» Fiction » The Cloud Dream of the Nine, Kim Man-Choong [bearly read books txt] 📗

Book online «The Cloud Dream of the Nine, Kim Man-Choong [bearly read books txt] 📗». Author Kim Man-Choong

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call. Once the servant-boy came in in great alarm to say to the master: “Your humble servant has noticed that the young gentleman Chok is not a good man. I saw him in the women’s quarters joking and playing with Moonlight. Moonlight is in the service of your lordship, how could she be treated thus familiarly?

The Hallim made reply: “Master Chok would never do such a thing as this, and I have all confidence in Moonlight too; you have been mistaken.”

The boy was very angry and went out. In a little he came again and spoke: “Your lordship said that my report was nonsense. The two now are holding hands and enjoying themselves together. If you will please come out and see for yourself you will know whether my story is correct or not.”

Yang went out and looked toward the servants’ quarters, and there the two were leaning over the wall talking and laughing together, fondling each other’s hands and having a very amusing time.

Desiring to hear what they were saying, Yang went closer, but master Chok hearing the sound of foot-falls took alarm and ran away. Moonlight looked back [p120] at the master, and an unexpected blush of shame covered her face.

Yang asked gently: “Moonlight, my dear, are you specially acquainted with master Chok?”

Moonlight replied: “We are not relatives, he and I, but I dearly love his sister and we were talking about her. I am, as you know, only a dancing-girl, so that my eyes and ears are steeped in the ways of the world, and I am not afraid of men. By holding hands and jesting, and whispering as I have done, I have raised a doubt in my kind master’s mind. My shame is so great for it that I really desire to die.”

Yang said: “I have no doubts of you at all, so do not be in the least disturbed.”

He thought to himself: “Chok is a young man, and his being caught thus by me will make him feel ashamed. I must call him and assure him that I am not disturbed.” So he sent for his boy to come, but he was nowhere to be found. With great regret he said: “In olden time King Cho-jang made them all break off their hat-strings in order to quiet their fears; now I, in my aimless peering about, have disappointed my friend and have lost me my lovely scholar. What shall I do about it?” He made the servants seek high and low, inside and outside the walls for Chok.

That night he talked over the past with Moonlight and said how they were indeed destined for each other. They drank and were happy till the hours grew late. Then they put out the lights and slept. When the east began to lighten he awoke and saw Moonlight doing up her hair before the mirror. He looked at her with tenderest interest and then gave a start and looked again. The delicate eyebrows, the bright eyes, the [p121] wavy hair like a cloud over the temples, the rosy-tinted cheeks, the lithe graceful form, the white complexion—all were Moonlight’s, and yet it was not she.

Alarm and doubt overcame him so that he dared not speak.


Chapter VII The Imperial Son-in-Law

WHEN Yang had looked again carefully and had made sure that it really was not Moonlight, he asked: “Maiden, who are you?”

She replied: “Your servant was originally from Pa-ju. My surname is Chok and my given name is Kyong-hong, or Wildgoose. When I was young, Moonlight and I became covenanted sisters, and because of this close bond of union, she said to me last night: “I am feeling unwell and cannot wait on the Master. Take my place, please, and save me from a reprimand. Thus at the request of Moonlight I came boldly into your lordship’s room.”

Before she had done speaking, Moonlight herself opened the sliding door and came softly in. She said: “Your lordship has won a new and wonderful person to yourself, and I congratulate you. You will remember that I recommended Chok Kyong-hong when we were in the North River District. Is she not equal to my recommendation?”

“She is sweet in face and reputation,” replied he. He looked at her again and behold she was like the young scholar Chok in every feature. By way of inquiry the Master remarked: “The young literatus Chok must be some relative of yours; have you a brother? I regret to say that I saw Chok yesterday acting in a way very improper. Where is he now do you suppose?” [p123]

Wildgoose said in reply: “I have no brothers or sisters.”

Then the Master looked at her for a moment and suddenly guessed the whole game that had been played upon him. He laughed and said: “The one who followed me from the side of the way near Hantan was the maiden Chok; and the one who talked across the wall with Moonlight was Chok See also. I wonder how you dared to deceive me in such a disguise.”

