» Fiction » Through Forest and Fire<br />Wild-Woods Series No. 1, Edward Sylvester Ellis [smart books to read .txt] 📗

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bear could stand. Without the least attention to dignity, he turned about and swung off toward the lake, doubtless of the opinion that there alone he could find safety from the element that drove him thither in the first place.

Nick shouted and broke into a run, and the bear did the same! Just under the tree, the lad stopped and put on his shoe, which had been somewhat damaged by the claws of the brute. Then, being well shod and in no further danger from the animal, on which he had turned the tables so unexpectedly, Nick joined his sister, still carrying his torch as a precaution in the event of bruin's changing his mind and making after him.

But there was no danger of anything of the kind, and the bear was not seen to look behind him, even to learn whether the pursuit was kept up.

"I guess I will give over my hunt for the rest of my clothes till some better time," said Nick, once more taking the hand of Nellie and starting up the bank of the stream which fed the pond, toward the bridge that had burned some time before.

By carefully picking their path they reached it without mishap, being on the southern side, so that it was not necessary to ford it in order to continue the road homeward.

The structure was an ordinary one, consisting of a single uncovered span, so that its loss was not serious, except on account of the inconvenience it would cause.

The two stood several minutes looking upon the ruins, that were not very extensive, but their chief interest centered around the carcass of the mare lying at the bottom of the creek, where it had floated against the shore.

The children were naturally attached to the animal, and there were tears in their eyes, when, with a deep sigh, they turned away and climbed up the steep bank to the level of the road and started for home.

They had reason to doubt their ability to force their way through the several miles of forest remaining between them and the open country beyond, but they were resolved to do their utmost, for they dreaded staying any longer in the section where they had suffered and escaped so much.

As has been stated, the fury of the conflagration had expended itself, and there was nothing to be feared from the scorching flames, which had confronted and endangered them shortly after they entered the woods, on their return.

The road was strewn with burning debris, and many a time they were forced to stop, in doubt whether they could get by the obstruction but some way always opened: they would find a point where it could be leaped, or they would flank it by a little circuit through the woods themselves.

In this manner they toiled on until half the distance was passed, when they were brought to a stand-still by a discovery which took away their breath for the time.

They saw the ruins of something which they did not recognize until they drew near, when they discovered that an ordinary farmer's wagon, with its two horses, had been burned. Little more than the iron work of the body was left, and the animals seemed to have gone down side by side, where they lay burned and burst open by the flames, that were less merciful to them than to the brother and sister who had made such a gallant fight for life.

The sight was sad enough, but it was rendered tenfold more so by the figure of the driver, only a few rods distant. When his team gave out he had probably leaped to the ground and started to run from the fire, but was overtaken and perished miserably.

"How thankful we ought to be!" said Nellie, in a subdued voice, as they moved forward again.

"So I am," was the fervent response of Nick, whose heart was melted with pity for the unfortunate stranger, and with thankfulness that he and Nellie had been selected by Heaven for such a signal display of mercy.

They were in constant dread of coming upon similar scenes, but they were spared the sight, and, at the end of about an hour from the time of leaving the bridge, they emerged into the open country, where they were near their own home.

The afternoon was pretty well gone, and the sky still wore that impressive appearance which we all remember well; but it was not so marked as a short time before, and was rapidly passing away.

There was a great deal of smoke drifting and floating through the air, but it caused less inconvenience and annoyance than it did when they fled to the pond for safety.

The children gave another expression of their gratitude, and then hastened toward the humble home, which was, indeed, the dearest spot on earth to them.

The parents were full of anxiety, though they hoped that Nick had seen the danger, and had stayed in Dunbarton with horse and carriage.

But the couple stood at the gate, shading their eyes, and looking yearningly down the road, in the hope of catching sight of the loved forms of the brave children.

When they saw and recognized the figures, they rushed forth to meet them, with swelling hearts. Father and mother pressed them to their breasts, and the eyes of all were streaming with tears, for of Nick and Nellie might it not be said—"For these, my children, were dead, and are alive again: they were lost, and they are found?"

When Nick had told the whole wonderful story, the father took his hand and said in his native tongue:

"My boy, I have taught you that God helps them that help themselves. I am glad that at no time, so far as I can gather, did you despair. You and Nellie have been tried by fire, and have come out as pure gold. Heaven be praised for its mercies. The lesson you have learned will go with you through life. Never despair, but press onward and upward, and the reward shall be yours at last."

And what did the good man say but that which our own beloved and mourned poet has so beautifully limned in lines that shall be as immortal as his own fragrant deeds and revered memory?

Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate,
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.
THE END. The second volume of the Wild-Woods Series will be "On the Trail of the Moose."





