» Fiction » The Diary of Jerrod Bently, J.W. Osborn [the false prince series TXT] 📗

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old man. I see you are still riding Tabasco.”
“Sure am,” Nathan replied “He’s still the fastest horse in Texas.”
“He ain’t run against my black,” Doc said sportingly.
“You still have Black Joe?”, Nathan asked “That was the finest horse I have ever seen.”
“No,” Doc replied, “I’m riding one of his colts. Call him Smokey Joe.”
Jake stretched out his hand to the ranger. “Welcome to Portersville,” he said “I am Jake Titus. I guess I am the law here these day, since Sherif Dunham has been away. What can I do for you?”
Nathan shook his hand. “Nathan Travis,” he said as he took notice of the silver star pinned to Doc’s black shirt. “So you have decided to serve and protect,” he directed at Doc.
“For a while,” Doc replied evasively, ”For a while.”
Travis turned his attention to Jake Titus who had seated himself behind the cluttered desk in the center of the room. “Mr. Titus,” he said, “I am looking for a man. He is wanted in three Texas counties for everything from attempted murder, conspiracy and horse stealing. His name is Ned Travis.”
Jake leafed through the stack of recent wanted posters on his desk. Sorry,” he said “I have got ten new posters here, but nothing on a Ned Travis.”
“He’d be easy to spot, Sherrif,” Nathan said as he glanced at the posters Titus handed him. “He is my twin and looks just like me.” Jake gave him a strange look. “A twin brother.,” he commented.
“I knew Ned when we were kids,” Doc interjected “He was always a bad seed.”
“You’re dead right about that, Doc,” Nathan agreed. “Pa didn’t raise him right.”
“Well, we have had a incident here, Mrs. Bradford over at the Clear Water Ranch wants us to come out there and talk to her brother Alex.” Titus said as he reached for his gun belt and began to fasten it around his hips. “ He drives the freight wagon and last night he got robbed.”
“Mind if I ride along with you, Mr. Titus?,” Nathan asked.
“Not at all,” Jake replied “It’s a good thing to have a few Texas Rangers along for the ride.”
”Hey Titus?”,Doc chimed in “What are you ridin’?.”
Jake grinned. “I am a lawyer, gentlemen,” he said “I have no need for horses like yours. I have Molly. Have had her for years.
Nate and Doc looked at each other as Jake headed for the door.
“You are ridin’ a mare?”, Doc asked.
“A mule,” Jake replied with a sly grin, “and she is the meanest, most stubborn critter I ever knew. She half chewed my barn down, scares my hired hands, but she loves me.”
Nathan checked the buckle on his gun belt as he and Doc started toward the door.
“Law man don’t need to be ridin’ a mule,” Doc mumbled to himself.”
Sure enough, when they walked outside, there at the hitching rail stood a rather large chestnut mule wearing a worn black saddle. As soon as she saw Doc and Nathan Travis, she put her ears back. “Now Molly,” Jake said “There is no need to be rude.” and those long red ears went up again. Doc and Nathan looked at each other and then went to the opposite rail to get their horses. “That darn critter kicked at me when I passed by her,” Doc said “Mules are ornery critters, but a red one is the work of the devil.” As he pulled himself into his saddle, he watched Jake Titus riding off on his mule, and she seemed happy to have her rider on her back. “Guess Titus was right,” he muttered to himself. “ But no law man rides a mule!” Nathan chuckled to himself as he mounted up. “As long as we can follow him and find this ranch, “ he said “I don’t care if he is riding a hog.”


Frances Bradford poured another cup of her peppermint tea for her brother and slid a plate of sugar cookies toward him. He was sitting across the kitchen table from her, a glum look on his face and a bandage around his head, covering the wound he’d suffered when he was hit with the but of his own rifle. “Come on Alex,” she said quietly “The doctor said you are going to be just fine. You were robbed. None of this is your fault.”
“I know, Franny,” he said “But I am probably going to lose my job and we can’t afford that.”
“I don’t think that Mr. Driscoll over at the freight office is going to hold this against you,” Frances interjected “Good drivers are hard to find.”
“Just the same,” Alex replied “I let everyone down.”
“Alex,” Fran said firmly “You were attacked. You did not cause it.”
“Yes I did, Franny,” Alex replied miserably “If I had not picked up that man who was stranded in his underwear, I’d have made it home in time to meet you at Miss Victoria’s like we had planned.”
“Wait a minute,” Fran said “You never mentioned a man in his underwear before. Do you remember what he looked like?”
“I had such a head ache when I got home that I could not remember everything, Franny,” Alex said, “But yes, there was a man I picked up. He said he had family here. He was wearing only ridge runner underwear and that is all I remember.”
“Jake Titus is coming out to talk to you today,” Fran said “You must tell him anything that you can recall. This thief needs to be caught. I could not bear the thought of losing you to some gunman, Alex. You are my little brother and we have to stick together.” Alex got up from the table and crossed the kitchen to the open door. “Where are you going?” Fran asked.
“Thought I’d head out to the woods and see if there are any rabbits to shoot,” he replied.
“It might do you good,” Fran said “Gus’s rifle it up stairs in my room, Alex. You can use it if you want to.”
“He got my Winchester, didn’t he.” Alex said sadly.
Fran smiled at him. “May be we will have good luck and you will get it back.”
“I doubt it,” Alex replied “But thanks for the encouragement.” A little while later, Fran heard her brother ride off and figured she would be cooking rabbit stew for dinner.

Three mens rode together along the dusty road that led out of town and the Clear Water Ranch. Jake Titus, mounted on his mule led the procession along. “How come you have that mule instead of a horse,?” Doc asked as he drew up along side of him.
“I’ve always liked mules,” Jake replied. “Have since I was a little tyke.”
“Can that critter run?” Doc asked.
“When she has a mind to,” Jake replied. “My Pappy used to plow with a team of mules and he’d let me get up on one of them and ride home when he was done. Guess I was intrigued with their ears. Always liked the way they rode too. Horses are fine, but for me, its Molly.”
Nate Travis pulled his watch out of his pocket and checked the time. “Who is it we are going to be talking to?”, he asked Jake.
“The widow Bradford,” Titus replied “name is Frances. A right handsome woman if I do say so myself.”
“Think I may have met her a while back when I stopped at a way station on the trail down from Grants Creek. ,” Nate said.
“You might have,” Titus replied “She was back East visiting family and just got back a few days ago.” Nate smiled “Maybe she will remember me.”
Suddenly a shot rang out from some distance away, but still raised the dust at Tabasco’s feet. The big horse jumped nervously. The men looked around themselves to see where the gun blast had come from. Suddenly another one and another. “Some body is shooting at us!,” Titus shouted “Let’s get out of here!!” At that he kicked Molly in the slats and that mule took of like a shot. Doc and Nate were right behind him and drawing their guns as he drew his. They returned fire, but the shots continued. Suddenly, Nate’s hat went flying. That was too close and they bailed off their mounts and took cover behind some rocks. “Come out of there, coward.” some one shouted. Jake, Doc and Nathan looked at each other dumbfounded.
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