» Fiction » IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Brian R. Lundin

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they soon shot up their wages.
Rico was the supplier for the State Street Boys in Robert Taylor. He had been doing business with Pop’s for years. Pop’s wanted to cut Rico out and deal directly with the wholesalers himself but that had to wait, they had other business with officer Pacman and his partners. Pops, Malik, Pacman, and Rico met at the gang’s restaurant one morning.
Rico said, “I’ve set up deal with a dude name Mo for ten kilos of crack. We’re going to hookup in the parking lot of the shopping center at 87th and the Dan Ryan at nine pm; I’ll be in a red blazer.”
Pop’s responded, “Ok, Malik you go with Rico to the spot and I will give you the cash for the buy.”
Pacman says, “My partners and I will wait until the deal goes down before we pull up.”
Malik asked, “What do I do?”
Rico tells Malik, “Nothing man, you're my security. You stay in my truck and look mean.”
Pops says, “Ok let’s meet back here at 8:30 tonight, cool?”
Everyone agrees and they leave the restaurant. Malik arrives at the restaurant about 8:15, Pop’s and Rico arrived shortly thereafter. Pacman and his partner Johnson arrive at 8:30.
“When we come on the set, Malik you try to run, my man Johnson will grab you and smack you across the face, I’ll grab Mo and Rico,” Pacman says.
Rico and Malik arrived at the parking lot at 8:55; Mo a short, stocky man was already there with another black man. Rico pulled his car next to Mo’s and says,
“Let’s pull down some to where there are some more cars, follow me.”
Mo follows Rico who parked his car in an aisle with other parked cars. Mo pulls into the space right in front of Rico and positioned his car back to back with Rico’s car.
“What up my man,” Rico said.
“I’m cool, ready to deal,” Mo said.
“Let’s get it on,” Rico says smiling.
Both men opened up the trunk of their vehicles. Rico opened a suitcase that contained three hundred fifty dollars neatly stacked in tens and twenties. Mo opens a suitcase that contained numerous zips locks bags with white powder.
“You want to count it?” Rico asked.
“No need, I know you straight,” Mo said as they were exchanging suitcases.

Suddenly Pacman and Johnson arrived with the hazardous blue light flashing on their unmarked police car. Both plains clothed officers jumped out of the unmarked car with guns drawn and badges in their free hands.
“Police, motherfucka, up against the car,” Johnson tells the men,
“Get out to the car “motherfucka,” Pacman yelled at Malik.
“You too,” Johnson said to the guy in Mo's car, both men got out of their vehicles.
“You’ll all under arrest,” Pacman say as he began to handcuff Rico and Mo.
Johnson began to handcuff Malik and the other man just as they planned. Malik attempted to run but Johnson grabbed him and smacked him hard across the face, causing his lip to bleed.
“You Motherfuckas get your asses in the car,” Johnson said to Malik and Rico and pointing toward the unmarked car, Malik complied.
Johnson tells Pacman, “I’m going to call for a wagon.”
“Ok,” Pacman responded.
Mo pleads with Pacman, “Man I can't take a bust. I’m already carrying paper.”
“Tough shit,” Pacman said still acting as if he is talking on the police radio.
”Muthafucka; you just violated your parole, back to the joint you go,” Pacman said laughing.
“Come on man, I got a grand on me, take it and let me and my man go.” Mo pleads.
“Are you trying to bribe us?” Pacman said threateningly.
“No men just takes the grand and let us go, please,” Mo continues to plea.
”What are we suppose to do with those other two,” Pacman asked.
“I don't give a fuck, just let us go, the grand is right here in my pocket, take it.”
Pacman retrieves the wad of money and says to Mo and his buddy,
“Get the fuck out of here right now,” as he kicked Mo in the ass.
Mo and his friend get into their car and speed off, forgetting all about their drugs. Looking out of the rear view mirror, they could see Pacman putting the handcuffed Rico in the car with Malik. Pacman, Malik, and Rico returned to the restaurant where Pops was waiting and after the restaurant closed they, all went into the kitchen.
Pacman retrieved the suitcases from the squad cars and said to Pops, “Here we go.”
Rico say, “Let’s check the quality of this cocaine,” as he pokes his pocket knife through one of the bags and tastes it.
“Boy this shit is good, maybe fifty percent pure,” he says to Pop.
“Here Rico,” Pops says as he throws him a kilo bag.
“Cool,” Rico says.
Pops then counts out twenty thousand dollars for Pacman and his partner.
“Rico lets set up something for next week, ok.” Pacman said.
“I’ll work on it,” Rico says as he is leaving.
Pacman tells Pops “Let me know when something is going down again, later,” Pacman says as he and Johnson leaves.
