» Fiction » Family Magic, Chloe Price [christmas read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Family Magic, Chloe Price [christmas read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Chloe Price

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I was able to snap myself back, pulling against him, feeling a surge in response. My demon tried to fight me even as his magic recoiled in a burst of rejection and hurt. When our power let us go, I stared at him while the pain in his face turned to a dose of protective anger.

Quaid grabbed me again, his hand blocked from my skin by the thin fabric of my T-shirt. I could still feel a subtle vibration passing between us, but ignored it.

“What is your problem?” He snapped at me.

I may have understood him moments before but my worry for my sister was much more important. “What’s yours, jerk?” I snarled back. “Let me go, I have to get Meira.”

“Didn’t see you caring enough to help her get her disguise back up,” he said. “Nice job, Syd. Ruin it for everybody.” I knew this attack was fed by his vulnerability and the fact he hated I’d gotten in. But I couldn’t help myself. Even while my demon begged for more I shoved him away.

“At least I don’t tattle to my parents every second,” I threw back at him.

“Maybe if you kept yourself under control, I wouldn’t have to,” he said.

I would have hit him if I thought I had the time. Instead I said a very bad string of words to his face before tearing off down the street after my sister while my demon howled in despair.

While what I told him to go do was physically impossible, I’m pretty sure he got the point.

I tried to forget the strange exchange of power between us, the way he now felt inside me no matter what he did on the outside. I had to focus on Meira. I could figure that crap out later, but at the moment, my sister’s run for home alone and in her condition made my heart pound with fear.

I didn’t catch her until the end of the driveway. Mom ran from the house by then to meet her. Our mother scooped her up. Meira’s little arms latched on like she would never let go. She sobbed, barely able to catch her breath, face streaked with tears, whole body shaking.

I followed them into the house, not knowing what to say, what to do.

Mom turned on me, face furious.

“What happened?” She demanded.

I was not going to be the one to break our little truce. I took a deep breath and kept my voice steady.

“We were at the diner having ice cream,” I explained, “and Meira’s disguise started to fade. She couldn’t get it back in place so we left.”

“She’s never lost control in her life,” Mom said. “Why today?”

“I don’t know, Mom, honestly,” I answered, as stumped as she was. “It was weird. And the strangest part is she didn’t know it was happening.”

Meira calmed some. She snuffled against Mom’s shoulder.

“Meira, honey,” my mom said. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“I don’t know,” she wailed. “I’m scared, Mommy! It was gone and I couldn’t get it back!”

“Why didn’t you help her?” Mom asked me.

“How?” I said. “Mom, I would have, really, but Meira didn’t even know what was going on. What could I do that she couldn’t?”

Mom drew a deep breath and started rocking my sister who had quieted.

“You’re right, Syd, honey, I’m sorry,” Mom said, voice tired. “It’s not your fault. Or yours,” she said to Meira. “Something is going on and I need to find out what it is.”

“What do you mean?” I asked her. She gave me a pointed look that said not in front of your sister.

“I think someone needs a nice hot bath and a great bed time story,” she said instead, resting her cheek on Meira’s hair.

“Can I sleep with you, Syd?” My sister’s huge amber eyes were undeniable. Mom and I exchanged a moment over her mass of curly hair.

“Sure, Meems,” I said. “But you’ll have to run it by Sass first.”

Mom set Meira on her feet and patted her on the bum.

“Run up and find your jammies,” Mom said. “I’ll be right there to draw your bath.”

“'Kay,” Meira said. She came to me. I picked her up.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get to eat your ice cream,” she said.

“Are you kidding?” I rolled my eyes. “Can’t stand the stuff.”

She leaned in, her lips almost on mine. “That boy thought I was in a Halloween costume,” she whispered, fresh tears welling.

“Meems...” I felt so bad for her, knowing how that one innocent statement from an admiring boy could scar her for the rest of her life. “He thought you were cool.”

“Really?” She sniffed and pushed at the tears.

“Yup,” I said. “He even said so, didn’t he?”

She thought it over for a second and smiled at me.

“He liked it,” she said.

“What’s not to like?” I asked.

Meira hugged me hard. I caught my mother’s silent swipe at her own tears.

“Go on,” I said, “faster you tub, faster we get a story. Hit it.”

Meira tore off for the stairs, repaired, recovered and a happy kid again.

If it were really only that simple, this world would be a much easier place to live in.

“So,” I said to Mom as she rose to follow. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Mom paused and turned to me, face creased in worry.

“I wish I knew,” she said. “But I don’t, Syd. I have no idea. And that scares me. Too many things have been happening for them all to be a coincidence.”

“Since there’s no such thing...” I trailed off. “I take it there was no evidence at the Vegas’?”