No author of the present day has become a greater favorite with boys than "Harry Castlemon:" every book by him is sure to meet with hearty reception by young readers generally. His naturalness and vivacity lead his readers from page to page with breathless interest, and when one volume is finished the fascinated reader, like Oliver Twist, asks "for more."

*** Any volume sold separately.

GUNBOAT SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. 6 vols.,
12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $7 50

Frank, the Young Naturalist 1 25 Frank in the Woods 1 25 Frank on the Prairie 1 25 Frank on a Gunboat 1 25 Frank before Vicksburg 1 25 Frank on the Lower Mississippi 1 25

GO AHEAD SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. 3
vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $3 75

Go Ahead; or, The Fisher Boy's Motto 1 25 No Moss; or, The Career of a Rolling Stone 1 25 Tom Newcombe; or, The Boy of Bad Habits 1 25

Castlemon. 3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth,
extra, printed in colors. In box  $3 75

Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho 1 25 Frank among the Rancheros 1 25 Frank in the Mountains 1 25

Castlemon. 3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth,
extra, printed in colors. In box  $3 75

The Sportsman's Club in the Saddle 1 25 The Sportsman's Club Afloat 1 25 The Sportsman's Club among the Trappers 1 25

3 vols. 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra,
printed in colors. In box  $3 75

Snowed Up; or, The Sportsman's Club in the Mts. 1 25 Frank Nelson in the Forecastle; or, The Sportsman's Club among the Whalers 1 25 The Boy Traders; or, The Sportsman's Club among the Boers 1 25

BOY TRAPPER SERIES. By Harry Castlemon.
3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $3 75

The Buried Treasure; or, Old Jordan's "Haunt" 1 25 The Boy Trapper; or, How Dave Filled the Order 1 25 The Mail Carrier 1 25

ROUGHING IT SERIES. By Harry Castlemon.
3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $3 75

George in Camp; or, Life on the Plains 1 25 George at the Wheel; or, Life in a Pilot House. 1 25 George at the Fort; or, Life Among the Soldiers. 1 25

ROD AND GUN SERIES. By Harry Castlemon.
3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $3 75

Don Gordon's Shooting Box 1 25 Rod and Gun 1 25 The Young Wild Fowlers 1 25

Castlemon. 3 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth,
extra, printed in colors. In box  $3 75

Joe Wayring at Home; or, Story of a Fly Rod 1 25 Snagged and Sunk; or, The Adventures of a Canvas Canoe 1 25 Steel Horse; or, The Rambles of a Bicycle 1 25

WAR SERIES. By Harry Castlemon. 3 vols.,
12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed in
colors. In box  $3 75

True to his Colors 1 25 Rodney, the Partisan 1 25

OUR FELLOWS; or, Skirmishes with the Swamp
Dragoons. By Harry Castlemon. 16mo. Fully illustrated
Cloth, extra, printed in colors. In box  1 25

Marcy, the Blockade Runner 1 25

Specimen Cover of the Ragged Dick Series.






Horatio Alger, Jr., has attained distinction as one of the most popular writers of books for boys, and the following list comprises all of his best books.

*** Any volume sold separately.

Jr. 6 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra,
printed in colors. In box  $7 50

Ragged Dick; or, Street Life in New York 1 25 Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter Mark, the Match Boy; or, Richard Hunter's Ward 1 25 Rough and Ready; or, Life among the New York Newsboys 1 25 Ben, the Luggage Boy; or, Among the Wharves 1 25 Rufus and Rose; or the Fortunes of Rough and Ready 1 25

By Horatio Alger, Jr. 4 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated
Cloth, extra, printed in colors. In box  5 00

Tattered Tom; or, The Story of a Street Arab 1 25 Paul, the Peddler; or, The Adventures of a Young Street Merchant 1 25 Phil, the Fiddler; or, The Young Street Musician 1 25 Slow and Sure; or, From the Sidewalk to the Shop 1 25

4 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed
in colors. In box  $5 00

Julius; or the Street Boy Out West 1 25 The Young Outlaw; or, Adrift in the World 1 25 Sam's Chance and How He Improved It 1 25 The Telegraph Boy 1 25

By Horatio Alger, Jr. 4 vols., 12mo. Fully illustrated
Cloth, extra, printed in colors. In box  $5 00

Luck and Pluck; or John Oakley's Inheritance 1 25 Sink or Swim; or, Harry Raymond's Resolve 1 25 Strong and Steady; or, Paddle Your Own Canoe. 1 25 Strive and Succeed; or, The Progress of Walter Conrad 1 25

) By Horatio Alger, Jr. 3 vols., 12mo.
Fully illustrated. Cloth, extra, printed in colors. In
box  $5 00

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