» Fiction » Embrace of the Wolf, Mysterie [web based ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Embrace of the Wolf, Mysterie [web based ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Mysterie

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at my cry of pain. Luke jumped up and fell off the bed. The next thing I know my door is kicked in and a mad looking Garrick and Eldon came in. Once they saw it was just me and Luke they calmed down.
“You scared us when you didn’t answer then there was your sudden cry.” Eldon pointed out walking over to my bed.
“Well as you can see I am totally fine.”
“Do I even want to know why Luke is on the floor?” Eldon’s hazel eyes moved to Luke’s face.
“It’s nothing.” Luke said standing up. Eldon smiled that cute little boy smile of his. Being stuck forever at 15 had its advantages.
“So little sister,” Eldon began. “It seems that those rouge wolves have finally decided to speak with us.” Eldon had taken to calling me little sister since I reminded him so much of his sister. I stood up and patted him on the head. He was shorter by a couple of inches.
“Hey you’re going to mess up my hair.” He shook his brown hair out. It made me laugh. Garrick looked almost like Eldon except he was older and had a goatee going on.
“Ok guys out I need to change.” All three of them filed out and I quickly changed into my leather suit. My silver hair was in my face so I decided to pull it up. I walked to the throne room. I saw everyone already there. Then there were five unknown faces standing before Caldwell. I entered and went to take my seat. All eyes were on me. I nodded to Caldwell when I had made myself comfortable.
“Ok now you may speak.”
“We come for the girl.” Said the one at the front. He had dirty blond hair that had been pulled into a ponytail. Werewolves’ hair grows really fast. We had to have our hair cut every week. “We want her.”
“You cannot have her.” Eldon said raising his voice. He almost sounded irritated.
“Why do you guys get her?” Asked another guy.
“She is an elder of this village,” Eldon began but some guy cut him off.
“Oh bullshit. You just want to keep her all to yourself.” Eldon’s calm broke then. He jumped up and extended his claws. Garrick and Landen stood up as well.
“I said you cannot have her that is the end of the story.” This is the first time I’ve seen Eldon pissed. “Now leave and never come back.” Of course the other pack didn’t listen.
“We won’t leave without the girl.” That’s when I had had enough.
“Alright it’s my turn to say something.” I stood up.
“No you have no input in this you little bitch now sit down and keep your pretty little mouth shut.” The ponytail one snarled.
“Bitch?” Now he had done it. “Did you just call me a bitch?” Eldon and the others backed up a little. They knew what was about to happen.
“I am no bitch.” I yelled then I ran towards them. Of course I just looked like a silver streak to them. One by one I took them down till the leader was the last one standing.
“I dare you to call me that again.” The guy didn’t say anything. “Good boy.” My claws were fully extended and my ears had become pointy. I could feel my canines inside my mouth. I could also feel my insides moving around and my bones shifting. “Get the hell out of my village and don’t ever come back or so help me I will not take it easy on you.” The guy just nodded and then he ran. His pack following right behind him. I retracted my claws and canines and felt my ears, round again. The pain from my body also subsided. I let out a heavy sigh and turned to the others. All of them stared at me like they were seeing me for the first time.
“Holy shit Skye there were five fully grown werewolves and you took them out without even breaking a sweat.” Landen said. That’s when Luke stepped out of the shadows.
“She doesn’t like being called a bitch. Something similar happened in an old village in England. Some guy had wanted her and she refused, he called her a bitch and she almost tore the guy to shreds. His buddy’s tried stepping in but she took them out as well.” Luke smiled. “There’s just something about that word she doesn’t like.”
“I just don’t like it.” I sat back down in my chair.
“Well needless to say I doubt those guys will be coming back here any time soon.” Landen said looking at the doors.
“They won’t give up on her that easily. They’ll be back. I’m sure of it.” Luke said.
“Well then Skye must be protected at all times.” Caldwell said.
“I can take care of myself.” Caldwell held up his hand.
“I know this child but who knows how many of them there are out there I don’t want to chance anything happening to you. All of you will take turns guarding her. Today Eldon can do it. Tomorrow Garrick. Then Landen. And then Ryder. Then it will go back to Luke. That is the order. Dismissed.” Caldwell stood up and left. Eldon ran over to me and grabbed my arm.
“How about we go out and play?” I looked at him and he smiled.
“Sure Eldon whatever you want.” He led me out of the castle and into the town square. Luke followed us. There were people there playing music and dancing. Eldon began to do the same.
“C’mon Skye join in.” He pulled me into the middle of the group and I began dancing. I smiled. A real smile. Not one filled with worry or pain or fear, but one filled with happiness. People were dancing all around me each with their own smile and each was as happy as I felt.
“Luke come join me.” He shook his head no, but I pulled him into the crowd like Eldon had done to me. He tried dancing but truthfully he sucked. I laughed so hard that tears started to form in my eyes. Eldon saw me crying and gave Luke an evil look.
“Why did you make my little sister cry?”
“Eldon its ok they’re tears of happiness. I’m so happy right now.” Eldon smiled and hugged me.
“I’m glad that you’re happy.” He then let go and we continued dancing. The crowd had gathered around us. Me, Luke and Eldon. All three of us dancing like no tomorrow, because who knows maybe there won’t be.


