» Fiction » my journey, bee latrice [novels for teenagers .txt] 📗

Book online «my journey, bee latrice [novels for teenagers .txt] 📗». Author bee latrice

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gimme a minute I yelled back at him. I had to have a minute to take all this in, cuz I was leaving the only home I have known for the past seventeen years. I did not even realize I was crying until my girls all hugged me, I started to cry more, even though my dad already promised I could come over to visit them sometimes, we all knew it won’t be the same like going to the same school. We wiped our tears and I promised to call them when I got to la, I knew my dad was about to yell my name again, I had already said bye to all my girls and I received some parting gifts, after that I carried my handbag cuz I knew it was time to move on to the next phase of my life, I bid my friends goodbye as I entered the car. The drive to the airport was long; it took us an hr. forty-five minutes to reach the airport.

i want to say thanks to everyone that had the opportunity of reading this i will keep updating it when ever i have the time thanks for your patience.....
chapter two: new life

The trip to la was alright. I can tell we are now in la, Like its time to get my shopping groove on, so i cant wait to see what my new house looks like, cuz i kno my dad explained to me that we had alot of rroms in this house, and we have alot of people living with us. even though am still confused about that. so when we got to the new house O.M.F.G let me tell you something this house was huge, that my mouth was opened, then i heard my dad saying mickey close your moth your drooling. i fell for it and wanted to wipe my mouth when i realized he was joking, very funny dad i replied, dad you aint tell me we rolling big now.

Well Mickey, I told you your grandparents were rich, and they died in a crash some years back i dont want to get in it so i guess its time for me to grow up and deal with my responsibilities there will be alot of changes but i hope you bear with me, Mickey i want you to promise me that we are still going to be close like we were back in Atlanta and you will still be able to tell me stuffs. I want you to have this credit card, you can use it for anything you want, i know i can trust you that you wont spend it larvishly right, yeah dad you can i replied easily, while thinking about how am gonna spend it like is he going crazy how can he give me a crdit card with no limit when he knows how much i love shopping who does that.

After being introduced to people living in the house, i was shown my room and let me tell you when my dad said lots of people would be living with us he was serious , ooh my room was big and spacious a big walk in closet, a balcony and big bathroom for me alone mmmm i can get used to this. I started unpacking my clothes damn this was hard work, when i was done unpacking i took my phone out and called my bestfriend in Atlanta ashley,

Me: hey girl

Ashley: Mickey (she screamed)

Me: Damn girl you almost broke my eardrum i told her (chuckling)

Ashley: Well how's La tell me everything

Me: its alright i guess

Ashley: So have you picked out your outfit yet

Me: Girl i just finished unpacking ur the organinzed one not me.

Ashley: why dont you wear you red leggings and your black off the shoulder top and match it with red heels

Me: wow am gonna miss you so much with your amazing styles lol

Ashley: of course you will am the best she joked

Me : girl lemme holla at you 2mao tho am tired

Ashley: nyt hun

Me: Nyt boo
Ash could be a sweetheart sometimes though, i am itching to go to mall tomorrow, that reminds me i need to google out the address to the mall, mickey get down here dinner is ready my dad yelled coming dad. i walked downstairs in my pjs which consisted of a white top and bootie shorts forgetting we werent having dinner alone. when i got there everyone turned around to look at me, well the guys were drooling while the girls were glaring i wonder why, until my dad spoke saying Mickey you want to go back up and changed, i just nodded and bounded upstairs blushing. then i came back downstairs in a proper arrire, this is going to be alot of work i thought to myself. While eating i made small talk with some of the girls. that were in my age group, wel since their too plenty i will just name a few i see myself getting close with in the future, krissy, hope, tiff, ruth,ayo and dani just to mention a few.

We made plans to go to the mall together the next day guess i dont have to google out the address anymore. Mickey my dad called here is the key to your new car you have been begging me for, forgetting we had company i screamed and jumped on him that you thank you i squealed cuz i was so excited, i dint have to ask for the name of the car to know it was a ferrari. after that i went to bed and slept and did not wake up until around 11 the next day , which was because i heard knocking on my door, i jumped up to get the door to see my new friends standing at the door dressed up, mickey why are you not dressed yet they asked, i thought it was obvious i was sleeping.

After dressing up and having a toast to eat we made our way to the mall only taking two cars mine and krissy s car. and let me tell they have lots of good stores in here you already know am checking them out we all went our different ways so it can be faster we planned to meet back outside. I walked outside around four with my hands full and some cute gouys helping me all i had to do was flirt with the leader and the other helped him out the joy of being a lady. when i got outside i saw we had a problem we were all shopalolics i started laughing cuz no way was the car going to fit all we bought , so we had to call some of the guys are home to bring their car. When they arrived they made fun of us asking if we were planning on changing our closet guess what we the girls dint see anything funny about that.

Then we decided to go eat at a chinese resturant because we were all tired and hungry and why i said we instead of the girls is because the guys even though they have been home all day had been to lazy to go and make food for themselves. when we got to the resturant we all ha fun and i realized most of the girls were paired up wiv a dude, i got curious and asked if they were all dating cuz i thought it was weird living in the same house and dating. hen krissy answered me saying we are more than boyfriend/girlfriend we are ma.... she dint get to complete before one of the guys i think jared cut her off by kissing her, we all laughed cuz when they came up for she couldnt remember what she was saying.
The weekend flew by past, that it was now monday morning and i was already a nervous wreck by the time i finished dressing. then i went downstairs to have breakfast. my dad was there making me pancake and egg. i guess that s a good way to start my day, myself and the girls already planned on meeting in school cuz they wanted to ride wiv their boyfriends i dont blame them i would too if my boyfriend was as hot as them if not that i have a dont date friend s boyfriend i would av hooked up wiv one of them. and trust me am not a slut if that what you are thinking am still a virgin thank you very much. but ayye a girl can dream sue me. My dad wished me luck and hurried me out of the house saying he did not want me to be late on my first day i guess somethings never change.

When i got to school i saw people looking at my car wondering who was in the car. when i got down some of the guys whistled which gave me my confidence back and i started my walk of fame towards the school. when i walked inside the school it looked like i just entered a movie, because the school was huge and the students ooh wee lets just say they all looked like models especially the females because they were all extra skinny like damn and i thought i was skinny. Then i saw the school was also divided up into cliques, the popular, the nerds, the emo, the cheerleader, the preppy kids, the am to too cute to be in a clique, then finally the moment we ve all been waiting for the amazing drumroll please the jocks. ooh lemme tell you these guys were hella sexy like damn where have yall been all my life this semester should be fun i thought to myself. When i checked my watch i realized i have been staring at people for almost 10 minutes that s how amazing it was (note the sarcasm).

Then i started rushing to the administrative department to get my schedule. After gettig it i realized i only had five minutes to find my class, shit how am i gonna make it when i dont even know what building its at. then i saw one dude walking down the hallways, well no time to be shy i asked him if he knew where my next class was showing him my schedule. oh i can walk you there i have the same class. my name is sean and you, am michaya you can call me mickey tho

Sean: so where you from i havent seen you around before

Mickey: yea i just moved from Atl

Sean: ooh you from my hometown shawty

Mickey: really what side

Sean: West side

Mickey :cool

Then i heard sean chuckling so i was looking at him like he was crazy, then he was like well i asked you for your number before i realized you

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