» Fiction » One of a kind, Lora Carlson [the reading list book TXT] 📗

Book online «One of a kind, Lora Carlson [the reading list book TXT] 📗». Author Lora Carlson

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me out of the bathroom and down the stairs.


“Look Karly, it’s going to be fine” He smiled at me warmly.


“I know, I just-” But then the doorbell rang and I thought: saved by the bell.

I twirled away from Liam and opened the door. A boy with dark brown hair and a pimply face was smiling at me warmly. When he really saw me, his face light up and his eyes got brighter. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Liam head up the stairs.


“Hi, my name is Eric” the boy beamed.


“Hi Eric, one moment please” I turned around and yelled into the house:


“Liam! Time to go!” Liam ran down the stairs. 
     “Okay Eric, lets go” I walked out of the house and past Eric with Liam at my heels.


I turned around and give Eric that “Aren't you coming?” look. He seemed to re-enter reality and hurried up to us. He reminded me of Liam the first time I met him. It was in 1920, and I was sixteen. I had no friends, but all the guys wanted me. Every day when I came home my brother would say: “It’s all in your room”. What he meant were all the letters, gifts and flowers from guys were piled up in my room. About a week before I was going to turn seventeen, a group of guys who were eighteen literally backed me up into a corner and tried to, do things with me. I made the mistake of fighting back, so they beat me up. Liam found me laying on the street in a pool of blood. Later he told me that he had come to find and protect me but he came a day to late. He turned me into a vampire and has been taking care of me ever since.

When we got to the school everyone looked at us. Some guys patted Eric on the back and some girls scowled at me then smiled at Liam. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. Just a giggle at first, but by the time we were inside I was bursting with laughter. Liam jabbed me in the ribs with his elbow. I pretended to be hurt by rubbing my side with my hand. I glared at him and he snickered. We went to first period and I couldn't help but answer every question correctly. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. I grabbed Liam’s arm and whispered in his ear:


“Keep your eyes open, this is where we will find them”


He just nodded and pulled me into the lunchroom. We got our food and picked a table. We are different from other vampires because first of all we’re “vegetarian” and second, because we actually eat human food. Sometimes. Like in the lunchroom we actually ate most of our food. We didn't get a chance to finish the rest. Because the next people that walked into the lunchroom were the people we had been looking for for the the past three months. The Cullens.

First, Alice and Jasper walked in. Then Rosalie and Emmett. Finally the last Cullen, Edward walked in. But to our surprise he wasn't alone. A girl with wavy brown hair and brown eyes was with him. She was also human. And they were holding hands. I couldn't believe how good she smelled. But she wasn't in any danger because no humans blood is that appetizing to me. Sure humans smell good but not in a food sense. At least not to me anyways.

Alice, Jasper, the human and Edward walked over to a table with Mike (tour guide), Ben (tour guide) and some other girl. Rosalie and Emmett walked to a table in the corner. I turned to Liam.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
“Um, We go and, Uh you say, Oh I don’t know!” He said, exasperated.
“Okay, I'll go do something”. I stood up and turned around. I watched Emmett stand up and walk to the garbage, I quickly walked over and “accidentally” bumped into him. I fell onto my butt.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t see you” He reached down to help me up.
“Most people don’t” I said with a chuckle. When I looked up into his eyes I saw shock plastered on his face. He looked over at Edward and I looked too. I only saw him nod once when suddenly I’m yanked by the arm out of the lunchroom and into the hallway. Emmett pulled me down the hallway. I looked behind us and saw Jasper and Co. behind us. Emmett pulled me outside and let go of my arm.

“What do you want and why are you here?” He asked taking a step closer. I looked around to see that I was surrounded. With the exception of Edward and the human girl still standing in the door of the school. I heard her whisper to him: “Who is she?” he looked at me and I thought of a really cute dress I saw in the window of Macy's on the way there. Then he looked down at her and whispered:
“She knows that I can hear her thoughts, she won’t think of anything about herself or her companion.” I looked back at Emmett and was about to answer his question when Edward said: “How do you know our names?”
“I know a lot of things”
“Who are you?” Like you don’t know

I think as loudly as possible at him

“My name is Karly and I am here with my friend Liam” I looked at the door and saw Liam burst onto the lawn. Edward picked up the girl and moved her a second before Liam came so they didn’t get slammed. He pushed past Alice and Jasper so he could next to me, tense.
“Like I said, My name is Karly and this is Liam”

“What do you want” Edward asked, moving closer, with the girl behind him. I could see that he was protecting her.

