Daughter of Isis, Lilian Nirupa [books to get back into reading .txt] 📗

- Author: Lilian Nirupa
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the lamb on the Prince of Peace side of the pouch. Lizla wondered if Mikos had ever discussed the issue with Suryananda. Annouk-Aimee had mentioned that Mikos had been invited to join Suryananda on his trip back to India, so probably Mikos had some form of mentorship agreement with the Indian Master.
The teacher said, “We saw the eclipse last week as an example of planetary war. The planets are living beings, devas, we call them in India. A deva is a divine being, a great angel or a God. The planets have personalities, powers and territories which are different from one another. Also their influences can be positive or negative on a human life depending on many natal chart conditions.”
Suryananda stopped to look at the class for any reaction. But his audience was enrapt with his talk so he continued in the same passionate tones and dramatic gestures, as he strolled back and forth, while he pointed to the solar planetary system chart on the wall.
“The power of the planets affects every living force on earth. Their energies, together with the sun’s energy – which in Jyotish is seen as another planet, although it is truly a star – provide input into our own energy. Our own energy comes from the Kala Purusha, the soul of mankind, and is our own individual manifestation of the divine energy of the creator. We are not always conscious of this. The process of attaining this consciousness is called the path to Enlightenment.
“The planets and their powers act upon the individual energy of a human being.” He paused to ask a question from the audience, “How many here have heard about Prana?” Most hands went up. Suryananda smiled to himself. He was both pleased and proud to teach such as well educated audience. Obviously the Gods of wisdom must be pleased with his work and had blessed him, he thought with inward pride and thankfulness.
“The prana is the individual energy that controls our bodies, minds, hearts and it is a physical manifestation of divine energy in a human incarnation. It runs through a collection of structures called Nadis. The Nadis are the subtle nerve system of the physical body. In India we called this body of light Shakti; in Egypt you call it the Ka. It is made of electric energy and thus responds to influx of energy from many sources. The planetary powers feed the prana, particularly through the Sun and the Moon. Actually inside a human body” – and he pointed to another chart on the wall that contained a human frame with a detailed map of the Ka structure – “the three major nerves or channels of energy are these: the Ida (Sun), Pingala (moon) and the Shushuma which we will discuss in another class.” He paused and reviewed the looks in the audience. Then he said: “Any questions so far?”
A timid hand in the audience went up. It was Mikos. “Pardon me, sir, but in our medical classes we have heard that the energy of the prana came through the breathing process.”
Suryananda’s arms went up in a gesture of emphatic recognition. “Excellent question, Mikos. And you wonder how come the sun and the moon can influence it?”
Mikos assented and sat down. The crowd was a bit surprised at the Greek boy’s question but they kept their eyes back and forth between him and the teacher.
Suryananda paused a second to continue the explanation. “You said very well that you learned this in the school of medicine. However that is why we just show it here, only as it relates to the planets. In a school of medicine you probably will go deeper into chakras, glandular systems, the flow of psychic energy and so forth. All that is true, but beyond the scope of this class on the power of the planets.
“Suffice is to say that the prana is affected by the sun and the moon, at it goes through the process of inhalation and exhalation. In the Shushuma nadi where the seeds of destiny are contained, there are also psychic centers. These centers of energy are affected by the planets too. But this anatomy of the spirit is better explained in the Medicine School healing classes and also in the Temple of Love schools.
“What we need to focus on here, to understand the power of the planets, is their influence on our psychic instruments – the mind, the heart, the ego, the senses. The influence of the planets on these centers is responsible for our likes and dislikes, feelings of despondency or enthusiasm, ability to attract or reject the opposite sex, our disposition to accumulate wealth or resources, the ability to absorb wisdom and knowledge and our capacity for procreation and parenting, among other things.
“As you can see, understanding the influence of the planets in their respective houses and within a person’s cycle scan gives us a deep understanding of a person’s destiny. This is the joy of Jyotish, a gift from heaven and the planets to the faithful human beings that revere wisdom and knowledge. Any questions?”
No hands went up.
Suryananda smiled and pointed out to the chart on the left. It was a zodiac with the twelve signs displayed. He then said, “Please let us engage in an exercise. Since we discussed the planetary powers and how they affect the psychological body, we need to learn how to experience its influence, so that this knowledge is not just theory for you. Because each one of us is born out of two parents, the concepts of karma and fate affect us quite physically. We use this knowledge not only to align our personal and political decisions according to the Kala Purusha, the spirit of the times framework. It also and mainly helps us to understand our own inner selves and that cannot be learned in books and classes. It takes inner work. How many of you meditate daily?”
