The Fire Within the Passion, Kayla Trautman [best e reader for manga .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kayla Trautman
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pregnant. You get sick too much." Jack helped her back into bed. Kattie layed down and closed her eyes. George left shutting the door behind him. Jack went over and climbed on the bed right behind Kattie. They layed there together in each other's arms. They fell asleep a few minutes later.
Chapter 19: Third Trimester With a huge Tummy
Kattie was sitting on the couch in the library reading a book with her feet propped up on a foot stool. She started showing in her fourth month. But now it was May 3rd, the eigth month in her pregnancy. She was really showing now. It was like she had a big fluffy pillow under her dress. But it was only her pregnant stomach. Along with her big stomach, Kattie had devoloped mood swings. Anything could make her mad and anything could make her upset. It was something Kattie really hated. She couldn't wait until the baby was out of her and everything was back to normal. The last time Kattie saw the doctor he had told her to stay off her feet as much as possible. He said that it wouldn't be too long until the big day came for the baby to come out. Kattie was sitting there reading when Jack walked in and sat next to her, "Hey honey. What are you reading?" Kattie put the book beside her and replied, " 'Politics, Laws, and Politics'. It's not all that good." Jack put his hand on her stomach and kissed it as if kissing the baby. When he came back up Kattie asked, "Where's my kiss?" Jack smiled and leaned over to her, "Right here." Jack kissed her passionately. Kattie put her hands on his face as if he was going to pull away. They stayed there for a moment and then Jack pulled back. Kattie didn't want him to stop. But she didn't say nothing. Jack got up and held out his hand, "Come on. The night stars are out and I want to take you to our spot. Kattie took his hand, "But I can't get down on the ground and expect to get back up without anyone help me." Jack smiled, "You won't have to sit on the ground. I have chairs out there for us." Kattie smiled and followed him as he led her around to the back of the castle. When Jack got around there with Kattie he stopped and faced her, "Before we sit down I want to talk to you." Jack looked up at the stars and Kattie did the same. After a moment Jack looked back down at Kattie and met her eyes, "I brought you out here to do a special thing. That I'm nervous about doing. And I've never been nervous about being with someone like I am with you. Which is a good thing. Because you bring out the way I feel whether I want them two or not. And I love you. Very much. The moment I met you I thought I saw an angel fall from heaven. And after you showed me this spot I knew it was true. The time we've been together have been hectic and the time of my life." Jack paused and Kattie wanted to cry because she felt the same way. But she wasn't nearly prepared for what he was going to do next. Jack took her left hand and kissed it, "I know that you're fully healed from the gun-shot wound, but when I think about what could've happend to you it tears me to peices." Jack knelt to the ground on one knee still holding her left hand. Kattie began to silently cry because she now knew where he was going. And she wanted him to. Jack smiled and pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. He let go of her hand and put it on the box he didn't open the box yet. He continued, "Well, Kattie. I can't ever imagine a life without you. I can't have a life without you." Jack opened the box to a ring with a diamond not big but a decent size. Kattie thought that was good because she didn't want a big diamond on her ring. Jack continued, "Kattie, Will you marry me?" Kattie covered her face with her hands crying in joy. Jack got a little scared that she was going to say no but he didn't let that stop him. Kattie finally stopped crying and stood him up, "Jack. I love you very much. Yes. Yes I will marry you." Jack smiled with relief and happiness. Kattie held her left hand out for him to put the ring on her finger. Jack put the ring on her finger and held her hands in his. Jack smiled and gently wipped the tears away from her face. Kattie lifted her head up. Jack bent his head and kissed her tenderly. Kattie then put her arms around his neck and just stood there kissing him. Kattie pulled back and looked at him without saying anything. Then all of a sudden Kattie jumped and held her side. Jack put his hands on her stomach, "What's the matter? Is it time?" Kattie laughed, "No. The baby just kicked me. Here put your hand right here." Kattie moved his hand to where she said it was. Jack waited to feel