» Fiction » Love Conquers All, Ricki Johnson [inspirational books for women .txt] 📗

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I heard the echoing sound of a door being slammed a little farther down the hall. That had to have been Jayy it just has to be, I thought when I arrived at a partially open door. I listened closely before I went in, and sure enough, it was Jayy still crying. But he was mumbling something that I couldn't hear.
I knocked softly on the door, careful not to startle him. "Jayy? It's Dahvie. I'm coming in." My voice shook when I said this. I pushed the door back enough for me to barely slip into the tiny, dark closet. The only way I could see Jayy was if he moved.
"Just leave me alone David, please," Jayy whispered with a dark malice in his voice. I flinched involuntarily. He only called me by my real name, David, after I've really pissed him off. Whatever was going on, I'm part of the problem.
I sit down next to Jayy and hug him. He tries to pull away but I tighten my grip. I've always been physically stronger than Jayy, especially at times like this, but sometimes he does get the better of me. That's what he was trying to do now, but I'm not gonna let that happen.
He gave up on fighting against me and just slumped against my body. We sat like that for a while and I let him cry on my shoulder. He told me how Noah broke up with him in a text. I didn't like Noah anyways. Actually, I've never liked any of Jayy's boyfriends but I wasn't about to tell him that.
"Noah doesn't deserve you and he never will," I say reassuringly.
"Yeah, you might be right." Jayy gives me a sad smile.
"I am right." I wipe his eyes dry with my sleeve and kiss his forehead. "C'mon," I get up and pull him up too, "you know what will make you feel better?"
"No, what?" I wrap my arm around his waist and open the door.
"Performing for all those fans out there waiting to hear our glorious music."
"Yaaaaay!! Time to get our Yo Ho on and please those booties." He grabbed me into a bear hug, put me on his back, and flew down the hall toward the backstage area.
Chapter 4

Dahvie's P.O.V.

The concert was a smash hit, like always. The whole time, I could see Andy standing off to the side watching. During some of the songs like "Fallen Star" and "I Heart Hello Kitty", I saw him singing along. Sometimes when it was Jayy's turn to sing, I would blow Andy air kisses and he'd catch them and put it to his heart.
Now Jayy and I are watching the Black Veil Brides concert backstage. Andy just drank I don't know how many Monsters, so now he's super hyper. He almost jumped in the audience twice but Lenny, the security guard/ groupie, caught him.
"We're gonna take a short break now guys. When we get back, I have someone to introduce to you," Andy screamed into the misc. Even from way back here, I could hear the fans' heavy sighs and loud grunts of frustration.
Andy came bounding down the stairs and practically knocked me down when he ran into my awaiting open arms. He kissed me and immediately I kissed him back. I know there are people watching us. It felt like they were trying to bore holes through our faces. Andy was blushing when we stopped, so I knew he felt the same way.
"I think it's time for you to go back on stage," I told him. Jinxx had just walked by carrying his violin.
"Yeah guess so. I'll see you in a minute," Andy said. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and hustled back up the stairs.
I stood there trying to understand what he meant by that. Then just as I had figured out it out, Andy was making an announcement to the wild crowd.
"Hey Army, we're back obviously," Andy started. "We're gonna play 'The Mortician's Daughter' now. But before we do, I would like for ya'll to meet my new boyfriend." He turned toward me and smiled that heartwarming smile of his.
I literally ran up the steps, taking two at a time. My foot nicked the last step and I lost my balance and started to fall. I was waiting for my face to collide with the ground when somebody picked me up. I opened my eyes and saw Andy looking very concerned.
"You alright?" he asked.
"Yeah," I replied and gave him a hug.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the amazingly awesome Dahvie Vanity!" The crowd went berserk. I think I heard someone yell "Mosh pit", but I can't be totally sure. "I'm dedicating this song to you, my love," Andy said. Then the music started to play.
"I open my lungs, dear. I sing this song at funerals, no rush. These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush." Andy's voice is as smooth as glass. It wrapped around me like a warm blanket. The deeper notes resonated in my ears.
"A baby boy you've held so tightly. This pain it visits almost nightly. Missing hotel beds I feel your touch." Now everybody else had joined in. Even Jayy was singing, and he despises this song.
I've always wondered why he hates this song. It's not just this one either. Jayy hates "Die For You", "Ritual", "Rebel Love Song", and "Love Isn't Always Fair". I ask all the time, but he always says, "Not now Dahvie. Maybe later."
I felt the warmth of Andy's soft hand. I hadn't realized how deep in thought I was. Most of the song was over now; Andy was singing the second to last verse.
"We booked our flight those years ago. You said you loved me and you left me. Regrets still haunt your saddened head. But I promised you I will see you. Will you sing the last verse with me, Dahvie?" He really wanted me to. There was a fire burning in his eyes. I nodded yes, adding coal to that fire.
"We booked our flight those years ago. I said I loved you as I left you. Regrets no longer in my head. But I promised you I will see you again. Again... again...again. I'm home again. Again... again... again. I'm home again." The music faded away. The last of the notes ringing, echoing around us.
I had sounded like a child with a high-pitched squeaky voice compared to Andy's rich, deep baritone sound. If he hadn't been holding my hand, I would've been off this stage by now. Probably half way to Mexico. I was itching to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Thanks for singing along you guys. We'll be back again in a few minutes. Ya'll have been awesome," Andy said in his low, sexy voice.
He led me back down the metal stairs, practically having to tug me along. My legs seemed as heavy as lead. There was a huge throbbing pain in the back of my head. My breath caught in my throat, causing me to couch viciously.
"You alright Dahvie?" Andy asked, eyes wide with alarm.
"Yeah I'm fine," I mumbled.
He came to a sudden halt and jerked me over to the side. He searched my face with those piercing sky blue eyes of his. He shook his head, long black locks settling on his porcelain face.
"Go rest for a while," Andy said, "I'll come get you when the concert's over." With that being said, he left to go back with the guys. I trudged back to the dressing room and fell asleep.

