» Fiction » social bullied, ashley flores [english novels for beginners TXT] 📗

Book online «social bullied, ashley flores [english novels for beginners TXT] 📗». Author ashley flores

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chapter 6 (joined the cru)

 arden ' s P.O.V

ugh ever since we made that video me and lia always get bullied im so pissed off i think theres a way to stop them of bullying me , 

ohh thats it ! if i got a chance to talk to them and i'll tell that i want to bully lia to then they will join me to there cru 

okay i'll start finding them  , 

after 20 minutes of finding them i saw them at the library , aw my favorite place <3 

lia's P.O.V

so i was finding arden , and i cant find her again so i began to think where could she be 

hmm.. oh i know how about if i findi her in her favorite place , library

arden P.O.V 

so once i saw jenn andrea lauren and rebeca 

soo i came towards them and ssaid ...

so hi jenn lauren rebeca and andrea :)

what are you doing here and why are you talking to us * jenn said 

ohh dont worry , i just wanna ask if i could join in your group , i'l do antything just to get in your group 

jenn : sure you can join right now we just want you to prank lia < and it should be imbarrassing as extreme 

then you could finally join to us < soo do you guys agree ? 

lauren : yeah

andrea : yass 

rebeca : sounds good to me ,sure

so how about you arden deal ? *jenn said 

yeah sure this is going to be easy because i hate lia , im just trying to b eher fake friend so yeah ! * i said 

good :) * jenn said

but one thing , she dont wanna know that i pranked  her right ? * i said

jenn : yeah

lia"s P.O.V 

once i go to the library i arden talking to jenn and her friends and i showed up to them but they were really really busy talking ecah other so i decided to sneak out to figure what are they talking about 

i go behind the other dself and sneak ther eif i could hear there conversation each other and i could so i stayed there ti'll there conversation ends

after there conversation ends i heared everything and it hurt me so much 

arden was betrader < did i did something wrong to her , why did she did these 

after they left i was still there in the library crying about what i heared 

but atleast now i know what's arden is up to me .

chapter 7( acting weird )

 lia 's P.O.V

soo this morning my phone rang 

ring ring !!!

i opened my phone and i saw a text from arden and the text said ..

arden : wanna walk together to school ?

ugh! i dont know what to say < what should i reply ?/?

i hate the fact that she is trying to be fake friendly to me , why couldnt she just tel me i can understand ...

maybe she have an plan , 

soo i didn't reply to her so i just get up my bed and took a bath

after that i pick up my dress and wear then i go down stairs to eat my breakfast

after a couple minutes i was done eating my cereal so i head up to school 

i went inside and look who decided to pop out arden < my fake friend 

arden : hey lia !!! good to see u

lia : oh um ok i think me too 

arden : wanna walk around ?

lia : i think i'll stay here

arden : why ?

lia : i dont know i think i wanna stay here

arden : you sure ?

lia : yeah 

arden : your acting pretty weird today 

lia : no im not i just need to be alone sometimes 

arden : ok then i'll stay with you 

lia : no !!!

arden : why ?

lia : you dont have too < im fine 

arden : no your not 

lia : i am 

ring ring !!!!

okay time for school < im soo glad that < that convorsation is over

after class ..

i went home fast to not get her attention ...

chapter 8 ( the day she pranked me )

 lia "s P.O.V

i was walking to school , once i went inside something splashed a bucket of green slime on my head 

i when it fell i got speechless like i was never going to talk again but i was crying of dissapointment 

but instead of doing nothing i run into the bathroom and clean every thing that got messed 

arden showed up and also jenn and her friends and said

arden : what happened ?!


i cant take it anymore so i just shouted everything 




arden : lia what are you talking about were bestfriend

lia : well not anymore done of this faking friending me 


then i went out the bathroom and i can tell that she got speechless 


arden's P.O.V

so guys did i did a great job ?? dose it mean im in ??

jenn : soo what do you think girls ?

andrea : i dont like it 

lauren : nah no thannks

rebeca : eww hell no 

jenn : im sorry to sayyou got an F+

arden : can i have a second chance pls pls i'll do everything just to get in you  cru 

jenn : number one its not an cru number two its an group of famous girls and number three you only have one chances , so good-bye loner

now i can call you loner like the past days 



chapter 9 (lets get back together)

arden : this is a big trouble i broke me and lia's friendship 

just to get in with the group of famous girls and im not  even accepted to there group and now back to being a loner ...maybe if i'll talk to lia maybe i can put our friendship back together

or there's lia 

lia's P.O.V

i saw arden comming towards to me what should i do ?!

i'll just walk fast < *running*

lia lia !! i hear arden shouting my name and the sound come towards to me and hlod me on my shoulders and said

lia i've been looking for you ...*arden said 

lia : what do you need arden, i dont have time to talk 

arden : come on lia lets fix our friendship together

lia : bye arden i still need to do something 

arden : i'll come with you , just please lets start again 

lia : start ?

arden : yes please

lia : THEN WHAT WHEN WE START AGAIN ? , THEY WILL START BULLYING US AGAIN THEN YOU"LL GET PISSED OF ME AND JOIN WITHVTHERE GROUP ?? so please let me live my own there are more friends there im okay being a loner < i dont trust you anymore 

arden : please ... 

lia : bye. 


im soo stupid why did i let my bestfriend go .. ugh that what i deserve for making stupid choices


chapter 10 (something suprise )

 it was weekend buff,buff !! as my my phone rang . someone texted me 

ugh i feel like its arden again < but first let me check if that was really her ,omg no way it was a message from the YOUTUBE COMPANY !!!!!! 

YC : you are invited to come to vidcon < to meet and greet fans , would you love to come ?

me : i would love too 

YC: okay i"ll see you guys on meet and greet ;)

me : yey 

soo after that i hurry up and go to the store to buy some outfit to wear n vidcon 

i was running and i dont know why but then i suddenly bump to a girl and when i saw her face i was so shocked

me : omj !!! bethany mota ?!

beth : lia ?! 


check out the next chapter ..... chapter 11

chapter 21(hang out before the day )


soo me and beth  just bought some dress to wear in vidcon tomorrow we ate at tacobell and got some froyo . and we did not  expect

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