My whole body was sore the next day. All that dancing toke its toll on me. I heard a loud snoring coming from the couch. I got up and walked over to find Garrick laying there. I quickly dressed out of my trousers and into my leather suit. Then without waking Garrick I slipped into the bathroom and out the window. The air was cold. It nipped at the openings in my clothes. It also didn’t help that leather wasn’t exactly for the winter time. I stood up and took off for the woods. I know this was a bad idea but I didn’t care. It was about 20 minutes later when I found what I was looking for. The other pack. The rouges.
“Well well it seems she came after all.” Said the ponytailed one. “Oh where are my manners I never introduced myself. I am Crader.” I laughed to myself. What a funny name.
“What exactly do you want with me?” Crader was circling around me checking me out.
“We want you to do something for us.”
“Why the hell should I?”
“Because if you don’t we shall take out your whole village.”
“Caldwell and the others will stop you.”
“Not if we take them out first.”
“That’s impossible they have years of experience over you.”
“But we have better numbers.” Just then, almost as out of thin air, a hundred werewolves stepped into the clearing. I was shocked by their numbers, but I did not show it on my face I would not give them the satisfaction.
“You forget one very important thing.” I said turning back to face Crader.
“And what is that?”
“Caldwell has me.”
“Ah yes you see we thought about that but even you can’t take out this many men at once.” He was right I could take out no more than twenty of them at a time while the others maybe five at the most. We would be no match it would just end up being a suicide attempt. No I knew how to win this. “If you don’t do what we say you’re precious Luke won’t live to see the next full moon.” A look of pure horror crossed my face and I knew they had won. I looked him in the eyes.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Good girl.” Crader said smiling an evil smile. Half an hour later I was running at full force through the woods. I needed to make them think that I was really going to do what they wanted me to do but could I really fool them? I ran straight to the castle. I went right into Luke’s room. Luke bolted right up and stared at me.
“We need to talk.” I closed the door and locked it.
“How the hell did you get out of your room? Garrick was supposed to be watching you.”
“I snuck out a couple hours ago. He’s a deep sleeper you know.” Luke stretched. His black hair was messy and his green eyes hazed over. He was also topless. His bare chest had many pale silver scars on it from all the fights he’s been in. I had many of my own. The worst one I have runs along the right side of my face down to my bellybutton. It had happened one night when I had started a fight with a Red Coat. They had tried to take advantage of me and me, being my stubborn self, had refused and struck one of them on the head. He didn’t seem to like that very much and pulled out his gun. That’s when Luke came to the rescue. Luke jumped onto the man’s back and bit into his neck. The man, not knowing what to do, pulled me into the fight with them. Luke, his anger taking control of him, decided to blindly claw at things. That’s when he accidently caught me instead of the man. I don’t remember much after that.
“Skye?” Luke said bringing me back to the present. He then sniffed the air. “You were with those rouge wolves weren’t you?” He was pissed now. Luke jumped out of his bed and rushed over to me. “Did they hurt you in anyway? Because if any of them hurt you I will kill them all.”
“That’s what I came to tell you about. They want me to do them a favor.”
“No we’re going to tell Caldwell and handle this.”
“They said if I tell anyone they will kill the whole village. Luke there’s hundreds of them.”
“Impossible there can’t be that many.”
“Well there is.” I sighed.
“What do they want you to do?”
“They want me to leave the pack and join them. They want me to earn them money by killing people for them.” Luke was shocked.
“What did you tell them?”
“I told them I would do it.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” I looked at the ground. “Skye answer me right now.”
“They told me they would kill you if I didn’t.” I hadn’t meant to tell him but it slipped out. “I did it to save your life.” I began crying.
“Skye…” He

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