Um if I only could get 30 more minutes of sleep. *yawn*”
BOOM! BOOM! Tara peaked out the window boxes was moved into her next door neighbor. “OMG its only 10’o clock please stop. Tara covered her head with her blanket.
“ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” Tara’s phone vibrated on her bed. “Arge man!” Tara screamed to herself. She picked it up. Its from Rebecca. HEY ARE YOU AWAKE. WHAT TIME YOU WANT ME TO COME OVER. Tara text back saying UH IM NOT SLEEPING ANYMORE. YOU CAN COME OVER IN LIKE 20 MINTUES.
Tara got up brushed her teeth. Something caught her eyes on the bathroom window. It was a notebook paper taped to the window and it had an horrible handwriting on it.
OMG! Tara looked around. No one was there. Who could have gone this fast. Her knees felt weak. She drop to the ground. Crying into her hands. “What happen! Please tell me.” Tara whimpered.
After Tara got to the porch Rebecca was getting off her mom’s car. Rebecca ran up to me to hug me. “Is everything ok?” Rebecca questioned.
“Yeah I’m fine. Lets go out for some coffee and shop with my allowance.” Tara said with excitement so Rebecca wouldn’t have to worry about her.
“Ok lets go.” Rebecca said.
Tara went inside to get change while Rebecca was waiting outside on the porch. Tara got her purse. She counted how much she had. “Twenty. Thirty. Fifty. Seventy. Seventy five.” Tara counted to herself.
Tara and Rebecca walked in silence. Well that is what Tara thought cause she was only paying attention to who might put that note on the bathroom window.
“So where you want to shop at.” Rebecca breaking up Tara‘s thoughts. “I don’t really care where ever you want is good.” Tara replied.

They sat down at Starbucks. Rebecca was talking to Tara about the show she watched on Friday called Pretty little liars.
Then this cute hot guy walked up to Tara shyly. He has curly short brown hair, with black eyes and tan skin. “Oh excuse me my phone ringing.” Rebecca said innocently. “Ugh her little plan” Tara said in my head. I thought it was kind of lame cause you know her phone isn’t ringing.
“Hey. I’m Chris.” Tara just stared at him. He stared at Tara too. Rebecca is behind the bathroom plant stocking us. “What a weirdo” Tara exclaimed to herself.
“Hi I’m Tara.” Tara said shyly. Tara blushed. Her cheeks turned bright red. She wondered is she look like a tomato. Tara thought Chris might have notice it too.
“Umm.. Tara this is my number maybe you could use it sometime. Uh.. I got to go. Ok. Bye.” Chris said. He winked at me.
Butterflies where in my stomach blooming. Rebecca came walking over smiling as big as a banana size. “So what happen.” Rebecca said with excitement.
Tara looked at her as if she didn’t see what happen. Tara showed her the piece of paper in her hand with Chris number. “OMG tell me all the deeds.” Rebecca questioned. “I only know his phone number and his name.” Tara sheepishly almost whispering.
“Lets go girl. Lets get new clothes and get you all pretty for you new boyfriend.” Rebecca said winking at Tara.
Tara so wanted to slap the shit out of Rebecca but she isn’t wrong. Rebecca grab Tara’s arm.
After an hour or so. Tara got a lot of new stuff. Make up, clothes, and jewelries.
“Not again ohh this isn’t suppose to happen to me. Keep rocking. Keep knocking.” that was Rebecca cell ring tone. Knock you down by Keri Hilson feature Kayne west. “Hey mom what sup.” Rebecca asked.
“I’m outside the mall entrance we have to leave right now. I am going to drop Tara off at her house and we have to go to the hospital.” Rebecca mom, Shirley said with a sound of crying.
Without anymore question Tara and Rebecca walked outside. We drove in silence. After Rebecca mom drop Tara off her house, Tara said goodbye and went upstairs to her room.
Tara took out Chris’s number. She dialed the number 786-591-0342. After 6 seconds there was an answer.

