» Fiction » Split Personality, Catherine Holland [books for students to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Split Personality, Catherine Holland [books for students to read .txt] 📗». Author Catherine Holland

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was still alive and that nobody was out to get her.
She then saw flashes, very vivid flashes of a strange hand posting something through a letter box, a faceless figure was writing threatening messages on a piece of paper and carefully folding it; hands moving across a keyboard hacking into a system which kept all the ex-directory numbers and classified files. A page had been printed off with her name and address on it.
Jenna woke up sweating and tears rolling down her face, she could see the sense in the flashes but the reason behind them eluded her. As Jenna dressed in black leather trousers, black knee high boots and a black sweater another vision flashed before her eyes. Someone was fiddling with electricals, putting them all together inside a back pack, it was a home made bomb.
The address of the hotel where Jenna was staying was written on a piece of paper beside the back pack, as Jenna stood up she reached for the small card on the bedside cabinet; she dialled the number and got an answering machine. She left a message then walked into the hallway and pulled the fire alarm, making her way outside the hotel followed by other guests staying in the hotel.
The bomb exploded just as she reached the ground floor; debris flying in every direction, screams and the smell of smoke all around her. The beams on the ceiling fell to the floor with loud resounding crashes, and as Jenna looked up towards the main entrance of the hotel she saw a mother crushed by a falling beam as she tried to push her young child out of harms way.
The mothers’ efforts were wasted however as a second part of the same beam crashed down over the young girls head killing her instantly; a primal scream echoed around the hotel lobby and it took Jenna a few moments to realise the scream came from her own mouth. Something stirred within her, something terrible and filled with power wanting to be let loose.
Jenna embraced the monster and as she left the hotel, she left behind the old and constantly scared girl known as Jenna. This new Jenna was unafraid and out for revenge, the time for forgiveness and the gentle approach was gone; she was out for blood and god help anyone who stood in her way.

Chapter Four

Jenna had a small amount of money on her and she spent the remainder of the night sat in an internet café drinking coffee, when the first ray of morning light shone through the windows Jenna stood up and paid the man at the desk and returned her mug to the small kitchen for customers.
Jenna walked a few blocks over and entered a local pharmacy where she purchased a pair of dark sunglasses and then went to a local hair dressers and had her hair dyed red, as she entered a local bakery to buy a savoury snack, Kyle entered the store, he gave her a once-over look but didn’t recognise her so he moved to the counter, ordered his food and flirted with the cashier before leaving.
Something primitive and savage rose up inside of Jenna and she embraced it, she bought a can of coca cola then followed Kyle at a distance as he made his way over to the local park to sit in the shade of a tree. Jenna sat and watched him through a break in the trees, fifteen minutes later he got up and headed back over to the business district where he entered his place of work and stayed their until he finished at five thirty that evening.
She followed Kyle into the local pub and sat a few tables away looking at a menu; she selected a medium rare steak with salad and dressing along with a glass of cola and then settled in to wait. Two hours later Jenna was up at the bar ordering another drink when Kyle approached from behind, she moved to the side and felt his hands on her narrow hips, she slapped his hands away, turned to face him and said “Hey! I don’t like to be touched!”
Kyle glared at her then said “I apologise, you seem familiar to me may I buy you a drink?” Jenna shook her head, “No thanks, I’m leaving soon.” Kyle started to say something else but she collected her drink then flipped him off, he obviously didn’t like that very much but restrained himself from making a scene, Jenna knew that when she left the pub Kyle would follow her.

* * * *

Kyle waited for a full minute before following the red-head from the pub, the way she walked seemed familiar to him somehow; but he still couldn’t put his finger on it, the one thing he knew for certain was that the bitch would pay for flipping him off in public.
He followed her into the large park and watched as her hips swayed enticingly as she took as slow walk around the park; she stopped for a few minutes at the lake and then carried on, she looked over her shoulder a few times as if knowing that she was being followed. As the mysterious woman continued her slow walk around the park, she started to leave the path and walk on the grass away from the safety of the lights as if she wasn’t paying any attention to where she was going.
Kyle grinned to himself and crept slowly closer to her, she stopped by a group of large willow trees, she looked around her and then stepped under the drooping leaves; Kyle grinned wider and followed her, he stopped when he saw that she had her back to him and was stroking her fingers down the tree. He cleared his throat but it didn’t seem to have effect on the woman.
Kyle stepped a few feet closer and then stopped, the woman was giving off a clear ‘back off’ signal; he ignored them and stepped behind her, he put his hands on her narrow waist and hissed in her ear “You stupid bitch, you should’ve just accepted the drink; we’re all alone now and I’m going to enjoy this.” He then turned her roughly around to face him and he froze.

