» Fiction » AN AMERICAN AND HIS BRIDE TO BE, BINOD SINHA [knowledgeable books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «AN AMERICAN AND HIS BRIDE TO BE, BINOD SINHA [knowledgeable books to read TXT] 📗». Author BINOD SINHA

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changes in Jim. He was in Indian dress of ‘kurta’ and ‘pajama’ and a ‘tilak’ on his head. He was certainly looking relaxed and radiant.
“Hello, Jim. It’s good to see you again. You look wonderful,” I said.
He responded with a smile, “Welcome to the place of Rishies- the noble peoples.”
“It seems you are enjoying the place.”
“I do.”
“Don’t tell me you are going to stay back here.”
“I wish I can,” he paused for a moment and then said, “Now, listen to this?”
He took a deep breath and then recited the ‘Gayatri Mantra,’
I was surprised and was moved. “Your Sanskrit is so good,” I said.
“Well,” he replied with a touch of embarrassment, “I have been really working on it. I guess, I was able to pronounce it correctly.”
“Oh, yes. You did better than many of us,” I praised.
He paused for a moment, and then asked a question which surprised me, “Do you know the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra?”
“Well! To be frank with you, I do not know the full meaning, but I do know that this prayer is addressed to Lord Sun, the life giver.” I answered in genuine ignorance.
“Would you like to know,” he enquired.
“Sure! Why not, go ahead,” I responded with enthusiasm in my voice.
“This Mantra inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that ‘May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path.’ The Mantra is also a prayer to the ‘giver of light and life’-the sun.”
“How did you manage to learn so much in such a short time? You are a genius.” I said with a genuine respect and admiration.
In Rishikesh, my stay was for only two days. But, we had very busy schedule starting from Yoga classes, morning prayers, meditation, visiting library, discourses, and lectures.
Our train was in the late evening. So we decided to spend some time on the river bank. We sat in silence, watching the sunset, until the last ray of sun left the clouds.
We were like two souls, praying, asking for wishes to be granted and giving thanks that we are together. I thought if he was also thinking the same way.
Then I heard his voice, as if he was talking to himself, “There is something in this place. It has a serene effect
on you. You feel close to the God. You feel, as if you are walking on a cloud.”
I looked at him, “Yes! I too am having the same thought. What a coincidence?”
He did not answer. The silence was finally broken by Jim’s seemingly irrelevant question at that point of time, “Did you have a chance to speak to your parents?”
“Not yet,” I responded and then I got up and then said,” Let us walk.”
He too got up and then we started walking.
Jim cleared his throat softly and said apologetically, “I have a question. I hope my question will not upset you.”
“Don’t worry. Go ahead. After all I am Abheri, means fearless,” I asserted.
He waited for others people to pass us. Then he asked, “Are you scared or having some kind of guilt feeling about our relationship?
I glanced at him and said, “Why should I be scared or have guilt feeling? There is nothing wrong the way we feel about each other. It is perfectly normal. Yes! I do want that our relationship should not develop into guilt.”
“Do your parents understand this?”
“Off course, they understand. They are human beings and they too had gone through such emotions. However, they carry on with their strong spiritual and cultural heritage which would not allow them to accept the changes so easily.”
“Would you suggest that I should talk to them?”
“I do not think it is necessary. From them, I am still a child and even when I am grown up to their age, I will still be their child. They feel, it is their responsibility to advise their children, what they considered is right. Probably, the parents do not want their children to repeat the same mistakes which they have done in their life. The welfare of the children is the paramount in their thinking and actions,” I said
“Don’t you think it amounts to interfere in someone’s life?”
“Not really. It depends on one’s perspective.”
Jim was quick to interrupt, “You are grown up and matured enough to decide about your future. It is your life. Is it not?”
“Well! It is true it is my life and I am matured enough to decide about the future of my life. But I can not ignore this fact that my life is because of them. They simply can not be ignored.”
“Do you think if I can be of any help?”
“Not really. I take this as my problem. I need to solve it. They have certain genuine apprehensions, which I need to address.”
We got engrossed so much in our conversations that we forgot that it is almost our time to reach the Railway station.
Jim after arriving from Rishikesh, left for US on the following day early morning.

