» Fiction » Together At Last, zzmbrashear [novel books to read .txt] 📗

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I was riding in the car with my real parents and when I glanced in the mirror I saw something. It was my mother in the back seat with the baby. She was making faces and talking to the baby. It made me happy that my baby girl got to meet her grandparents but deep down it hurt a little that my mother couldn’t make faces and talk to me as I was a child. I guess its the little things that I missed out on as a child that most people take advantage of. Things like my mom picking me up from school, having my dad take me to a baseball game and having my mom cook me dinner. I missed them so much and I didn’t even know who they were. So people would be mad that they were given up but I'm so happy that I get to finally meet them. I’m happy my baby gets to meet them.
When we got home I took the baby out of the car seat and brought her inside.
“Sarah, don’t forget to give Livi a kiss from me before she goes to bed and Sarah if you ever need me to come over and help out with her I would love to.” Mom said hugging Olivia.
“I no and I won’t. Thanks for everything. I will call you tomorrow. Bye.” I said as a closed the car door and headed inside with all of Livi’s things. The first few weeks were hard. It took me a while to learn her cries. I never knew being a parent was so hard because I was such a straight laced child. It wasn’t that Olivia was bad or cried a lot but it was a lot to handle. Today I went out for an interview. Olivia’s diapers were becoming expensive and I needed a second job. When I worked I had Dad and Mom watch her. On the way to the interview I got a black coffee because I was up all night. When I sat my coffee down to get my money, mine and someone else coffee got switched. We both noticed immediately. When we returned each others beverage she introduced herself. Her name was Susan. I told her my name. She said that it was nice meeting me and we exchanged numbers because she has a baby that is just a little older than Olivia and we would schedule a play date. The next day I got a call and it was Susan.
“Hi, Is this Sarah?” She asked
“Yes, Who is this?” I asked
She said it was Susan and she was free so we made a play date. I went to her address and she was waiting for me. When I looked at the outside I noticed that it was a 3 story house. I was stunned. Susan had such a down to earth look and she was really nice. When I went inside we sat down to have a cup of coffee while the little ones were sleeping. Her sons name was Damian. He was 5 months old. My Olivia was only 4 months old. It was kind of fun for me to get out of the house. After that day Susan and I became best friends. Susan and her husband was 19. They were very nice to me. Brandon her husband always keeps saying for me to get out and find a boyfriend because he said I was smart and beautiful. I felt kind of weird having a guy say that to me because Max was never the kind to be romantic or nice.
Wow. I can’t believe it has been 1 year since I thought about Max. Every time I look a Livi I see Max’s blue eyes and his nose. It still makes me mad that she won’t have a father. I have decided to find a boyfriend because Olivia needs a male figure other than her Grandfather. So today when I was in the Java Café I took the first cute guy I saw and asked him out. He said he would love to and we sat down to have a cup of coffee. He said his name was Brett. He was 18 and was in town on business. I don’t know what happened that night but we clicked. Before I knew it he was kissing me goodbye on my door step. I told him goodbye and gave him my number but when I opened the door he heard the baby cry. He was amazed.
“Is that baby yours?” He asked with a blank expression. I was thinking about lying and saying no but I couldn’t.
“Yes, she is. Her name is Olivia Lynn. Do you have a problem with kids?” I asked him. He said he only has a problem if he can’t come in and meet her. When I was watching him play with the blocks with her I fell in love. I finally found a male figure for Livi. Brett and I did everything together. After a few weeks I even introduced him to Susan. She told me she approved and so did Brandon. I introduced Brett to my parents too. They said he was a fine young man. Mom asked me if he was good with her pride and joy and I assumed she meant Olivia so I told her he loves her. I was hooked I knew I was going to marry him. Later that day Brett told me he loved me and when I woke up breakfast was made and Olivia was already dressed. When I looked at the clock I saw it was 12:32 and noticed I didn’t get up at all last night and I was late for work. I asked Brett if my boss called yet and being the romantic he is he told me that he called me in sick. He told me that I needed a day off and he would take Olivia to the Zoo while I take my day off. I was so blessed that I had Brett.