Chapter 5

Andy's P.O.V.

Today's the day. Jinxx and Sammi's wedding. I can't believe it's finally here. I'm so happy for them. Dahvie's really happy too. He even bought them a wedding gift; a lace, fire red night gown for Sammi (don't ask) and a new jet black guitar for Jinxx that was signed by some fans we met.
It was an unseasonably hot day, considering how i's he middle of October. The wedding ceremony was being held outside, so we all had to dress to stay warm. Now coats and jackets had been shed. Some on the back of chairs, and some just in heaping piles on the tables.
Dahvie pulled on my sleeve. "Hey Andy look. They have a gigantic cake over there, see?"
"Yes Dahvie, I see it," I answered him. The cake actually was that huge. It had five thick layers stacked on top of one another. The icing had to at least be as thick as my whole hand. My mouth was watering just looking at it.
"I wonder what flavor it is. I hope it's chocolate, since everyone loves chocolate. Or maybe it's strawberry or vanilla. What do you think Andy? Oooh and what about the icing? I think it might be butter cream; the good kind. Not the one on store bought cakes, yuck..." he was talking a mile a minute. Most of the time it's cute, but today it's just annoying. Or maybe it's just me, seeing how this is a big day for all of us.

~ 5 hours later ~

"You may now kiss the bride," Father Tom said, gesturing for Jinxx to kiss Sammi. He scooped her up into his arms and kissed her like that would be the last one they ever shared.
A collective sigh hung in the air. Soft weeping coming from most of the women here; tears of joy streaming out of their eyes like tiny waterfalls.
"When will it be time for cake?" Dahvie whispered so softly only I can hear.
"Soon as they stop snogging over there. I'm surprised they both still have faces. It's very impressing," I whispered back.
"Awwww. I hate this," he whined then pouted.
I hugged him and tenderly said, "Soon my love, soon. Then you can eat as much cake as your heart desires."
"Yay," he scream- whispered.
~ 2 hours later ~
Dahvie just left

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