She shook her head.

“You are way too smart for your own good sometimes. Ignorance can be bliss, Syd. But if you really want to know...”

“I do, Mom. If I’m going to be taking responsibility for my power from now on, I think I deserve to be in the loop.”

“Fair enough,” she said. And laughed. “I’ve been wanting to include you in coven business for years and you refused. Now that things are getting dangerous, you decide to poke your nose in. I’m glad, Syd.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I said.

“Story in fifteen,” she smiled at me and left the kitchen.

I sat back in my chair and heard the rustle of the paper in my pocket. I pulled out the crumpled invitation and smoothed it out on the tabletop. Seriously, did I need any more trouble? Who knew the real reason Page invited me? Even if her motives were pure, were Suzanne’s? Did I want to risk humiliation, torment or worse yet, their attempts to make me one of their—gag—BFF’s?

I dismissed the orange and black bit of paper. I climbed to my feet and pulled open the closet door. I tossed it on the trash before going upstairs.

Guess I’d rather hear a bedtime story. Chapter Twenty One

By the time Mom whisked Meira in and out of the tub, dried off and in her pajamas, more than an hour had passed. Shadows deepened and lengthened, sighing into darkness as night took its turn. It didn’t take much convincing to prop my sister up into her own bed. I curled up next to her in her big pink four-poster in her frilly pink room that always made me feel slightly nauseated in daylight. We listened as our mother told us a fairy tale. Even Sassy joined in the fun, finding a comfy place for himself on the satin bedspread between us. Meira blinked slowly, worn out from the earlier excitement. It didn’t take long for the rhythmic sound of our mother’s voice droning out a story to bring on huge yawns.

Mom folded up the book and bent over Meira, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Night, sweet one,” she said.

“Night, Mommy,” Meira answered. Mom gave me a steady gaze full of meaning before leaving the room.

I slid down the bed, almost missing Meira sneaking her hand under her pillow and to her mouth.

“Meems,” I said, “tell me you don’t have chocolate under there.”

Meira grinned, teeth covered. I shivered a little. It reminded me of Gram. What was it about Hayle women and chocolate?

“Meira,” I went for the candy and took most of it. “You know not to eat sweets after you brush your teeth.”

She made a face at me. Meanwhile, Sassy pawed at her, humming under his breath. She handed the impatient cat a piece. He dove on it, tongue swiping it over and over, contented purring rumbling out of him.

“Fine,” I said, “whatever, you two. Enjoy.” I went to the door and reached for the light. I turned back, watching them slurp up the last of it.

“Oh, Sass,” I called to him.

He continued to lick the chocolate, ignoring me completely.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “When you puke, try not to do it on Meira’s bed, okay?”

His huge yellow gaze focused on me.

“I’ll be in your room by then,” he purred.


I walked the hall to my mother’s door and knocked.

“Come in,” she said.

I eased the door open and found her sitting very still in her wrought iron vanity chair waiting for me. I took a seat on the black satin comforter, shadowed by the canopy of the huge bed, reverting to childhood for a moment as the scent of lilacs embraced me. I collected a small clump of silver cat fur from the silver embroidered runner and rolled it into a ball. Mom was the picture of poise, legs neatly crossed, hands still in her lap. Whenever my mother went into coven leader mode, it made me nervous.

“So?” I said.

“So,” she answered.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” No way was I letting her off the hook.

“Nothing Louisa or Martin did caused what happened,” Mom told me. I saw a flicker of something in her face most people would miss. But she was my mother, and I knew when she was worried.

“So it was an attack,” I said.

“Not necessarily,” she rubbed her eyes with one hand. I saw how tired my mother looked. I hadn’t exactly been helping the last few days. Sudden guilt and a surge of protectiveness washed over me. This was bigger than my whiny self-absorption. If my family was in danger, I needed to suck it up. Being in constant battle state with Mom wasn’t helping either one of us.

Time for change.

“What does that mean?” I asked. When she hesitated, I made a face. “Mom, come on. Be straight with me, please. If we’re in danger…”

“I don’t know, honey,” she said so softly I had to lean forward to hear her. “And it worries me.”

Okay, now she had said it. Way worse.

“Can I do anything to help?” I wanted to go to her and put my head in her lap like I used to when I was little so she could stroke my hair and make me feel better. Having the most powerful witch around confused and afraid wasn’t comforting at all.

“I don’t know, Syd,” she said. “Tell me again about what you felt at your grandmother’s door.”

We spent the next hour dissecting every event I had been involved in. When I mentioned the two times the green tinted magic affected me, she took a moment to have another peek in my head but admitted quickly she couldn’t find any trace of it and had no idea what it meant. By the

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