» Fiction » Taken, zzmbrashear [best ebook reader for chromebook TXT] 📗

Book online «Taken, zzmbrashear [best ebook reader for chromebook TXT] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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and the rest of the crew came on the Fire Trucks.
“Hop on!” Jason shouted from the back. Jason took Danny’s hand and pulled him on.
“Linda.” Danny muttered under his breath.
“Oh. Danny, you don’t have to do this.” Jason said.
“I have to.” Danny said and grabbed an extra helmet from the back. He zipped up his jacket and took a deep breath. When we got there Danny got out of the truck and looked up. People were hanging out of windows and people screaming everywhere. Danny couldn’t even hear his own thoughts. He saw one of the teenagers in one of the windows. It was hard to see which one it was but he knew it was one of them. After about thirty seconds of staring at the teenager she jumped. An 18 year old girl who had her full life ahead of her. She splatted on the pavement. Danny shivered at the sound. After about twenty minutes of getting to the site another plane came. It crashed into the side of one of the Twin Towers. Danny and his team came rushing into the building to save who they could. Another team stayed out side and tried to rescue people from the window. They saved dozens and dozens and dozens that were coming down the stairs. Danny tried to go up the stairs to try to go and get Linda but there were too many people coming down. He couldn’t. After trying and trying Danny and his team came out of the building to get a breath and touch base with the other team. Less than two hours later when they were about thirty yards away from the building its all came crumbling to the ground. Danny’s knee’s went weak. He turned away from the smoke. He closed his eyes tight as a huge dirt cloud covered the streets. Danny opened his eyes and looked at the sky, hoping to see the beautiful blue sky but instead all he saw was black. Black soot and smoke. He couldn’t see one foot in front of him. It hurt to breath. It felt like all time stopped. The only person that was moving was him. He felt like the world was spinning around him although he was standing still. All sound was muffled. He began to get dizzy. He fell to his knee’s. Jason ran to his rescue. He put Danny’s arm around his shoulder and got him away from the scene. There was an ambulance about thirty more yards away. Jason set Danny down and ran back to the scene to help more people. The people in the ambulance checked his pulse and all his vitals. He was fine but his metal state wasn’t. His wife was most likely in that crowd of people in that building. She was probably screaming his name and he couldn’t do anything about it. Danny couldn’t grasp the idea of his wife really being dead. Charlie walked over to Danny. Charlie didn’t know what to say. He knew that Linda was in there but he didn’t have words to say to Danny. He didn’t know what he was going through or anything else.
“Hey, Danny. You holding up?” Charlie asked him while giving him a pat on the back.
“Linda.” Was all Danny could spit out.
“I know man.” Charlie said. “I can’t tell you it will be all right because I don’t know.”
“She was right there and then,” Danny said and stopped in the center of the conversation.
“I’m sorry.” Charlie said. “Look on the bright side. She could have gone out. She could have been somewhere else.”
“No. I just walked out of the building. She was there.” Danny said. Everything was so loud. People screaming and sirens all around. The streets were crowed with people. Some were standing in aw and others were running in the opposite direction. It was a lot to take on at one time.
Danny stood up and put on his helmet.
“I have to do my job!” He said. He jogged off into the smoke leaving Charlie scratching his head. Charlie didn’t know what to think. He was care free, one night stand kind of guy but he knew Linda was a wonderful woman.
“God bless him.” Charlie said as he watched Danny disappear into the thick cloud of dirt.
Danny climbed onto the top of the Fire Truck and used the bull horn.
“Everyone! Evacuate the area! No one can be near this site because of the risk!” He yelled and everyone started walking in the opposite direction. He motioned his team near him.
“Alright men. The dust cloud is clearing up. Lets get in there and see who we can save! Count casualties and report back here. Any sigh of trouble get out immediately! Got it?” Danny asked.
“Got it!” They all shouted to him. This was a big risk for all his men. It was just a huge pile of rubble. People could still be alive. They all ran into the rubble trying to pick it up and find any sign of life. After hours of looking we found someone. It was just a part of a shoe sticking out of a crack. Danny was hopeful that someone was under there. Whoever it was it was under a one foot thick of cement. The cement was about ten feet tall and around that width. There were smaller pieces of that and other things around it. It seemed like there were no way of getting it off this person. Danny knocked twice on the cement.
“If you can hear me knock back!” He yelled. All his men were dead silent desperate to hear that slight sound. After a few seconds of silence he heard a knock. Everyone screamed for joy.
“Relax! We will help you!” Danny yelled. Everyone started removing what they could. “Okay everyone! We need to move this cement! Everyone gather around!” Danny shouted. “On three!” He shouted. Everyone walked around the cement and got there hands in place. “ONE, TWO, THREE!” Everyone yelled and started to pulled up. Just seconds after they heard a gigantic boom. They looked up. The other building was collapsing. They could hear everything coming apart. A few of Danny’s men ran.