“What you think now Harvard man,” Pops say to Malik smiling. “Cool setup huh?”
“Yeah that was real hip Pops,” Malik answered.
“Ok, this are how we going to work this, we got nine left here to sell, we’ll take three apiece and we will deal those off first, that’s ours. The other three we deal off for the family, ok?”
“Cool with me, later.” Malik leaves.
Malik, Pops, Rico, and the police officers continue to rob the drug dealers all summer. They concentrated mainly on the independent suppliers who did not have any gang or mob ties. Africans, Iranians, Mexicans, and Nigerians were their main targets. Things were going well, they had gotten over one hundred kilos of free cocaine worth millions on the street, but it came to a halt one summer afternoon.
Rico had set up a deal with an Iranian named Mohammed; the deal was for twenty-five kilos of cocaine. Malik and Rico were to meet Mohammed at a gas station on the West Side of the city at 10:30 pm that night. Rico did not really know Mohammed; another supplier who could not handle the large amount of cocaine he wanted had referred him to him. Pop’s alerted Pacman and Johnson.
Malik and Rico arrived at the gas station at 10:20 pm. There was a top layer of money that concealed cut newspapers papers. Mohammed arrived at 10:25 pm. Pacman and Johnson was supposed to get there around 10:35 pm but they were late. Mohammed had two other Iranians with him and Malik could tell by the bulges under their jacket that they were armed.
“We’re all set to do this?” Mohammed asked.
“Yes, wait a minute, let me talk to my man, Rico said to Muhammad.
Walking back to Malik, Rico ask, “Where in the fuck are those guys?”
“I don't know, what's up?” Malik asked.
“I’ve got to try to stall them until they show.”
“What you want me to do?”
“Get out and open the trunk of the car, I got a piece taped to the underside of the trunk roof.”
Malik gets out of the car, opens the trunk, and begin to untie the Mac 10 machine gun.
“What's up?” Malik says to the Iranians.
Mohammed nodded his head, without answering Malik. Mohammed gestured for his two friends to join him in the front of the car and they complied. One was carrying a suitcase; the other was carrying a handgun.
“Let’s see the green, here's the shit,” Muhammad said to Rico.
Rico takes out the suitcase and opens it. Mohammed talks to the man holding the drugs in Arabic, but the man refuses to hand Rico the drugs until he count the money.
“My friend says you will have to give us the money to count before we exchange merchandises, Mohammed said.
Rico closes the suitcase and tells Muhammad indignantly, “I’ll have to check you’re shit out too.”
Rico and Mohammed exchanged suitcases, Rico handed Mohammed the suitcase with the bogus money, and Mohammed hands the suitcase to the other Iranian. The Iranian walked back to his car while Rico walked around his car with the drugs. Malik starts to unsnap the machine gun. Suddenly, a car races into the gas station. Pacman and Johnson jumped out; the Iranian with Mohammed pulled an automatic weapon from under his coat and aims it at Pacman. Malik shot the man with a series of shots and Pacman shoot Mohammed while Johnson shoots the other Iranian in the car with the money. Pacman runs to the Iranian’s car, grabbed the case with the drugs, and gives it to Rico, leaving the bogus money.
“Go, get out of here,” Pacman tells Rico.
Rico and Malik sped from the area. They meet Pacman later at the restaurant.
“That shit got scary for a while, thanks Malik, he had me,” Pacman said.
“No problem, what you gonna do about the one I popped?” Malik asked.
“Well, I cleaned the Mac 10 up and inventoried it. I told the dicks that came on the scene that we interrupted a drug deal that went wrong and I gave them the bogus money. I told them the dead guys fired on us and we returned the fire after I grabbed the Mac. The other guys got away. No problems according to Internal Affairs, matter of fact we might get a commendation for our heroic actions, Pacman said, they all laughed.
“How was the shit Pops?” Johnson asked.
“Good, about seventy to eighty percent pure.”
Pops count put $20,000 dollars and hands it to Pacman.
After putting the money into his coat pocket he says to Pops, “I’ve got to go, later.” And he was leaving he says, Thanks again Malik.”
“Later,” Malik say to Pacman as he leaves the restaurant.
Three days before July 4th, Pops, Cinque and Malik are in the playground.
“I’ve been thinking Pops, why don’t we have a big cookout for the folks in the hood. Plenty of food, games for the kids and even a rap band. Things been going good for us, might be a good public relation move to give something to the people.”
“Sounds good to me, you goin’ to set it up?”
“I’m down; I’ll contact Mrs. Woodly of the Local Advisor Council."
The Local Advisory Council was a resident group that maintained liaison with the CHA Board of Directors.
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