* * * *

Jenna looked Kyle in the eyes he had no idea who she’d been in the pub; only that she’d seemed familiar to him, she saw the recognition in his eyes and he froze, then a slow evil smile took hold of his features “Oh, I’m really going to enjoy this.” He dropped his hands from her waist and raised his clenched fist.
As his fist started to come towards her face Jenna smiled at him “If you’re expecting me to freeze or to beg for you not to hit me, then you’re very mistaken. I’m not the same person I used to be.” Kyle’s fist still kept coming towards her face and Jenna raised her own hand and stopped the punch, she folded her hand over his fist and forced it down.
She noticed that Kyle was still stood too close, but it didn’t bother her as much as it used to; it didn’t instil the fear that she used to feel either, looking at Kyle’s furious face she smiled sweetly at him and took great pleasure at watching his face darken even further. “You’re still out here alone Jenna, no-one’s here to help you now.” Jenna laughed at his furious face.
“You still don’t get it do you Kyle? I’m not afraid of anyone or anything; I used to be terrified when you raised your fist at me, but now I see you for what you really are.” Kyle looked confused for a moment before a cruel smile played on his lips, “And what exactly do you think I am Jenna?” Jenna’s face lost all amusement and she replied “You’re nothing but a spineless excuse for a man who thinks he can get what he wants by scaring and hitting the person he’s with; it makes you feel powerful when really? You’re weak.”
Kyle went to hit her again, she one again deflected the punch and hit him in the face; he staggered as the punch surprised him, “You stupid bitch.” He snarled, Jenna cocked her head to the side “Is ‘bitch’ the only word you know? You seen to use it a lot.” Kyle kicked out at her and she stepped to the side, and said “I guess you’re tired of our little talk? That’s fine with me.”
Jenna’s hand went behind her back and withdrew the knife she had placed there earlier, she waited until Kyle moved one step closer and then rammed the knife into his stomach; she pulled the knife back out and stepped back as he went to his knees, Jenna used the toe of her boots to push him to the floor, once he was down he stepped over his legs and knelt down beside him.
His eyes were wide with pain and his hands went to the knife wound in his stomach; “You really are weak, I guess I just didn’t realise how weak you were; so tell me how it feels to be the one on the receiving end of violence? You wouldn’t know would you? You never gave a care for how someone smaller than you would feel whilst you took your own pleasure. Well, now you know.”
She then raised the knife and making sure he could see, brought it down on his manhood; slicing through the muscle and tissue, she then pulled the knife towards her and pulled it out; Kyle was screaming in pain but was unable to do more than hold one hand to his lost manhood and one to his stomach and writhe on the floor in pain. Having heard enough of his pitiless screams she brought the knife up once more and slit his throat.
She then stood up and walked away, leaving his body under the swaying leaves of the willow tree. In the early hours of the new morning Jenna knew there wouldn’t be anyone else about, she went over to the lake and cleaned the blade in the cool water; washing her hands and face as well, to rid herself of Kyle’s blood. As Jenna stood up and placed the now clean knife back in the waist band of her trousers she left the park and went to the nearest motel.
She paid for one night in advance and once in her room she showered, making sure that every bit of blood was off of her body, her dark clothing made it easy to hide the blood spatter; as she undressed and got into the double bed she smiled thinking to herself ‘one down one to go,’ Josh would be next and he had no idea of the storm brewing, the storm that was heading straight for him.

* * * *

Early the next morning Jenna left the motel and went into a clothes store, she brought another pair of leather trousers, black sweater and underwear; she paid for it with her credit card and then left the store with her purchases.
She changed clothes in a public toilet and then threw her old clothes in the bin, she took a slow walk around Westridge town centre and then as the morning slowly turned to afternoon she headed into a pub that she knew Josh liked; when Josh arrived Jenna finished her drink and went up to the bar to order a new one, she stayed long enough to let Josh get a good look at her.
Once she was sure that Josh was interested enough, she took
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