“I’m not going to hurt her, humans don’t smell appetizing to me” I said with irritation leaking into my voice. He looked shocked. So did the girl. Actually, they all looked shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"Humans don't smell appetizing to you?" Jasper asked with doubt and shock in his voice.

"Nope, I won't deny that they smell good. Just not in the food sense. To me, anyways"

"We are both vegetarians" Liam explained.

"You might be but the girl isn't" Said Jasper, moving closer to Alice.

"My name is Karly, I thought we were clear on that, and I am a vegetarian, just ask Edward" I said, gesturing to Edward. He looked surprised. But just for a second, then he looked at me. I thought of the past ninety eight years and how I have never had human blood. But I left out the reason Me and Liam were there in the first place.
"She is telling the truth, but, then why are your eyes red?” He challenged. I looked at Liam.
“Um... I actually have no idea...” I say truthfully. Alice stepped out from behind Jasper and walked a little closer to me and Liam. She looked at my face and squinted her eyes.

“Bella...” She said slowly. I saw Edward tense out of the corner of my eye. She continued:

“Don’t you recognize her?” Bella

. I thought. So the human's name is Bella. Short for Isabella no doubt. But why would she recognize me?

Liam looked at me with that “What did you do?” look on his face.
Bella walked around Edward and stood next to Alice. I swear that Edward was going to grab her and run. She leaned closer to me and looked at my face. Then she smiled and straightened up.

“I do Alice. She’s the girl from that Cover Girl magazine”

“Yeah... I was actually thinking that she was form that Macy’s magazine”

“You’re right! She is from both of them!” Crap. Busted. Liam didn’t know about my two week modeling job. Liam looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

“Kay, What are they talking about?’ He said through his teeth.

“Well, Liam. Do you remember that time you went to that place for two weeks?” He glared at me.

“Right, well when you left I was offered a modeling job so I took it. That would also explain why I had so many guys calling me the next month, apparently someone got my number” I confessed. Liam looked like he was about to explode. I looked at Jasper desperately, he noticed and did his emotion controlling trick.

I hoped that the rest of our time with the Cullens is that easy...

Carlisle and Esme

After convincing Edward and Jasper to let us talk with Carlisle and Esme, we went into the forest. It was weird, I assumed that Edward would leave Bella at school but he reached toward her, picked her up, and put her on his back like a 5 year old with there father. Then he ran into the trees. I looked at Liam and grabbed his hand. Okay, let's get some things strait. There is NOTHING romantic between the two of us. At least not for me. Sure, Liam is cute, with dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. He is pretty tall, but I'm only 5'3'' so everyone is tall to me. But he is like my brother or something. We're just really close. Anyway, while we're holding hands I looked at Edward and Bella. Her eyes were squeezed shut. I bet she got nauseous. I saw Edward give at me strange look. Then pull ahead of us. I looked at Liam but he didn't notice. We ran through the last trees and ended up on their lawn. I let go of Liam's hand and followed the back of Alice's little elven head. Out of nowhere my entire body felt like it was lit on fire, dunked in acid, run over by an eighteen wheeler and kicked in the stomach by a karate master a million times. I fell to the ground and could barley hear my self scream over the ringing in my ears. I saw Jasper's face before I blacked out.

What? wait, where was I? I couldn't feel anything. Wait.... I could feel myself laying on a mattress. I could smell medicine. I could taste animal blood. I could hear someone breathing. I tried to make my eyes open but they just fluttered. I could hear the person in the chair next to me move.

"Karly?" It was Liam. I forced my eyes open and looked at his face. He looked paler and had bruise like shadows under his eyes.

"When was the last time you went hunting?" I asked, shifting myself into a sitting position.

"Seriously. You just wake up from a three day coma thing and the first thing you do is worry about me? You have some issues Kay"

"Wait, back up a sec. A three day coma thing? What does that mean?"

"Well when you blacked out you wouldn't move or anything. So Carlisle said that you

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