A small group of hands went up. Lizla was happy to see that Mikos joined her and a group of about one-fifth of the class.
Suryananda sighed and asked again, “How many of you have learned formal meditation techniques?”
Almost all hands went up.
Suryananda continued in a more grave tone of voice. “I hope this class and the rest of the classes in this sacred temple of knowledge guide you to the practice of searching for inner wisdom. You will find out that the experience of governing countries, armies, classes, temples or businesses requires much clear vision, moral strength and freedom from fear and stress. There is only one way to keep yourself together through all things, even in peace times – a peace which nobody can guarantee for long, anyhow. This unfailing method is the way of faith, discipline, wisdom and understanding.”
The princes, priests and other educated members of the audience picked up their alertness at this fiery speech. They were not used to being chastised, but Suryananda did not give them time to revolt. He added quickly, “In order to use the knowledge of these sacred sciences for our own benefit and the benefit of the people we are in charge of, either as students or subjects, we need to understand the workings of the planets in ourselves first and then in others. And the most important planets for each one of us are the ruling planet of your birth time and the moon; also the ruler of the moon sign at birth. Please take a copy of your natal chart and find the ruler of the rising sign. In Sanskrit it is called: Lagna Rasi. There, please find the position of the natal moon. The sign where the moon is deposited is also found in the chart you have called “Chandra Lagna.” Please take a moment and look for those while we have a pause for refreshment. Let us be back in 15 minutes.”
At that moment in the back of the auditorium, large curtains were opened and a stream of servants came up with blank papyrus sheet books and ink and reed pens to take notes. Behind them was another group of female slaves carrying trays of fruits and refreshments. The books and refreshments were put on different tables.
As quietly and gracefully as they had entered, the group of slaves bowed to Suryananda awaiting further instructions. Suryananda signaled the head of the servants group to come closer to him. When he arrived, Suryananda whispered in his ear, “When I raise my hand, please close the curtains on all the windows to leave the room dark except the one on the eastern wall, where the deep blue glass filters the sun. Close that window too but leave at least one foot open in the middle so blue light filters into the dark room. At that time, announce to the musicians that they can begin, only the lyres, they already have my instructions. Later on, I will clap 3 times. At this time the musicians should stop and all the curtain windows should be opened to filter the light in. Do you understand all of this?”
The Egyptian servant leader assented proudly as he brought his right hand to his left shoulder, in sign of obedience. Then he bowed and signaled the slaves group to follow him. They left immediately and Suryananda went up to the food table to join the students in a brief refreshment of coconut milk and dates, his favorite snacks.
Once again, he could not help being impressed by the quiet efficiency of the temple servers. Very quickly and silently they had set up the buffet: A rich assortment of grapes, dates, pomegranates, cheese, honey cakes and different refreshments including: sweet wine, coconut milk, chamomile tea and lemon flavored water. The piles of fruits, cheeses and cakes were set up around a beautiful garland of jasmine flowers that culminated in a centerpiece of beautiful flowers.
And it all took a few minutes that went noiselessly and uninterrupted in the background. In India only princes got that kind of treatment and then it was far more ornamental with spicy foods and statues of the Gods of good luck and food. Also there would not have been wine in a temple...but Suryananda did not mind. He was truly thirsty after talking so much and enjoyed the quiet but sober ways of the Egyptians, maybe a little tasteless for him but sober enough to facilitate learning.
When the chimes indicated the end of the restful period, students slowly left their chatting groups, picked up their books and returned to their respective seats.
Suryananda waited until everyone settled down and said, “Each one of you was asked to bring your natal charts. If you don’t have them with you and you remember the information by heart that is fine too.”
He gave a quick look at Lizla, who had forgotten her books. Lizla blushed but could not help being impressed by the teacher’s alertness and control of the class.
