» Fiction » The Forbidden Daughter, Star0912 [novel books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Forbidden Daughter, Star0912 [novel books to read TXT] 📗». Author Star0912

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36 years later
Albus hurried along the halls as he ran to his Charms class, already late for his class. He sighed for this was his first day at Hogwarts. He looked out toward the Black Lake. Something dark was growing bigger and bigger underneath the murky waters. The Giant Squid, he thought excitedly, as he raced down knowing he would be late to his class. He looked down into the water as the Lake began to spin quicly, into a whirlpool. Albus gasped and backed away begind a tree heart thumping, as he turned slightly to see what was happening. There seemed to be a light at the bottom of the whirlpool, but he couldn't make out what it was. Then out of nowhere a voice screamed as a pale girl flew out of the whirlpool and landed in the water. Although shocked, she managed to swim, dragging a wet and soaked trunk with her.
Albus rushed to her side as he saw that she had her belongings. "Are you alright?"
"Um.... where exactly am I?" she asked puzzled, her wet hair covering her face.
"You're on the Hogwarts grounds. I'm Albus by the way."
She wiped her hair away from her face. "I'm Evangeline."
Evangeline was strange Albus thought. “Are you all right? I mean you came out of a whirlpool!”
“I believe so. Um... What’s Hogwarts?”
“It’s a school, where kids learn to channel their magic. Can you do magic?"
"Well yes, I mean I have a vague memory of doing magic."
"Do you have a wand?"
"I believe so, somewhere." she opened it and looked inside and found her wand. “Maybe in my trunk?”
"It’s alright I mean....."
"Ah ha!" Evangeline exclaimed, holding her wand, core of brass with unicorn hair entwined in it.
“Do you know any spells?”
“Yes,” she said trying not to brag,”quite a number of them.”
“Woah, I don’t know any yet.”
“You don’t? I mean I thought everyone knew how to.”
“Nope,” Albus replied amazed. “Today is the first day of school for us.”
She nodded and sneezed.
"Here, take my robe." Albus wrapped it around her shoulders.
"I should probably take you to Professor McGonagall. Come on." he took her hand, grabbed her suitcase and led her out to Hogwarts. Evangeline left a trail of water. On the way, he told her all about the rules, houses, and all of the classes. She listened intently as her hopes began to rise.
"Here we are,” he knocked on the door. “Excuse me? Professor?” he called out. The door opened.
Professor McGonagall gasped at the state of both of them. "Mr. Albus Severus, what are you..... oh my goodness!" she gaped at the sight of Evangeline. Soaked and shivering with seaweed in her hair.
"Who is this?"
"Professor McGonagall this is Evangeline, and Evangeline this is Professor McGongall." Albus explained.
Evangeline smiled shyly and curtsied. "Nice to meet you Professor."
"Mr. Albus, exactly where did she come from?"
"From a whirlpool, coming out of the Black Lake."
Professor McGonagall looked at him puzzled. "Are you quite..."
"Positive. Honest, really." he confirmed as he told the tale.
"He's telling the truth.” Evangeline spoke, teeth chattering.
"Very well then. Mr. Albus I will write you a pass and you will go to your Charms class. Miss Evangeline, you shall come with me."
Evangeline waved. "Bye Albus. Thank you for helping me."
He waved back. Professor McGonagall gave him the pass and he walked alone to Charms.
Meanwhile Professor McGonagall took her into the office which was the once belonged to Dumbledores.
"Miss Evangeline, do you know exactly where you come from?"
"No ma'am."
"Do you have any relations?"
"I believe they all died. Otherwise they wouldn't have put me at the bottom of a lake would they?"
"Can you do magic?"
"Yes. I had a wand since I was five. That is when I think I've had it. But I'm almost positive."
"Very well. It is settled then. You will join Hogwarts school, and you will be sorted into your house." she brought down the Sorting hat from the high shelf and placed it on her head.
Evangeline looked at the hat strangely, as it covered her eyes. The hat spoke and her heart almost stopped.
"Hmmmm......... I see. Challenging. Yes, very challenging. Frail at heart, but strong at the wand. I suppose Slytherin!”
Albus walked into the Gryffindor common room and sat in front of the roaring fire. He wondered if Evangeline was okay. She really was a strange girl. It was amazing but who really came out of a whirlpool? Who was she really?
“Yo,” James, Albus’s older brother walked in.
“Hi.” Albus replied in a monotone.
“What’s up with you?” he asked, opening a packet of Bertie Bott’s Every flavor Beans. “You seem down.”
“Yeah,” James looked at him with suspicion. Then his face suddenly lit up with excitement. “Did you hear?”
“Hear what?” Albus asked annoyed. Why did older brothers always have to know everything before you.
“There’s this new girl,” he said, stuffing more beans into his mouth while talking, “her name is Evangeline, and she’s in Slytherin apparently.”
Albus jumped up. “Hey, I know her!”
“I helped her get out of the whirlpool, and then to Professor McGonagall’s office.”
James looked shocked.
“You know her?”
“Yeah,” he said, looking embarrassed. “I mean, is it bad?”
“No!” he looked up laughing, “anyhow, you had better go to bed. It’s almost midnight.”