something. Then a moment went by and Jack felt the baby kick. Jack smiled, "It kicked. I felt the baby kick. I was never able to feel it kick before." Kattie laughed at his excitement. Jack bent down and kissed her stomach, "I love you baby." Jack stood up and put his arms around her, "I love you." Kattie kissed him. As they were kissing Kattie's leg's started to give in on her. Jack realized that she was going down and caught her, "Kattie are you alright? Here sit down." Jack took her over to the chair and sat her down. Kattie replied, "I'm fine. I'm just tired. I think I'll just rest out here for a moment. Well, since I'm going to be sitting out for a while. Could you go get George and send him out here with a blanket so I can ask him what we talked about?" Jack asked, "Are you sure you're alright?" Kattie nodded. Jack kissed her, "Alright. I'll go send him out here." Jack went upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Then he knocked on the door to George's room. George opened the door, "Hey Jack." Jack handed him the blanket, "Kattie wants you to take that blanket out back to her." "Alright." George left and went around. When George got around to Kattie he opened the blanket up and layed it on her kissing her on her cheek. Kattie cuddled up in the blanket, "Sit down. George." George asked, "Kattie is something wrong?" Kattie rolled her eyes, "No. Just sit down I want to talk to you." George sat down but he was sitting on the edge of his chair. Kattie began, "Alright me and Jack talked it over. And we want you to move in here with us. For good." George smiled, "I don't know Kattie. I don't want to be intruding in on your privacy. I mean I do because I'm your over-protective brother, but I'm not going to pry. And I don't want to do that." Kattie looked at him, "Are you listening in on our conversations? Are you spying on us?" George laughed and shook his head, "No! God no!" Kattie smiled, "Then you're not prying. And you're definitely not intruding. I want you to move in with us. Your the last living relative that I have and I want you to be close to me. You don't have to stay here with me forever, but at least stay here for a while if you're not going to move in. Please?" George smiled, "I'll move in with you. And it'll be good to be able to see my nephew or niece everyday, along with my sister and her boyfriend that I approve of." Kattie smiled, "Well, I'm glad that you approve. Because there's something I need to tell you." Kattie brought her hand out and showed him her ring, "He propsed to me just now and I said yes." George was shocked, "I'm happy for you. And it suprises me a little bit. I never seen you as a woman to settle down and get married." Kattie cast him a glance that questioned him. Kattie asked, "George can you please help my fat penguin body upstairs? I'm feeling really tired." George got up as Kattie put the blanket behind her, "Will you stop calling yourself a fat penguin?" George helped her to her feet and slowly walked her around to the front. Kattie answered, "Well look at me. I'm fat. And I waddle just like a penguin. I've never in my life been forced to eat so much. And never have I been fat." George sighed, "I'm actually starting to think that that's a good thing. Before you looked a little too thin to me." Kattie grunted. As they got to the front steps Kattie went down and sat on the ground. George kneeled down to her, "Kattie. Are you okay? What's the matter?" Kattie closed her eyes and didn't answer. George looked at her and was worried, "Kattie!" Kattie suddenly opened her eyes, "George. Can you please go get Jack? I'm extremely tired and I can't move a muscle." George nodded and ran as fast as he could upstairs to Jack. When he got to Jack's room he pounded on the door. Jack opened the door, "George what's wrong?" George shrugged, "I don't know. It's Kattie. She's sitting on the ground out front. She closed her eyes and wouldn't answer me. I had to yell her name for her to answer me and open her eyes. And I was right in front of her." Jack ran past George and George followed him out front to Kattie. When they got out there Kattie was laying on the ground with her eyes closed. Jack knelt down to her and put his hands on her face, "Kattie! Kattie!" Kattie opened her eyes, "Jack. I can't get up. I can't move. Can you help me into my room?" At that moment Kattie closed her eyes and she was unconscious. Jack went behind her and grabbed her under her arms. George immediately without having to be told grabbed her feet and helped him carry her to their room. They placed her on the bed. George said, "I'll go get the doctor." George ran out and rode out to the doctor while Jack sat next to Kattie holding her hand. Jack was tapping his foot on the floor scared. He wanted to know what was wrong.