Suryananda continued. “On this generic chart,” he pointed to an Indian Jyotish chart that was hanging on the wall, “you can see each of the zodiac signs and the ruling planet written in each box. Please locate two signs – the one that coincides with your rasi chart first house. We call that the Lagna or ascendant. It is called ascendant because it was the sign that was rising on the horizon that is in the east, at the time of your birth. Because it indicates the time of your birth, which is also your first breath, it is the most personal and individual of your astrological data. The rising star ruling the house of your birth has more to say about your identity than any other
The teacher said, “We saw the eclipse last week as an example of planetary war. The planets are living beings, devas, we call them in India. A deva is a divine being, a great angel or a God. The planets have personalities, powers and territories which are different from one another. Also their influences can be positive or negative on a human life depending on many natal chart conditions.”
Suryananda stopped to look at the class for any reaction. But his audience was enrapt with his talk so he continued in the same passionate tones and dramatic gestures, as he strolled back and forth, while he pointed to the solar planetary system chart on the wall.
“The power of the planets affects every living force on earth. Their energies, together with the sun’s energy – which in Jyotish is seen as another planet, although it is truly a star – provide input into our own energy. Our own energy comes from the Kala Purusha, the soul of mankind, and is our own individual manifestation of the divine energy of the creator. We are not always conscious of this. The process of attaining this consciousness is called the path to Enlightenment.
“The planets and their powers act upon the individual energy of a human being.” He paused to ask a question from the audience, “How many here have heard about Prana?” Most hands went up. Suryananda smiled to himself. He was both pleased and proud to teach such as well educated audience. Obviously the Gods of wisdom must be pleased with his work and had blessed him, he thought with inward pride and thankfulness.
“The prana is the individual energy that controls our bodies, minds, hearts and it is a physical manifestation of divine energy in a human incarnation. It runs through a collection of structures called Nadis. The Nadis are the subtle nerve system of the physical body. In India we called this body of light Shakti; in Egypt you call it the Ka. It is made of electric energy and thus responds to influx of energy from many sources. The planetary powers feed the prana, particularly through the Sun and the Moon. Actually inside a human body” – and he pointed to another chart on the wall that contained a human frame with a detailed map of the Ka structure – “the three major nerves or channels of energy are these: the Ida (Sun), Pingala (moon) and the Shushuma which we will discuss in another class.” He paused and reviewed the looks in the audience. Then he said: “Any questions so far?”
A timid hand in the audience went up. It was Mikos. “Pardon me, sir, but in our medical classes we have heard that the energy of the prana came through the breathing process.”
Suryananda’s arms went up in a gesture of emphatic recognition. “Excellent question, Mikos. And you wonder how come the sun and the moon can influence it?”
Mikos assented and sat down. The crowd was a bit surprised at the Greek boy’s question but they kept their eyes back and forth between him and the teacher.
Suryananda paused a second to continue the explanation. “You said very well that you learned this in the school of medicine. However that is why we just show it here, only as it relates to the planets. In a school of medicine you probably will go deeper into chakras, glandular systems, the flow of psychic energy and so forth. All that is true, but beyond the scope of this class on the power of the planets.
“Suffice is to say that the prana is affected by the sun and the moon, at it goes through the process of inhalation and exhalation. In the Shushuma nadi where the seeds of destiny are contained, there are also psychic centers. These centers of energy are affected by the planets too. But this anatomy of the spirit is better explained in the Medicine School healing classes and also in the Temple of Love schools.
“What we need to focus on here, to understand the power of the planets, is their influence on our psychic instruments – the mind, the heart, the ego, the senses. The influence of the planets on these centers is responsible for our likes and dislikes, feelings of despondency or enthusiasm, ability to attract or reject the opposite sex, our disposition to accumulate wealth or resources, the ability to absorb wisdom and knowledge and our capacity for procreation and parenting, among other things.
“As you can see, understanding the influence of the planets in their respective houses and within a person’s cycle scan gives us a deep understanding of a person’s destiny. This is the joy of Jyotish, a gift from heaven and the planets to the faithful human beings that revere wisdom and knowledge. Any questions?”
No hands went up.
Suryananda smiled and pointed out to the chart on the left. It was a zodiac with the twelve signs displayed. He then said, “Please let us engage in an exercise. Since we discussed the planetary powers and how they affect the psychological body, we need to learn how to experience its influence, so that this knowledge is not just theory for you. Because each one of us is born out of two parents, the concepts of karma and fate affect us quite physically. We use this knowledge not only to align our personal and political decisions according to the Kala Purusha, the spirit of the times framework. It also and mainly helps us to understand our own inner selves and that cannot be learned in books and classes. It takes inner work. How many of you meditate daily?”