The next day I had to go to work. Today at work it was hectic. A new case came in and my boss Anne-Marie was going crazy. So when I got home I was so tired. Olivia was walking now and she never stood still so I go crazy at work and home. When I got home I found Brett and Olivia close together snuggled on the couch. They looked like they were sleeping to I went through the house and picked up while I had a free second.
The next day my parents were coming over to spend some time with Olivia because she had just turned 1. I asked Brett to leave because when he was around Olivia couldn’t take her eyes off him because she was so attached. My parents took Olivia for the day and me and Brett got some alone time. We started to kiss on the couch until Brett said
“Sarah you don’t have to do this. I no Max was the only you ever did anything with and I'm okay with waiting.”
I couldn’t believe it, he was so perfect. I told him he does so much for me and I wanted to do something for him so we made love that night. It was amazing. I knew that Brett was my sole mate.
The next day I had to leave for work and Brett stayed home with Olivia. When I got to work I noticed I left the key that unlocks the safe home so I went back to get it. When I walked in I noticed the doors were locked and I never lock them and when I went inside I did not see Brett or Olivia until I went into the nursery. I found Brett with his pants down standing next to Olivia. Olivia said Mama and Brett turned to see me stunned standing in the door way. He quickly pulled up his pants and said its not what it looks like I swear. I asked him then what was he doing as I was packing up his stuff and he didn’t have an answer. I felt like bashing his head in. Now I know why she was so attached. He raped my baby girl. She doesn’t even know what he was doing. I don’t know how long this has been going on. I felt sick. I couldn’t believe what my baby girl was going through. I can’t believed I made love to him. I’m so disgusted. That day I kicked him out. He called every hour and I never picked up. He sent me a letter it said:

Dear my darling Sarah,

I feel terrible that you had to see that. I’m so sorry. I no you can never forgive me. It has been a month please take my phone calls, please lets start over. I will love you always. Hope to hear from you soon.

I will never forgive him. Olivia went with Susan for a few days after I told her and my parents what happened. All I could do was sit and do nothing. So many things was going through my mind all at once. I couldn’t take it. I was thinking about suicide but I couldn’t. My baby had been through enough and I cannot abandon her.
It has been 5 months after that incident and I have been put on pills for my suicidal thoughts. When I told Susan about them she said the depression will make it worse but I wanted them. I needed them. I felt so bad for Olivia. He was molesting my daughter and she couldn’t stop it. I blame myself. I should have seen the signs. He was always happy. He spent every second with her. Oh god I feel sick. My dad tried telling me that there was no way for me to know but I’m her mother I’m suppose to protect her and I failed.
“There was nothing you could do. Stop putting yourself down. While your sitting here feeling sorry, you are not there for Olivia. So put your head up high and go to your baby girl.” My mother said trying to make me feel better but she was right. Feeling sorry for her and being mad at me and Brett is not helping Olivia, I have to be there for her.

Olivia is now 8 years old. I have not ever tried to love again. People have asked me out but I won’t say yes. I’m terrified that something will happen to Olivia. In the morning I take Livi to school. She is so adorable. She has curly dirty blonde hair like mine and she has piercing baby blue eyes like her fathers. She loves to wear dresses and skirts. She says that they make her feel happy. She makes me so happy. She is the reason why I live another day. She is the reason for my existence.
Olivia doesn’t remember anything that happened with Brett because she was so young. A few times I was thinking about telling her but she is such a happy little girl and I didn’t want that to change. She was perfect and I didn’t want her to change so I didn’t tell her. My parents and I were very protective of her. We spoil her rotten but she never asks for a thing. I was not sure if my life had a purpose until I had Olivia. She was the answers to my prayers.
At night I tell her stories of her father, at least the good ones anyway. She is in love with the picture of him that I painted. She makes up a story that says he is a super hero so that is why he is
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