» Fiction » Behind My Eyes, Angel [top fiction books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Behind My Eyes, Angel [top fiction books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Angel

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A girl and her ‘pets’ laughed at me and ran to Adam smothering him. She almost reminded me of April, the girl I punched, so I guessed she is the boss of the school. I walked away ignoring them, don’t lose your temper this time, do it for brother, I thought and headed for the office.

“Hi I’m a new student.” I walked up to the front desk and the lady looked at me and called to a man named Mr. Crow. A male principal oh great he’s really going to love me.

“Yes and now I need you to fill this out for me.” She said in an irritating voice and smiled handing me a file sheet. I filled it out quickly and handed it to her, “You should get you hair out of your eyes, and I bet they’re really pretty.” She reached for my hair but I grabbed her wrist startling her.

“No one ever touches my hair, understand.” I said in a dark deep tone getting up in her face and she gulped.

I pulled away letting go of her hand and brushed myself off while she handed me my class schedule the principal gave her a while ago. I walked out seeing Adam leaning against a wall; I assumed he was waiting for me. “So you just left me there with those…those monsters!” He bellowed walking up to me and shook me wildly.

“Yep.” I walked away leaving him straggling behind, I turned my head to look at him and he was slumped back slinging his arms everywhere. I shook my head and stopped to look at my schedule and read it out loud, “Art, Math, Science, lunch, Gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Study hall on the others, Reading, Language Arts, and History.”

When I finished I felt breathing on my neck, so I jumped up and went into my karate form and cracked Adam on the head.

“Ow,” he rubbed his head, “what’d you do that for?” He whined wanting to give me a hug, but I pushed him away.

“Don’t breath on my neck and maybe I won’t do that, it feels weird you know.” I got out of my karate form and crossed my arms, heading for art class.

“You’re going the wrong way; it’s this way down the hall and take a right.” He sighed and grabbed my hand and walked that way, “and good thing we have the same classes, or else you’d be lost.” I slammed my head against the wall, “Oh taking classes with me isn’t that bad, is it?” I slammed my head once more and he groaned. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to class, I looked up at his face and seen the hurt in his eyes, did I make him sad? I stopped him turning him around ramming him up against the wall, and got really close to him. I touched his face, and he flushed so I slid my hand down to his chest and felt his heart beating rapidly.

I got on my tippy toes and until my lips were to his lips, “Do you,” I cupped his face, and he started to breath quickly to where I could hear it, “like me?” I felt his heart stop.

“I-” He stated, his heart started racing again faster than before. Adam was cute with is dark brown hair and green eyes, but I don’t think I would be good for him.

“Is there a problem out here?” Mrs. Bates came out. She looked about twenty, young and beautiful. She stopped when she seen Adam, then went into flirty mode. “Oh Adam it’s you, where’s your friends not that I really care or anything.” She purred and giggled at the end. WTF!! Wait isn’t she married and why is she flirting with a boy younger than her, not that I'm jealous or anything.

He just smiled politely still looking at me, and pushed her out of the way. “Don’t you think we should be in class? Oh and this is are new student.” He put his hand on my back his fingertips nearly going up my shirt making me shiver. She nodded and smiled opening the door for Adam, but then when he walked in she gave me the cold stare and tripped me. I heard a bunch of laughter so I guessed I fell in the class room. Adam instantly helped me up, “what happened?” He asked worried I flushed while I looked in his beautiful green eyes; I just wish I could see them clearly.

Then I felt someone grabbing my shirt collar, was the teacher really threatening me? “The teacher tripped me.” I walked away and turned my head to them, and they were both pissed but at different people, “she must really like you.” I gave my wicked smile not showing my teeth though. Then I felt everyone’s tension turn on, even Adam was a little unsteady, hm my smiles are really improving, but he smiled of knowing what I was doing. I wanted everyone to know that I was the new bitch and that I will not be feared by anyone.

I took my seat and Adam took his next to mine. I looked at the teacher waiting, she was shocked and embarrassed, along with everyone else, but after a while she started class but I could still feel the tension only making my smile grow wider. Then everyone would turn their heads to me slowly so I would look up causing them to turn quickly.

Well the first three classes went by well, but Adam would talk on and on about how I should be nicer and shit, so I blocked him out of my thoughts but not entirely. As I walked to lunch I seen the girls I met outside giving me death stares, “What’s her name?” I asked Adam as we took our trays.