“No! We stay till the job is done!” Danny yelled at his men who were running away. Danny shook his head at his selfish men. A few of them still stayed. “Again!” Danny yelled and they tried to get the cement off. Pieces landed all around them.
“Its not budging! We should go!” Charlie yelled through the screaming.
“Before someone gets more hurt!” Another guy added.
“You can go but I’m not leaving until I get this person out!” Danny yelled determined. Some of his men ran away relieved that they were able to leave. Charlie and Jason stayed.
“Were here for you, man.” Jason said while patting his back.
“One for all and all for one!” Charlie yelled.
“Again!” Danny shouted and they tried again. They lifted until there backs almost gave out. Danny fell to his knees
“If you can hear me, please Lord hear me, then say something. Let me know that your okay because I’m not giving up.” Danny said in a soft voice. He leaned into the cement hoping to hear something. Jason put his hand on his shoulder.
“Man, you don’t even know if its her.” He said.
“I know but I have to help someone. I need to.” Danny replied. Then Danny heard something more amazing than anything he’s ever heard. A weak, quiet voice.
“Help.” It mumbled. A smile immediately came to Danny’s face.
“Again!” Danny shouted and his tired men lifted again but still no out come.
“Its too heavy. We’re never going to be able to get if off!” Charlie said.
“I can’t give up.” Danny said. “I just can’t.” The building couldn’t stand up any longer. It was slowly crumbling to the ground.
“Us dying wont help the person under this cement!” Charlie yelled. Danny accepted that it wasn’t going to move. All three of them started to jog away from the scene. As they were jogging Danny stopped.
“Do you hear that?” He asked.
“Hear what?” Jason replied. Danny didn’t answer. He put up his pointed finger and they went quiet. Danny circled trying to find where the sound came from. Everything went in slow motion. Danny was on his breaking point. He just couldn’t leave the site knowing Linda’s some where there. Then he spotted her. She was pinned under fallen rubble and she was unconscious. Danny ran to her rescue. He lifted her head and held her close to his hard chest.
“Linda! Wake up! Please baby. Don’t leave me. You can’t leave me.” Danny pleaded. He took in a deep breath. His lungs filled with the thick smokey air. A tear rolled down his cheek. It landed on Linda’s cheek. Danny brushed her brown hair out of her face. He graced her cheek. He buried his head in her chest and cried.
“Danny?” Linda said just after seconds of his tear landing on her cheek. Almost as if it revived her. He lifted his head.
“Yes. I’m here.” Danny said wiping his tears. Jason and Charlie watched silently.
“I love you.” ” She mumbled. Danny cried more.
“Don’t say that.” He sobbed.
“I love you.” She mumbled again.
“I love you too.” Danny said. “Linda?” Danny asked but she didn’t answer. “Linda!” He yelled. Charlie bent down to Danny.
“She’s gone.” He said. He tried to make Danny stand up but he wouldn’t.
“She can’t be gone! She’s not gone! We were going to have kids. Grandchildren and.. and... She can’t be gone!” He yelled. He cried into her chest. Jason got on one knee with Danny. He was even crying as Danny held her limp body.
“Danny.” Jason said with one hand on his back. Danny knew it. He didn’t want to but he did. He stood up and walked away with Jason and Charlie. Danny was leaving his whole life behind him. He tried to turn around but Jason and Charlie couldn’t let him live that pain. They made him keep walking.

Jason drove Danny home later that night.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” He asked as Danny lifelessly got out of his truck. Danny shook his head and went inside. He slid off his boots and and threw his jacket on the floor. He walked up to his room and fell flat on his bed. When he woke up he was in the same spot. He reached his hand over to Linda’s side of the bed and patted to find that she wasn’t there. Then he realized that what happened yesterday wasn’t a dream. He felt like crying but he had to stay strong. He walked outside and walked to the edge of his dock. He stood there watching the sun. He looked down at his reflection in the water. He picked up a pebble and threw it at it. The ripples slip up his face. He sat down and watched his reflection.
“Linda loved this dock. She loved that house. She loved me. But no, she’s gone!” He said and kicked his reflection. Jason came walking up behind him. Danny got up and walked inside. He started picking up and vacuuming. Jason followed behind him.
“Danny, what are you doing?” He asked him.
“Linda will be home soon and she hates when I track in dirt.” He said to Jason. Jason walked up to him and shut of the vacuum.
“Danny! Get a hold of your self! She’s not coming back!” He said as shook him.
“But she has too.” He said.
“The worst things happen to the best people.” Jason sighed. Danny sat the vacuum down and sat
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