» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

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we had it nailed.
Jack was at the helm, glassing the horizon. I guessed for signs of Land. I moved forward and asked him if we were close. He said, “Close enough,” and handed me the binoculars and pointed the direction I should look. There were a couple of fishing boats visible on the horizon. I nodded when I made them. He said, “Land is not too far, half a day‟s sail. Maybe less. I want to check them out before getting too close. You never know what they really are until you glass.”
He opened a beer but kept the watch as we moved closer. About ten minutes later he put the glasses down and said, “Fishing charters. Fuckers greener than you being ripped off and loving it.”
I said, “Kind of like you did me that first morning?”
He said, “Four-hundred and fifty dollars to spend a friggin‟ day anywhere with me is a bargain.”
I said, “That it was, Jack. That it was.” He grinned like he‟d won a prize.
I said, “By the way Jack, we never did settle on a salary for you. How much do I own you for getting us here alive?”
He said, “I was going to really stick it to your ass when this thing started. But you‟ve allowed me to treat the vessel as my own and didn‟t say shit about the girls. I‟ve had plenty to eat and drink. Hell you even saved my ass when that marlin speared me. How‟s three grand a month if I stay on?”
I had grown fond of Jack but didn‟t want it seem happy with his figure. I frowned saying, “Goddamn, Jack, you think I‟m made of money? You almost got yourself killed by that damned marlin which would have left us without a captain and not knowing where we even were, and almost got us killed in a hurricane. Shit, Jack?”
He said, I lived and you lived. That is what a good captain does. He see to it everyone lives.”
I said, “And what is this, „If I stay on shit?‟
He smiled and said, “I haven‟t decided if I‟ll stay as your captain as of yet.”
I said, “What? You think I would even want to hire you as a permanent captain.
He fired back with, “I know how boring this trip would have been with Captain Britt England at the helm and so do you. We‟ll see after a few days on dry land. I may just stay with you and The Island Girl.”
It was an argument I didn‟t care to continue so I gave him a look and walked off toward my island girl. I said, “You look ready for dry land.”
She smiled and said, “Let‟s do the town tonight!”
I said, “Tonight, the land of Trinidad is yours to do with as you please. It‟s just over the horizon. I hope Jack has contacted the port to arrange mooring for The Island Girl and I had better go check on that with him.”
He must have heard me because he screamed, “You‟re just digging for a goddamn way to Jew me down. For your information, I called the harbormaster early this morning to let him know our needs and expectations. So get off my ass and write the goddamn check.” I doubled over laughing. That really pissed him off. He yelled, “What the fuck is so goddamn funny?”
Once I got to where I could talk, I said, “You shithead.”
“You‟re too nervous over the salary you want to be thinking anything except you have over priced your ass as a Captain. I‟m thinking I could hire a native Trinidadian captain for a few pesos compared to your high-dollar ass.”
Jack, said, “I will not back off one friggin‟ dime. Attempt to Jew anymore and the price of my services will increase proportionally.”
I said, “So you really do want to swim back to Key West?”
I let it set a moment before I said, “Jack, seriously, I want you to know, I have no intentions of firing you. Your price is fair for the amount of adventure and entertainment that comes with you being captain. However, if you choose to leave The Island Girl, never fear I will replace you at a cheaper rate but I am sure lacking the adventure you freely provided. Anyway, I would like for you to stay on as captain.”
He said, “I fucking knew it. You‟ve changed methods in an attempt to soften me up, but still working to Jew.”
I said, „Damn it, Jack, I said your price was fair. What the hell do you want?”
He scratched his head and said, “Three girls with an option to switch them out at every port. And more higher priced rum. I am not rotting my gut on the cheap shit you‟ve been serving. That‟s the deal. Take it or leave it.”
I said, “Jack, you drive a hard bargain, but your terms are acceptable.”
He said, „Goddamnit, I knew I could have gotten more. Well, I‟ll know better next time. A deal is a deal and Ol‟ Jack never goes back on his word, so If I choose to accept your offer and continue as captain of The Island Girl, I‟ll let you know, and I will keep my word on that.”
He went on to say, “Now, if you would be so generous as to anti-up for my past services so I can enjoy life at port, I would be very grateful. You are aware that selecting the next three will not be an inexpensive outing. There is a substantial cost to holding auditions. I intend to be much more particular than usual and that is always a pricey endeavor.” I nodded in agreement, as I counted hundred dollar bills from the ship‟s cashbox. I said, “You‟re breaking me up.”
He said, “Women are worth it!”
I handed him the cash and being Jack, he recounted it. I shook my head and headed above.
My island girl had gone below to get ready for the evening. I watched ahead as land instead of the sea became the horizon. Just as the long rows of waves became long streamers like contrails as they became breakers rolling toward the beaches, she rejoined me at the bow. She was dressed in the bright color of the islands and looked as pretty as an island princess. Her smiles grew larger as we sailed closer.
We could see many boats and the tall ships with mast of full sails were like fat ghost, free-floating on our sea. We stood together as land formed into bright colors. It looked as if they had painted it just for us. We could do nothing to speed it up and that
caused it to be more intriguing. A few aircraft circled, filled with sightseers and vacationers and I felt somewhat bad for them.
I‟m sure it is a beautiful sight from the air, but zipping in at two-hundred miles per hour certainly steals away the mystique of wonderment that sailing slowly in holds. We were feeling the moment. She squeezed my hand tightly as a coastline came to life. It was late enough in the day for the little town to be bustling. From here, it seemed the big money box stores hadn‟t found the way to this small village yet or they were very well hidden from sight. I hoped they were not here.
From afar, it had a look of coastal town where mom and pop were the big business. We anchored a few hundred yards from shore and a small dinghy came to get us. I helped my island girl into the dinghy and Jack herded his girls over the side of The Island Girl. He was last in and he gave our vessel the once over before shoving off. The little boat chopped at the waves bouncing us as we motored in.
The landing was old and wooden and a short climb up. The buildings were more huts than anything else. A Street ran along the beachfront and it was filled with natives selling their goods. The men were barefooted and in khaki shorts and faded Hawaiian shirts. The women were wearing dresses of lightweight bright colored silk like wraps and many women had bright colored head wraps covering their hair. Against the standard tan of the huts, everything was island bright and inviting.
We were deciding what we wanted to do first and must have been taking too long because Jack said, “I‟m off to do my bidding,” as he and the girls headed into town. I hugged my island girl and said, “Wonder if we‟ll ever see him again?”
She said, “What are you talking about?” I told her about the chat I‟d had with Jack. She said, “We‟ll see him again. It may not be as our captain, but we certainly will meet on some island somewhere. Jack will always be somewhere near the sea and show up when least expected.”
We watched Jack walk away with one of his girls on each arm and we both chuckled at the sight. We turned and went the opposite direction towards the market. She said, “Lets buy something new to wear and get a room.” She looked deep into my eyes, and said, “I want to break Trinidad in in the proper fashion.”
I took the hint, and hugged her tightly and said, “You bet, lady!”
We walked easily and slowly through the heat to the open market area, her underneath my arm, head on my shoulder. The sounds of the street were native and erotic and I knew she was right. We were going to do nothing we didn‟t want to do and every moment would be something we‟d have with us forever and all because she had believed in me and believed in dreams.


Publication Date: 06-07-2011

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