“HELLO?” Chris answered. “Um. Hey its Tara. Member me at Starbucks.” Tara questioned him. “OH hey. So I was saying do you want to met somewhere like starbucks, mall…. Oh what school you go to? I just move down here.” Chris stated. “
I go to Abbeville High.” Tara said. “Really? That’s the school I’m going to too. Chris said with excitement.
We talked for like until 1’o clock in the morning. Tara couldn’t believe Chris is going to Abbeville High. It turns out Chris has all her classes. “Hey I have something to ask you.” Chris asked
“Oh. What is it?” Tara questioned.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend. If you want to?” Chris stuttered. Tara almost died hearing those words. She immediately said “Yes.”
Tara went to her email account. She scroll down to Rebecca. She emailed her saying Chris asked her out. Rebecca imminently email back saying EEEEPPP! Tara was going to reply but.. Bing. Tara receive an email from an unknown person. click. Tara clicked on it. Thank goodness.
It was only Chris. He asked me where he lives. He said he lives by a farm. He asked Tara where Tara lived. Tara said she lived by an blue house.
Chris lived right next door to me. Tara looked out the window. So did Chris. We both smiled at each other. Tara almost died
Tara emailed back saying she got to go to sleep cause she have school tomorrow. She shut off her computer. She looked out the window. Chris was still looking at her window. Tara blew an kiss saying goodnight. He blew a kiss back. Tara plop into her bed. This was Tara first boyfriend. Tara has butterfly in her stomach.
Tara wasn’t even thinking about her sister killer on the free. All Tara cared about was if this relationship would last with Chris. Tomorrow was Monday which means school which means Chris and Tara could see each other.
Chapter 4 New students
IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I AM. It was an text message Tara got when she woke up. Tara Gasped. She looked around the room franticly. Tara looked at the time. It was 7:05 flashing in red numbers. “Oh my gosh! I’m going to miss the bus.” Tara ran to get dress. She wore an new shirt she brought at the mall with Rebecca. “Bye mom. I love you.” Tara said running out the door.
Tara hadn’t even told her mom about her new boyfriend with Chris. But Tara wasn’t so sure if they were a couple. The blue door slammed. A hot boy comes out. Tara couldn’t see the face with the sun glare.
“Hey Tara!” the figure said. Tara fought through the glare to see who it was. It was Chris. “Hey Chris!” Tara said. Chris walked up to Tara and hugged her. Tara didn’t even breathe for like 20 seconds.
They both didn’t bother taking the bus. They walked together holding hands together. As they got to the school ground Tata rolled her eyes.
It was Alison, Katie, and Susie. Alison walked up to Tara and Chris. Alison pushed Tara out the way. Alison grab Chris by the arm. “ Hey hottie, don’t hang out with that lames.” Alison whispered to Chris ear.
Chris push Alison hand off his arm. “Hey bitch don’t be talking about my girlfriend like that.” he said with an stern voice.
Tara was blushing so much she thought her face was red. She never had a boy defend her. Tara walked up to Alison and push her out the way. “Excuse me but he’s taken. You can’t get everything you want Ms. Spoiled Brat.”
Alison turned red like she been slapped by the words Tara said. Chris grabbed Tara’s hand and started to walk again. “It’s okay don’t mind her she’s the bitch of the bitch group.” Tara said laughing.
As Chris and Tara walked down the hallway there was new exchanged students. I could really tell that already because they have a sticker on the shirt that says HI MY NAME IS:________.

A girl named Rosie with brown wavy hair and brown eyes came up to Tara holding an gray doll kitty cat and asked if she knew where Mrs. Nelson class was. Mrs. Nelson teaches journalism. She is a nice Hispanic women. But Mrs. Nelson oh my gosh she talked way to damn much. Like god dang does she knows when to shut up. She even got nominated for the most talkative teacher. Gosh you don’t want to get stuck with that teacher for a day. She would blow your head off and how would I know that because I have her in first hour.
Anyway, Rosie came from an town called SoHo that’s in New York. Tara, Chris, and Rosie walking to Mrs. Nelson class.
“Hey can you show me where’s 762 locker is.” Rosie questioned Tara.
“ Hey ima met you guys later in Mrs. Nelson class” Chris told Tara and gave her a see you later kiss on her cheeks.
“So your locker is 762?” Tara asked weirdly
“Yeah. Why.” Rosie asked if something is wrong with that locker like someone got suffocated in there by a bully. “Hmm that would be weird but cool.” Rosie thinking to herself.
“Oh cause mines 763 right next to your.” Tara said. Tara showed Rosie her locker. Tara and Rosie is walking the hallway down to Mrs. Nelson class.
The first step Rosie step into the class room. Mrs. Nelson looked at Rosie and said “ You must be Rosie. Hi I am Mrs. Nelson and I see you met Tara. She would be guiding you today. Your computer would be right next to hers. Do you have the sheet that lead to all your class. Do you need any help.”
If Rosie didn’t believe Tara that Mrs. Nelson talk a lot. She is wrong. Like no lie Mrs. Nelson said all that in 15 seconds.
Tara rolled her eyes at Rosie giving her the sign that Mrs. Nelson is god damn talkative. Tara muted her ears. So when she looked at Mrs. Nelson her mouth is still going. All Tara see is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Rosie and Tara had been standing by Mrs. Nelson “listen” to her talking for good 10 minutes. Tara and Rosie walked to where Chris and Rebecca was sitting. Tara introduce Rosie and Rebecca. They four all have Mrs. Nelson for the first hour.
RINGGGGGGGG!! First hour was over. Through out the day was alright. Tara, Chris, Rebecca, and Rosie walked home together. They found out that Rosie lives a few block down from where Rebecca lives.
When Tara got home she found a weird piece of paper in her book bag. It was all
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