Albus nodded. “Good night then.”
Potions was okay, but not his favorite class Albus decided as he walked out jubilantly.
At the same tinme, Evangeline was walking out of her Transfiguration class.
She saw him and waved as she walked over.
“How are you?” Albus asked.
Evangeline smiled. “I’m great thanks, this is such a fun school.”
“That’s great. I have Hagrid next. Who do you have?”
“Potions with Edgeworth.”
“Meet you at the Great Hall for lunch?”
“That would be wonderful.”
After Potions, Evangeline was on her way to the Great Hall. A snake slithered by.
“Go away!” she flung her hands. “Shoo!” she told the snake.
“Geez,” hissed the snake. “Children these days. Respect just doesn’t come anymore. Even Slytherin doesn’t respect you anymore.”
Evangeline clamped her moputh with both hands. Ready to scream. Had she just heard that?
‘No,’ she laughed in her head. ‘I’m just hallucinating.’
“Get a move on girl.” hissed the snake again. Impatient.
Evangeline was now frightened. Very frightened, so bad, she couldn’t think straight. “Did you.... did you ju.... just...”
Now the snake was suprised, slowly turning his head, tongue flickering. “You understand?”
Although her head was shaking really badly, she managed to slightly nod.
“A parseltongue,” the snake said amazed, eyeing her cautiously, “one of the last.”
Evangeline couldn’t bear it any longer, and ran into the Great Hall, Trembling she sat on a table catching her breath trying to calm her horrified heart.
“Evangeline.” Albus called, as he went to her table.
She managed to put on a lively smile.
“Sorry but, we have a little change of plans,” Albus said sheepishly. “Hagrid asked me if I wanted to have lunch together with him, so I asked if you could come along and he said yes. Would that be alright with you?”
“Sure.” she gathered her bags, as they both walked out together.
“Hagrid fought alongside my father in the Battle of Hogwarts.”
Evangeline looked at him strangely. “Battle of Hogwarts?”
He looked back at her stunned.
“You don’t know?”
She shook her head. “Could you, tell me?”
“Okay,” Albus started, feeling proud, and quite like a Mr. Smartypants. “I’ll start from the beginning and why it all happened. My father, Harry Potter was born on July 31. At that time. there was a man named Voldemort. He was a terrible man, so terrible we don’t and can’t talk about him anymore. He went to my father’s house, he was only a baby then. And well, Voldemort killed both of his parents.”
Evangeline looked at him, with her mouth hung open. “That’s horrid.”
Albus shrugged. “I know. My grandpa died first, trying to fight him off before he could go upstairs where my grandma and my dad was. My grandma died trying to protect my dad from the Killing Curse which is Avada Kedavra,” Evangeline gasped, as Albus continued. “Then Voldemort tried to kill my dad, but he couldn’t.”
“Because when she stepped in front of him, to protect with him even though it meant her life, powerful magic set into his skin.”
“And what was that?”
Albus paused for a moment, because it was going to sound corny, but he said it anyway. “Love.”
Evangeline’s face sunk in. She thought it was because his grandmother was a really powerful witch.
Love couldn’t protect you. It was impossible. Love wasn’t a thing, you couldn’t even see it.
“Here we are,” Albus said, jubilantly. “Hagrid?”
Evangeline turned to see a giant man coming out of the hut.
“Albus, glad yer could make it. How ‘re ya?” Hagrid asked, thumping him on the back.
“Good thanks.”
Hagrid looked down to see tiny little Evangeline. He was almost twice the size of her.
“This is Evangeline, the one I told you about.” Evangeline managed a timid smile.
He nodded, acknowleging her presence. “Nice to meet ya. Come inside,” he motioned, taking their bags. “Just got a nice cup o’ tea brewin’.”
Albus nodded, as he and Evangeline stepped inside.
Evangeline looked around, as she saw all kinds of queer looking creatures.
“Hagrid, what is this?” she asked, looking into a corner of Hagrid’s hut, that consisted or large worm looking things in large cages, taller than her filled with dirt.
He wore a look of disgust on his face.
“Those, dirty beasts, are Blast-Ended Skrewts. Although I did create them, they are beasts. Beasts I tell ya. They’ll kill each other.”
“It is,” Hagrid sighed, as he turned to Albus. “So how ‘re your parents? Doin’ well?”
He nodded.
“Quite well. Lily’s coming next year to Hogwarts. She almost got into a fit when she didn’t receieve a letter this year, because she was too young.”
“Lily, is that your sister?”
He nodded. “My brother, James who is a year older than I am is a 2nd year.”
“James and Lily.” she muttered under her breath, racking her head. Then something, a memory hit her. “I have to go!” she gasped.
“Wait, Evangeline,” Albus called out but it was no use.
She was already up the hill past the stone hedges running into Hogwarts and down the hall. She paused for a quick breath, hoping no one would see her. She needed a room right now, and fast.
Then she heard something. A trickle of dust? Slowly she turned around. A door was appearing, and then set into stone. Evangeline carefully placed her hand on the knob. It opened! She quickly stepped inside, shutting the door. She took a ragged breath, than
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