» Fiction » Aveira, KrissyKiller [the unexpected everything txt] 📗

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It had been about twenty minutes after Christopher left, and thoughts of him were still swirling through my mind. I had never been so forward with a complete stranger. He was cute, obviously smart, and well mannered. Any boy like that was worth giving a shot. But I also hoped that if something did happened where we became more than friends his parents would accept me. Because he looked like he was well off, and my family is just so dysfunctional. As I continued to think about the day’s events my stomach growled with hunger. So I had to leave my attic paradise to go to the kitchen to get a snack. Maybe one of those yummy smelling cookies that Christopher’s mother made for us.
Of course I ran into my mom coming down the stairs.
“Oh Aveira I was just coming to ask you who came to the door earlier. I heard someone knock, you answered it, and then you disappeared. Oh and what’s with the cookies in the kitchen?” she said
“Well if you let me answer one question before you ask twenty more I’ll tell you. It was the neighbor’s son Christopher bringing cookies to welcome us to the neighborhood. He seemed nice so I asked him to hang out for a while, you did say you wanted me to make some new friends.”
“Well that’s good honey, come into the living room, have a cigarette with me, and tell me all about this boy.”
“I was just coming down to get a snack mom, and we barely talk anymore anyways.”
“Aveira I just want to take some time and talk to you. You have been in that attic all day, and I know you didn’t really want to move. Just come talk to me sweetie, you don’t even have to tell me everything.” She said winking, as she turned around and headed for the living room.
Yes my mom was annoying at times, even downright embarrassing. But she in truth was my best friend. Because I’m “Different” I didn’t have many friends in my old school, so she had always been my girlfriend more than a mother. That’s how I began smoking at home, and it was pretty cool. I mean really, what other sixteen year old girl can say that she smokes at home . . . with her mother? But when my dad took the new job I didn’t speak to them the month before the move. However I did miss talking to my mom and maybe moving here wasn’t such a bad thing after all. I met Christopher, and in truth I have a crush on him.
“Ok spill the beans girl, I know something’s up. Your so smiley and giddy” she said lighting her cigarette then handing me the lighter.
I took the lighter and repeated her actions. Then I said “Ok so he is so cute mom, you have no idea. We went up and I showed him my attic paradise, and he didn’t call me weird once. He didn’t even give me any dirty looks! He lives across the street in the big beige house, with his mom and dad. I didn’t know if he smoked or not so I offered him a cigarette, to be polite. Well turns out he doesn’t smoke but he took one anyways and coughed it out like a real trooper. It was just funny, and I am talking like such a girl right now!” I said catching my breath, and confused because I had never swooned over a boy before. It just wasn’t me.
“Well if he has got you this worked up he must be a nice young man” she said exhaling the smoke from her already tar blackened lungs.
“If I invite him over again do you promise not to embarrass me? Really mom I made a new friend like you wanted me to, I just beg that you don’t chase him away with your abilities as a parent to chase friends away.”
“I promise V I won’t poke fun in the presence of Precious Christopher” she said and pushed my playfully letting me know she was just kidding about the whole “precious Christopher” comment.
“Thanks mom” I said putting my cigarette out in the ash tray and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m actually going to grab a cookie and head to my room for a while.”
“Okay sweetie, it was nice talking to you again. I really missed it.” She said smiling as her eyes filled with tears.
“Okay mom no crying I’m going now.” I said dashing to the kitchen.
I grabbed a couple cookies that Christopher’s mother had made, and headed up to my room. I climbed my creaky pull-down attic stairs, and pulled them up behind me. Then I flopped backwards on my bed. I let out a long sigh and begin to nibble on my cookies. They were delicious! Christopher’s mom could cook! Well she can either cook, or put pre-packaged cookies on a cookie sheet well. I giggled to myself at that thought. Then snapping me out of my day dreams my cell phone began buzzing on my dresser where I had left it. I got up and rushed to answer it hoping it would be him.
“Hello?” I said trying not to sound too excited.
“Hi sweetie, just wanted to let you know that you start school tomorrow. I filled out all the paperwork today.”
“Okay mom, but I don’t see why you couldn’t have told me that when I was just downstairs talking to you.” I grumbled
“It completely slipped my mind, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, just tell me one thing.”
“What V?”
“Please tell me that I’m going to Cheshire United High School.” I said closing my eyes and crossing my fingers.
“How did you know? Is that where Christopher goes?” she said and I could tell that she was way too interested in this for her own good.
“It doesn’t matter mom, bye.” I said hanging up the phone.
I felt like an idiot having rushed for the phone. I didn’t even give him my number! How could he call me if he didn’t have my number?! I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and set my full attention on choosing an outfit for tomorrow. I tore through the boxes that were labeled clothes, and the other boxes labeled shoes. I went through piles and piles of shirts, skirts, corsets, stockings, jackets, and shoes. Then I found the perfect outfit. It was a small black corset dress that had ruffles that fell just above my knees. The top part of the dress was covered with intricate red lace over the black. It has a plunging V neck that shows just enough cleavage to get the desired attention. I paired that with black fishnet stockings and a pair of black leather boots that buckled all the way up the side and ended below my knees.
I held the dress up to me and spun around in a circle before allowing myself to fall back on my bed. It wasn’t that late, and I shouldn’t have been tired because of how excited I was for the coming day. However as soon as I had fallen on the bed, I found myself drifting off to sleep.
I woke up just before my alarm went off at 6:30 in the morning. I felt like I hadn’t slept at all last night, even though I know I got more than enough sleep. I grabbed my towel, and clothes and headed for the bathroom to prepare myself for the day.


I woke up late! How could this happen? My mother always got me up for school. I rushed to my closet to grab the clothes that were hung up in outfits my mother thought were appropriate. I threw on the first on I got my hands on. It was a pair of black slacks, and a long sleeved button down light blue and white striped shirt. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and ran downstairs to put my shoes on. After I had each shoe on the right foot I saw a note hanging on the fridge.

Sorry I couldn’t get you up this morning. I got a call from my sister, who lives a couple towns over. She is ill and needs my help so I won’t be home this week. Your father will be out of town for the week as well as he is on another of his wretched business trips. I expect to come home to a clean house, and school work done.
Love you xoxo Mommy”

They are gone for the week, both of them at the same time?! I almost couldn’t believe it, but right then I needed to get my backpack and get on the bus and to school. I ran out the front door just as the bus started to pull away. Luckily the driver saw me and slowed the bus back to a halt. I was walking down the aisle of the bus when I saw her. She was simply gorgeous, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
“I saved you a seat” She said batting those long lashes at me.
“Oh, t-t-thank you Aveira.” I tried to smile knowing that I probably looked like a fool.
I took the seat next to her and tried not to notice just how good her perfume smelled, or how pretty her eyes looked even under all that make-up. Her make-up was even beautiful to me. Never had I seen a girl so confident in herself that she dressed however she pleased with no cares what other’s would think

Publication Date: 09-08-2011

All Rights Reserved

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