“Nicki and the rest are Britney, Selena, Jessica, Jennifer, and Mariah.” He pointed to each one and as he did so they giggled and blushed. He sighed as he twisted his spaghetti up on his fork.

“All names of famous people.” I rolled my eyes and stabbed my spaghetti balls and he chuckled taking a big bite of his food. “Yuck how can you eat that?” I put my hand on my face studying him, and while doing so a piece of my hair fell down revealing a little of my eye. I gasped and looked down letting my hair fall in my eyes again.

“Your eyes there so…so beautiful.” He exclaimed reaching for my hair, “Let me see the rest of,” He touched my forehead sending me electrical signals through my veins, “your eyes.” He finished, I slapped his hand away making him jump. Everyone looked at us in wonder and girls in disgust, so I looked at them showing my canines making them turn away. I turned back staring at my food, “Sorry.” He whispered placing his hand on mine, and in my surprise it calmed me down a lot.

“Just don’t ever speak of this, ok?” I said icily making him whimper softly but nodding his head. I sighed and leaned against his shoulder, “Wake me when you’re done.” He put one hand around my waist and I quickly fell asleep.

Once Alice leaned into my shoulder and slept I stiffened. I looked around and the girls glared at her and some of the boys glared at me. I sighed and looked at my food, her eyes were baby blue but I only got a quick glance. Man why does she have to be so stubborn and cute.

I got done with my food so I got up and I heard a thump..oops. I turned around and looked at her drooling on the table I smiled, threw away my leftovers away, picked her up, and carried her to study hall. I know I probably should of woke her up, but she looked so peaceful, so I bent down and kissed her cheek, her soft cheek, I licked my lips and looked at hers, no I shouldn’t she would hate me forever.

I went to gym into the locker room and got dressed. “Did you see the new girl, I bet you twenty to tap that.” Derek held out twenty dollars to his new comer, Zack, “it will make you an official member of the group.” He agreed making me angry I slammed my locker and headed out, “What’s his problem?” No one touches her but me! Wait did I just say that? Man I’m really falling for her fast, but I can’t let her know. I sigh she’d probably kick my ass like she did my buddies, I gulped, so anyway she doesn’t like me I mean I can tell from the way she treats me.

I woke up to the bell and drool on my table, “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself. Adam that idiot I told him to wake me up. I heard girls laughing so I sighed and walked out of the class room to see Adam leaning against the wall, “Well speak of the devil.” I growled and Adam grinned.

“Ok, ok before you start yelling, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. I’m so sorry please don’t hit me.” He winced and hugged me to where his head rested on my breast. I tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge he felt like a boulder. “No, accept my apology first.” I growled and softly told him I’m sorry. “What was that?” He rolled his eyes up staring at me.

“I said I’m sorry!” I yelled coldly and it echoed down the halls, everyone then looked at us my face went beat red, and Adam was on the floor in shock, I heard stomping, guessed it was the teacher, so I grabbed him by the ear and ran outside to the next building. “Where’s the next class?” I asked more calmly looking at the door not daring to look at Adam. I haven’t apologized in a long time, so the reason I yelled is because it reminded me of when I was little, and as you can tell my childhood wasn’t very pleasant.

He took my hand and walked me to Mrs. Hanson’s room, “She’s not very nice so be careful, any back talking and she’ll give you a detention.” He let go of my hand slowly, then looked at me.

“Does she like you too?” I said in disgust because I saw her walking by and she was ugly. I’m surpassed she even has a husband and I almost died when I heard she had a son and daughter also. He chuckled and shook his head.

“Nope she hates everyone but her son and daughter.” Well how about her husband, I sneered he probably gave her divorce papers. We walked it and went up to the teacher, “Mrs. Hanson we have a new student Alice Jones.” He smiled and she glared at me in disgust.

“Well thank goodness for that hair so we wouldn’t have to see more of that ugly face.” She sneered and gave me my seat while Adam rolled his eyes and sat down. Man I can tell already on the last day of school, or if she keeps pissing me off sooner, I will give her a great beat down, I mean look at her and she has the guts to call me ugly. I sat in between two ugly boys and I swear I heard Adam pout, jeez he doesn’t have to sit by me in every class and anyway he was sitting right behind me.

The teacher handed us a worksheet, already man this class
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