Thirty minutes later George came running up with the doctor. The doctor checked for any signs of what could be complications. He was relieved when he found out the results. He went over to Jack and George, who were standing over by the wall waiting for an explaination. The doctor explained, "Jack. Do you have an extra room that I could stay in for a couple days until she gives birth?" Jack answered, "Yeah of course. Doctor, what's wrong with her?" The doctor answered, "She's extremely exhausted. She can't be on her feet from now on for any reason at all. This is just a sign that the baby is going to be coming within the next two days or so. And when it dies it's important that I'd be here. We can't afford to waste any time going to get me and bring me here." George asked, "Doctor, what are you saying? What exactly is wrong with her?" The doctor sighed, "I don't know for sure. This could also be a sign that there's going to
Chapter 19: Third Trimester With a huge Tummy
Kattie was sitting on the couch in the library reading a book with her feet propped up on a foot stool. She started showing in her fourth month. But now it was May 3rd, the eigth month in her pregnancy. She was really showing now. It was like she had a big fluffy pillow under her dress. But it was only her pregnant stomach. Along with her big stomach, Kattie had devoloped mood swings. Anything could make her mad and anything could make her upset. It was something Kattie really hated. She couldn't wait until the baby was out of her and everything was back to normal. The last time Kattie saw the doctor he had told her to stay off her feet as much as possible. He said that it wouldn't be too long until the big day came for the baby to come out. Kattie was sitting there reading when Jack walked in and sat next to her, "Hey honey. What are you reading?" Kattie put the book beside her and replied, " 'Politics, Laws, and Politics'. It's not all that good." Jack put his hand on her stomach and kissed it as if kissing the baby. When he came back up Kattie asked, "Where's my kiss?" Jack smiled and leaned over to her, "Right here." Jack kissed her passionately. Kattie put her hands on his face as if he was going to pull away. They stayed there for a moment and then Jack pulled back. Kattie didn't want him to stop. But she didn't say nothing. Jack got up and held out his hand, "Come on. The night stars are out and I want to take you to our spot. Kattie took his hand, "But I can't get down on the ground and expect to get back up without anyone help me." Jack smiled, "You won't have to sit on the ground. I have chairs out there for us." Kattie smiled and followed him as he led her around to the back of the castle. When Jack got around there with Kattie he stopped and faced her, "Before we sit down I want to talk to you." Jack looked up at the stars and Kattie did the same. After a moment Jack looked back down at Kattie and met her eyes, "I brought you out here to do a special thing. That I'm nervous about doing. And I've never been nervous about being with someone like I am with you. Which is a good thing. Because you bring out the way I feel whether I want them two or not. And I love you. Very much. The moment I met you I thought I saw an angel fall from heaven. And after you showed me this spot I knew it was true. The time we've been together have been hectic and the time of my life." Jack paused and Kattie wanted to cry because she felt the same way. But she wasn't nearly prepared for what he was going to do next. Jack took her left hand and kissed it, "I know that you're fully healed from the gun-shot wound, but when I think about what could've happend to you it tears me to peices." Jack knelt to the ground on one knee still holding her left hand. Kattie began to silently cry because she now knew where he was going. And she wanted him to. Jack smiled and pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. He let go of her hand and put it on the box he didn't open the box yet. He continued, "Well, Kattie. I can't ever imagine a life without you. I can't have a life without you." Jack opened the box to a ring with a diamond not big but a decent size. Kattie thought that was good because she didn't want a big diamond on her ring. Jack continued, "Kattie, Will you marry me?" Kattie covered her face with her hands crying in joy. Jack got a little scared that she was going to say no but he didn't let that stop him. Kattie finally stopped crying and stood him up, "Jack. I love you very much. Yes. Yes I will marry you." Jack smiled with relief and happiness. Kattie held her left hand out for him to put the ring on her finger. Jack put the ring on her finger and held her hands in his. Jack smiled and gently wipped the tears away from her face. Kattie lifted her head up. Jack bent his head and kissed her tenderly. Kattie then put her arms around his neck and just stood there kissing him. Kattie pulled back and looked at him without saying anything. Then all of a sudden Kattie jumped and held her side. Jack put his hands on her stomach, "What's the matter? Is it time?" Kattie laughed, "No. The baby just kicked me. Here put your hand right here." Kattie moved his hand to where she said it was. Jack waited to feel something. Then a moment went by and Jack felt the baby kick. Jack smiled, "It kicked. I felt the baby kick. I was never able to feel it kick before." Kattie laughed at his excitement. Jack bent down and kissed her stomach, "I love you baby." Jack stood up and put his arms