Then Wildgoose answered: “How could I ever have ventured to do such a thing were it not that I have had born in me one great and indomitable longing that has possessed me all my life—to attach myself to some renowned hero or superior lord. When the King of Yon learned my name and bought me for a heaped-up bag of jewels, he fed me on the daintiest fare and dressed me in the rarest silk. And yet I had no delight in it but was in distress, like a parrot bird behind cage bars, grieving out its days and longing to shake its wings and fly away. The other day when the King of Yon invited you to his feast, I spied on you through the screen chinks, and you were the man that my heart bounded forth to follow. But the palace has nine gateways of approach, how could I safely pass these? The journey on which you had entered was a thousand miles long, how could I escape and follow for so great a distance? I thought over a hundred ways and means, and then hit on a plan, but I dared not put it into execution at the time of your departure. Had I done so the King of Yon would have sent his runners out to arrest me. When you had been gone ten days or more, I secretly took one of the King’s fast [p124] horses and sped forth on my way, overtaking you at Han-tan and making myself known to your lordship. I should have told you at once who I was, but there are so many eavesdroppers about, that I did not dare to speak; so I made myself a deceiver and am guilty of great sin. I wore a man’s dress in order to escape those who might attempt to arrest me. What I did last night was done at the earnest request of Moonlight. Even if you graciously overlook these many faults of mine, the longer I live the more I shall look with amazement on my having been so bold. If your lordship will kindly forgive and forget my wrongdoing and overlook my poor and humble birth; if you will permit me to find shelter under your wide-spreading tree where I may build my little nest, Moonlight and I will live together, and after the Master is married to some noble lady, she and I will come to your home and speak our good wishes and congratulations.”

General Yang said in reply: “My fairest maid, not even Chi-pool the famous dancer was your equal. Not only have you highly esteemed the attainments of this poor prince of Wee, but you desire to follow him for good. How can he remember any fault of yours?”

Then Wildgoose thanked him, and Moonlight said: “Now that Chok See has waited on my lord as well as I, I thank thee on her behalf.” And thus they bowed repeatedly.

Next morning by break of day the General was ready to depart, and said to the two: “There are many who spy and eavesdrop on a long journey, so we may not go together, but as soon as I have [p125] completed the marriage awaiting me, you must both come.” Thus he resumed his way.

Once more he reached the capital and reported at the Palace. At this time, too, a letter of submission arrived from the King of Yon, with quantities of tribute, gold, silver, silks, etc. The Emperor, greatly delighted at his success, comforted Yang after the long hardships of the way; congratulated him, and proposed to make him a tributary prince as reward; but Yang, alarmed at this too high favour, bowed low before the throne, asking earnestly to be permitted to decline.

The Emperor, charmed with his modesty, yielded to his wishes and made him only a chief minister as well as Director of the Hallim (College of Literature), besides giving him great rewards. He caused him to be most lavishly honoured by the State, so that history scarcely presents a case of one so markedly distinguished.

After his return, Yang went to pay his respects to the home of Justice Cheung. He and the lady Cheung greeted him with special joy, congratulated him on his high attainments and honour, and were delighted at his being made a minister, so that the whole house was filled with rejoicing.

Yang then went to his quarters in the park pavilion, once more met Cloudlet and renewed the happy relationship with her that had been broken off by his departure.

The Emperor was greatly delighted with the rising fame of Yang So-yoo. He frequently summoned him to the inner palace to talk about history and the Classics, as well as other subjects, so that the days went by imperceptibly. [p126]

One evening Yang was detained till late in the presence of the Emperor. On his return to his official quarters, the moon shone softly and his feelings of happiness were so great that sleep refused to come. He went alone up into the upper pavilion, and there leaned on the balustrade and looked out upon the scene so softly gilded by the shining moon. Suddenly he heard on the gently passing breeze the notes of a flute, far off, as though from among the clouds, coming nearer and nearer. He could not distinguish the tune, but the sweetness was such as is not heard among mortals.

Minister Yang then called one of the secretaries of the Hallim and asked him, saying: “Does this music come from outside the palace, or is there someone within the enclosure who is playing?”

The secretary said he did not know. The minister then ordered wine to be brought, and when he had taken a glass or two he called for his flute on which he began to play. The sound of it went up to heaven, and soft tinted clouds came out to listen; the phoenix birds called to each other, and two blue storks came flying from the palace and danced to the music; while all the secretaries looked on in wonder, saying: “Wang Ja-jin [26] has come down to earth to share our joys and sorrows.”

The Empress Dowager had two sons and one daughter; the Emperor, Prince Wol, and Princess Nan-yang or Orchid. When Orchid was born, a fairy had come down from heaven to the Empress in a dream, and had placed a jewel in her bosom. Such was the princess. When she was grown up she was graceful in form as a flower and all her ways were [p127] according to the highest measure of the genii. No marks of earth were there upon her. Marvellously skilled was she, too, in the character, in needlework and embroidery. The

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