» Fiction » Diego's Diary, Brad Roberts Jr. [read 50 shades of grey TXT] 📗

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is the best gift I received for my 12th birthday.

March 19, 2011

3:50 PM

I just talked with Ate over papa's mobile phone. She told me that she misses me and apologizing for not calling on my birthday. She said she will be coming home by March 31. Ate said she has a gift for me that she bought last month when she visited Shibuya.

Bunso talked to her too. We were laughing when Bunso told her funny stories of how she observed us at the house during the time we thought that we lose her. It's funny how younger children perceived things and voiced them out.

March 20, 2011

We went to our church earlier to offer thanksgiving and to say prayers for the families who have lost their loved ones in Japan. As the preacher admonished and cite verses, I felt that for the first time I understood what he has been saying.

I am beginning to understand in a deeper sense why people need hope and why people need to have faith.

March 21, 2011

Ten more days and Ate will be coming. I am excited to see her. I drew a picture of her earlier and its look like her. Kuya said though I don't know how to draw. I just kept silent and continue until I finish it. I guess I would like to become an artist more than I like to become a cook.

March 22, 2011

Joel is not bothering me anymore. He even nodded at me when I stood next to him in the line during our flag ceremony. I heard though he's been bullying Jose, the smallest in our class. I am thinking, perhaps there really is Joel in every school. Maybe somebody meant to take the role. My question is, are there also Diego Bingot in every school?

March 23, 2011

Reviewing my previous entries, I could see how I progress each day. Diary is indeed helpful. It helps my retention with important accounts that happen in my everyday life.

Earlier, I almost lost my diary. I brought it along with me at school as I wanted write in here during break time since no one talks to me that much.

When Teacher Ying told us to pass our notebook, I mistakenly gave my diary as I was distracted with Rigor, talking with me about Godzilla causing the tsunami.

When we were dismissed, I checked my bag. I got alarmed as my diary was missing. When I saw my English notebook still in my bag, I suddenly knew that it's the diary I have submitted to Teacher Ying.

Good that Teacher Ying allowed me to find my "Science notebook" that I "mistakenly" passed on to her and replaced it with my English notebook. That’s what I told her at least.

Lesson learned: don’t bring diary at school.

March 24, 2011

During our Filipino subject, Teacher Sison told us to write an essay about the recent tsunami in Japan, to include our opinion and our feelings about the disaster and our role to help the victims of the disaster.

The accounts I have written in this diary helped me much as it was able to capture all my feelings and thoughts and information that I have gathered that time.

March 25, 2011

Teacher Sison announced in front of the class that my essay is very good. She said I will be exempted with the 4th grading period exam. Thanks diary.

March 26, 2011

Mama was very much excited like me. She cleaned the backyard, and weed out the earth. She put on Ate's favorite flowers at the sides of the doorway. Papa was off to his work at Ka Tony's talyer (Mr. Tony's Garage). Papa is a good repairman. Ka Tony always gives papa a special work that he didn't trust to others. That's what I heard.

I helped out Kuya in cleaning the roof. I was not allowed in the roof though, I just handed to him the tools he need. We had good laughs. I never thought Kuya can be that fun. I noticed a hair between his nose and upper lip is starting to grow. He's becoming to look like papa.

I don't look anything like mama or papa. They are not harelip.

March 28, 2011

Dear Diary,

I wanted to apologize to you for thinking that it's ridiculous if I have to include the usual salutation. But I can see that you are more alive if I have to address you properly. I understand now its purpose.

Diary, what I wanted to tell you now is that I feel bad for my classmate, Jean. Her aunt is one of the Overseas Filipino Workers who were scheduled to ship back from Bahrain back to the Philippines. Jean said that it's lonely as her aunt was just few weeks in there and she will be returning the country penniless and traumatized.

I know how their family is going through right now. It's like a being in a dark place.
I wanted to tell her that writing her thoughts may help her, but I don't have enough courage to be advising my classmates.

March 29, 2011

Dear Diary,

Ate called again. She talked to mama and she gave to her the details of her arrival on the 31st. Mama said we will meet her at the airport. That would be the first time I will be going to the airport. I was afraid to go before. I always had in mind that there will be big airplanes all over the airport. I was afraid of anything big. It's like I cannot stand looking at them, it's like seeing a planet up close. When I was younger, whenever I dreamt of big things, I always woke up crying.

Ate told me that we will consult a surgeon to correct my upper lip. I was happy but now I am afraid. Kuya said it means they will sew my lip with big needles, he said it will be my circumcision, only in the lip. Mama scolded Kuya and told me that it will not be painful since the doctors are experts. She said that I will not feel a thing.

Should I be happy about it? It's like there's tsunami inside my stomach.

March 30, 2011

Dear Diary,

7:45 PM

Tomorrow Ate will arrive. We will go to the airport. I dreamt last night that my upper lip was corrected. I look more like mama; I had her eyes and her smile in my dreams.
Everywhere I go people are congratulating me, I don't know why. But I supposed it's because of my corrected upper lip.

The truth is I am getting used being a harelip. I don't think I need surgery. I am happy the way I am. I don't care if Nenita will like me being like me or not. I am just excited to see Ate again.

March 30, 2011

11:15 PM

Dear Diary,

I cannot sleep. Are airplanes as big as dragons like in the movies? Earlier, Rigor insisted that dragons caused the tsunamis. I almost believe but I think that's funny.


Text: Text and image own by the author.
Publication Date: 03-31-2011

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to my lost childhood dreams.

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