around her, "I love you." Kattie kissed him. As they were kissing Kattie's leg's started to give in on her. Jack realized that she was going down and caught her, "Kattie are you alright? Here sit down." Jack took her over to the chair and sat her down. Kattie replied, "I'm fine. I'm just tired. I think I'll just rest out here for a moment. Well, since I'm going to be sitting out for a while. Could you go get George and send him out here with a blanket so I can ask him what we talked about?" Jack asked, "Are you sure you're alright?" Kattie nodded. Jack kissed her, "Alright. I'll go send him out here." Jack went upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Then he knocked on the door to George's room. George opened the door, "Hey Jack." Jack handed him the blanket, "Kattie wants you to take that blanket out back to her." "Alright." George left and went around. When George got around to Kattie he opened the blanket up and layed it on her kissing her on her cheek. Kattie cuddled up in the blanket, "Sit down. George." George asked, "Kattie is something wrong?" Kattie rolled her eyes, "No. Just sit down I want to talk to you." George sat down but he was sitting on the edge of his chair. Kattie began, "Alright me and Jack talked it over. And we want you to move in here with us. For good." George smiled, "I don't know Kattie. I don't want to be intruding in on your privacy. I mean I do because I'm your over-protective brother, but I'm not going to pry. And I don't want to do that." Kattie looked at him, "Are you listening in on our conversations? Are you spying on us?" George laughed and shook his head, "No! God no!" Kattie smiled, "Then you're not prying. And you're definitely not intruding. I want you to move in with us. Your the last living relative that I have and I want you to be close to me. You don't have to stay here with me forever, but at least stay here for a while if you're not going to move in. Please?" George smiled, "I'll move in with you. And it'll be good to be able to see my nephew or niece everyday, along with my sister and her boyfriend that I approve of." Kattie smiled, "Well, I'm glad that you approve. Because there's something I need to tell you." Kattie brought her hand out and showed him her ring, "He propsed to me just now and I said yes." George was shocked, "I'm happy for you. And it suprises me a little bit. I never seen you as a woman to settle down and get married." Kattie cast him a glance that questioned him. Kattie asked, "George can you please help my fat penguin body upstairs? I'm feeling really tired." George got up as Kattie put the blanket behind her, "Will you stop calling yourself a fat penguin?" George helped her to her feet and slowly walked her around to the front. Kattie answered, "Well look at me. I'm fat. And I waddle just like a penguin. I've never in my life been forced to eat so much. And never have I been fat." George sighed, "I'm actually starting to think that that's a good thing. Before you looked a little too thin to me." Kattie grunted. As they got to the front steps Kattie went down and sat on the ground. George kneeled down to her, "Kattie. Are you okay? What's the matter?" Kattie closed her eyes and didn't answer. George looked at her and was worried, "Kattie!" Kattie suddenly opened her eyes, "George. Can you please go get Jack? I'm extremely tired and I can't move a muscle." George nodded and ran as fast as he could upstairs to Jack. When he got to Jack's room he pounded on the door. Jack opened the door, "George what's wrong?" George shrugged, "I don't know. It's Kattie. She's sitting on the ground out front. She closed her eyes and wouldn't answer me. I had to yell her name for her to answer me and open her eyes. And I was right in front of her." Jack ran past George and George followed him out front to Kattie. When they got out there Kattie was laying on the ground with her eyes closed. Jack knelt down to her and put his hands on her face, "Kattie! Kattie!" Kattie opened her eyes, "Jack. I can't get up. I can't move. Can you help me into my room?" At that moment Kattie closed her eyes and she was unconscious. Jack went behind her and grabbed her under her arms. George immediately without having to be told grabbed her feet and helped him carry her to their room. They placed her on the bed. George said, "I'll go get the doctor." George ran out and rode out to the doctor while Jack sat next to Kattie holding her hand. Jack was tapping his foot on the floor scared. He wanted to know what was wrong.
Thirty minutes later George came running up with the doctor. The doctor checked for any signs of what could be complications. He was relieved when he found out the results. He went over to Jack and George, who were standing over by the wall waiting for an explaination. The doctor explained, "Jack. Do you have an extra room that I could stay in for a couple days until she gives birth?" Jack answered, "Yeah of course. Doctor, what's wrong with her?" The doctor answered, "She's extremely exhausted. She can't be on her feet from now on for any reason at all. This is just a sign that the baby is going to be coming within the next two days or so. And when it dies it's important that I'd be here. We can't afford to waste any time going to get me and bring me here." George asked, "Doctor, what are you saying? What exactly is wrong with her?" The doctor sighed, "I don't know for sure. This could also be a sign that there's going to
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