A small group of hands went up. Lizla was happy to see that Mikos joined her and a group of about one-fifth of the class.
Suryananda sighed and asked again, “How many of you have learned formal meditation techniques?”
Almost all hands went up.
Suryananda continued in a more grave tone of voice. “I hope this class and the rest of the classes in this sacred temple of knowledge guide you to the practice of searching for inner wisdom. You will find out that the experience of governing countries, armies, classes, temples or businesses requires much clear vision, moral strength and freedom from fear and stress. There is only one way to keep yourself together through all things, even in peace times – a peace which nobody can guarantee for long, anyhow. This unfailing method is the way of faith, discipline, wisdom and understanding.”
The princes, priests and other educated members of the audience picked up their alertness at this fiery speech. They were not used to being chastised, but Suryananda did not give them time to revolt. He added quickly, “In order to use the knowledge of these sacred sciences for our own benefit and the benefit of the people we are in charge of, either as students or subjects, we need to understand the workings of the planets in ourselves first and then in others. And the most important planets for each one of us are the ruling planet of your birth time and the moon; also the ruler of the moon sign at birth. Please take a copy of your natal chart and find the ruler of the rising sign. In Sanskrit it is called: Lagna Rasi. There, please find the position of the natal moon. The sign where the moon is deposited is also found in the chart you have called “Chandra Lagna.” Please take a moment and look for those while we have a pause for refreshment. Let us be back in 15 minutes.”
At that moment in the back of the auditorium, large curtains were opened and a stream of servants came up with blank papyrus sheet books and ink and reed pens to take notes. Behind them was another group of female slaves carrying trays of fruits and refreshments. The books and refreshments were put on different tables.
As quietly and gracefully as they had entered, the group of slaves bowed to Suryananda awaiting further instructions. Suryananda signaled the head of the servants group to come closer to him. When he arrived, Suryananda whispered in his ear, “When I raise my hand, please close the curtains on all the windows to leave the room dark except the one on the eastern wall, where the deep blue glass filters the sun. Close that window too but leave at least one foot open in the middle so blue light filters into the dark room. At that time, announce to the musicians that they can begin, only the lyres, they already have my instructions. Later on, I will clap 3 times. At this time the musicians should stop and all the curtain windows should be opened to filter the light in. Do you understand all of this?”
The Egyptian servant leader assented proudly as he brought his right hand to his left shoulder, in sign of obedience. Then he bowed and signaled the slaves group to follow him. They left immediately and Suryananda went up to the food table to join the students in a brief refreshment of coconut milk and dates, his favorite snacks.
Once again, he could not help being impressed by the quiet efficiency of the temple servers. Very quickly and silently they had set up the buffet: A rich assortment of grapes, dates, pomegranates, cheese, honey cakes and different refreshments including: sweet wine, coconut milk, chamomile tea and lemon flavored water. The piles of fruits, cheeses and cakes were set up around a beautiful garland of jasmine flowers that culminated in a centerpiece of beautiful flowers.
And it all took a few minutes that went noiselessly and uninterrupted in the background. In India only princes got that kind of treatment and then it was far more ornamental with spicy foods and statues of the Gods of good luck and food. Also there would not have been wine in a temple...but Suryananda did not mind. He was truly thirsty after talking so much and enjoyed the quiet but sober ways of the Egyptians, maybe a little tasteless for him but sober enough to facilitate learning.
When the chimes indicated the end of the restful period, students slowly left their chatting groups, picked up their books and returned to their respective seats.
Suryananda waited until everyone settled down and said, “Each one of you was asked to bring your natal charts. If you don’t have them with you and you remember the information by heart that is fine too.”
He gave a quick look at Lizla, who had forgotten her books. Lizla blushed but could not help being impressed by the teacher’s alertness and control of the class.
Suryananda continued. “On this generic chart,” he pointed to an Indian Jyotish chart that was hanging on the wall, “you can see each of the zodiac signs and the ruling planet written in each box. Please locate two signs – the one that coincides with your rasi chart first house. We call that the Lagna or ascendant. It is called ascendant because it was the sign that was rising on the horizon that is in the east, at the time of your birth. Because it indicates the time of your birth, which is also your first breath, it is the most personal and individual of your astrological data. The rising star ruling the house of your birth has more to say about your identity than any other
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