I could feel an uneasy tension in the family about my relationship with Jim. I was just looking for an appropriate time to open up the subject. I did not want to take any step that would hurt my parents feeling. On one of the Sunday, no one was there in the house except my parents and me.
I was summoned to his room. The whole atmosphere appears to be tense. My father was holding remote control of TV and every second changing the channels. This was the indication that he was tense.
“Sit down,” my mother asked me.
I perched myself obediently on a chair next to my mother.
“Now will you switch off the TV?” my mother asked my father.
He switched off the TV.
For an agonizing moment my father looked at us, and then spoke with a preternatural calm, “What are we hearing about you and that American Boy?”
I could feel the struggle going on within him to control his anger and pain. The anger because the tradition was being broken by one of his children and pain, because it was done by his most liked and loved daughter. He had always considered me to be his luckiest child, as I understand, his business prospered after my birth. I was also the most pampered child.
I was terrified, sensing the fire that raged in him, I barely managed to say, “We are just friends.”
“I do not think it is only friendship. There is something beyond this,” my father said.
There was silence.
He then surprised me.
“Abheri,” he said gently, “I was wrong to be angry with you. I should blame me. We know you are a good girl and there had been temptation. It was wrong decision by us to send you to a foreign country all alone.”
“I didn’t do any such things,” I whispered and added, “Jim is a nice person.”
There was another silence.
I sat mute, growing increasingly colder and light-headed.
”Listen to me Abheri. You know, we love you with all our heart. Jim is a nice person. We too liked him. But, we can not bring him in to our family. We have given full consideration of all aspects. It pains us to go against your wish, but we are doing this for your own good,” he said softly.
Finally I spoke, “What you want me to do?”
“You should try to forget this boy.”
He sighed again and concluded, “We will look for a better life partner for you.”
Our meeting ended abruptly, as the newly married couple and other relatives trooped in.
He peered at me and said quietly, “You can go now. We will discuss this again.”
I nodded mutely and walked up to my room and slumped fully clothed onto my bed. I had no illusions about my father’s seeming lack of anger.
My father knew that his daughter would not take any drastic steps to hurt him. But, he was also aware of his daughter determination.
Jim and I belonged to two vibrantly diverse cultures and faith. It was our conscious decision to accept the new situation of life with full determination and respect for each other’s feelings and understanding. We were very sure that our firm faith in each other would take us through rest of our life.
However, for my parents it was not the same. For them to accept our marriage alliance amounted to compromising the tradition, their principle and conviction. I did not want that to happen. I did not want that either my parents or we should live a life with guilt or remorse feelings. I wanted my parents to come with terms with the new changed situation by themselves. I wanted things to happen gracefully. I also knew this will take time. I had patience and so also Jim. We decided to wait.
Meantime, I took up a job.

On one evening, I was going through some of my papers; I heard a knock at the door. I without looking back, said, “Come in.”
My mother was there.
“What Mom! You need permission to come inside?” I asked.
“After you started working, we did not have enough time to be together,” my mom said. After a pause she asked, “Should I make your room?”
“No, Mom! Don’t disturb any items. Let them be there as it is. I know where they are.”
I knew why mother was there. She was just trying to find an excuse to start the subject.
“You know! This has to happen in every woman’ life and is a very important event of their life.”
“What is that, Mom?” I enquired innocently.
“Marriage,” she continued without waiting for my response, “But it’s also a very sad experience, when you have to leave your parents’ house to live with someone.” She stopped and then said, “Someone you do not know very well.”
I looked at my mother amused.
“You know, Abheri! We live in a society where the marriages of the children are arranged by their parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that all aspects, such as family background, economic condition, look, etc are taken into consideration before settling the marriage so that the children would have a happy married life. That is why the arranged marriage worked better than….., what you all call?” she looked at me for an answer
“You mean Love marriage.”
“Yes! Every human being has few positive as well as negative qualities. In arranged marriage, you live you life with those positive qualities of each other and learn to compromise with those negative qualities. That is why the divorce rates are very less. In our society right from the childhood you are aware that the marriages are made in heaven. Of course, there are ups and downs, but you learn to cope with those situations.”
She looked at me, hoping that her daughter had understood what she said.
“Abheri darling,” my mother whispered to me, “I will share with you something which is very personal.” She paused, and then said, “Promise! You will never share this information with any body else.”
I looked at my mother with curiosity.
“When the proposal of my marriage with your father came, I was not very keen and happy. To be honest I did not like him” A mother was making a confession to her daughter after 35 years of her married life.
She kept her hand affectionately on me, “He did not fit into my frame of my dream husband. He was 12 years older than me and
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